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Quality issues in Higher Education and Challenges of NAAC Assessment Dr. Ganesh Hegde Asst. Adviser, NAAC Ganesh Hegde, Asst. Adviser, NAAC 1
AFFILIATING UNIVERSITY DIVERSITY AT THE LEVEL OF COLLEGES v Constituent Colleges v Affiliated Colleges v Government Colleges v Private Colleges - Aided v Aided Colleges with unaided courses v Totally unaided Colleges/ Self-financing v Autonomous Colleges Rural Vs Urban Professional Vs Non-Professional Digital Vs Non-digital …. . etc. Ganesh Hegde, Asst. Adviser, NAAC 2
Need for Quality Education Quality in Higher Education stressed in National Policy on Education(1986) and Programme of Action (1992) “Excellence of institutions of Higher Education is a function of many aspects: Self-evaluation and self-improvement are important. If a mechanism is set up which will encourage self assessment in institutions and assessment and accreditation by a Council……… The quality process, participation, achievements etc. , will be constantly monitored and improved. ” Establishment of NAAC on 16 th September, 1994. Ganesh Hegde, Asst. Adviser, NAAC 3
National Assessment and Accreditation Council To make quality the defining element of higher education in India through a combination of self and external quality evaluation, promotion and sustenance initiatives. Ganesh Hegde, Asst. Adviser, NAAC 4
NAAC Process… LOI Submission See the IEQA format 40 days In-house analysis of the SSR/RAR Maximum 180 days Peer Team to visit date finalization in consultation with HEIS Meetings with stakeholders (parents, alumni, students, teachers, management, representatives from Government/University IEQA status - online IEQA format – submission online Maximum 180 days Preparation of the SSR/RAR by the HEIs Submission of the SSR/RAR by the HEIs Maximum 180 days Constituting a Peer Team to visit the HEIs On-site visit by the Peer Team Interaction with the Head of the Institution Visit to departments and common facilities 5 Contd to next slide…. Ganesh Hegde, Asst. Adviser, NAAC
NAAC Process… Verification of documentation Preparation of draft Peer Team Report Exit meeting: Presentation of the Report within 90 days Communicating the decision to the HEIs Executive Committee decision of NAAC Maximum 30 days Consideration of appeal from HEIs, if any Issuing a Certificate to the HEIs Ganesh Hegde, Asst. Adviser, NAAC Feedback to the NAAC Re. Accreditat ion after five years 6
Submitting IEQA Ø IEQA application is to be submitted online through NAAC website: www. naac. gov. in. Ø NAAC would intimate the track id. , and inform the institutions to submit IEQA. Ø Hardcopy of same may be submitted along with Demand Draft of Rs. 28090/- in favour of The Director, NAAC. Ø Sign the declaration at the end of IEQA format. Ø No supporting documents are required at this stage. However, keep in mind that, all data will be verified by peer team during assessment visit. Ø Wait for communication from NAAC normally within 3 months. Ganesh Hegde, Asst. Adviser, NAAC 7
Stage 2 ü Institutional Eligibility for Quality Assessment (IEQA) approved college to submit SSR within 6 months time ü Other HEIs – University, Autonomous Colleges and affiliated colleges declared by UGC as CPE; Reaccreditation colleges need not go through Stage 1 ü These HEI should submit LOI online, wait for the NAAC intimation letter ü Eligibility verification done by Coordinators and informed to HEI. NAAC Regional ü Other eligible HEIs to submit SSR within 6 Months of their LOI. ü The Institutions which could not get the IEQA may resubmit IEQA after 6 months from the date of last IEQA. Ganesh Hegde, Asst. Adviser, NAAC 8
Seven criteria of NAAC Criteria: 1 - Curricular Aspects Criteria: 2 - Teaching-learning and evaluation Criteria: 3 - Research, consultancy and extension Criteria: 4 - Infrastructure and learning resources Criteria: 5 - Student support and progression Criteria: 6 - Governance Leadership and Management Criteria: 7 – Innovations and Best Practices Ganesh Hegde, Asst. Adviser, NAAC 9
Criteria statement and key aspects are more or less same but many questions have been fine-tuned. Total 32 Key Aspects under seven criteria, with more than 210 key indicators Ganesh Hegde, Asst. Adviser, NAAC 10
Criterion-wise differential weightages Criteria University Autonomous College Affiliated/ Constituent Colleges I II 150 200 150 300 100 350 250 150 100 100 100 1000 Curricular Aspects Teaching-Learning and Evaluation III Research, Consultancy and Extension IV Infrastructure and Learning Resources V Student Support and Progression VI Governance Leadership and Management VII Innovations and Best Practices Total Score Ganesh Hegde, Asst. Adviser, NAAC 11
Format SSR/RAR comprise: ü Preface ü Content page ü Executive Summary inclusive of SWOC analysis of Institution ü Profile of the Institution ü Criteria-wise Evaluative Report Not to exceed 200 pages. to be provided by each Dept. üDepartment-wise evaluative Report Ganesh Hegde, Asst. Adviser, NAAC 12
With SSR Ø Five copy of the SSR Ø CD in soft copy. pdf Ø Compliance Certificate by the College Ø Signature at the end of the SSR - original Ø Affiliation Certificate Ø XI/ XII plan grant copy Ganesh Hegde, Asst. Adviser, NAAC 13
About the Manual § The Questions in the Manual are very specific and to the point, and in certain cases, exhaustive (What; Give details of etc) § Some of the questions even redefine our understanding of higher education § Give brief and clear answers pertaining to institution, department or the teacher concerned § The expectations are very high in case of Teachers and Departments, as they have been brought to the centre stage of institutional assessment § Institutional contributions to Core Values are spread across the Questionnaire Ganesh Hegde, Asst. Adviser, NAAC 14
Criterion-I Curricular Aspects 100 1. Curriculum Planning and Implementation 20 2. Academic Flexibility 30 3. Curriculum Enrichment 30 4. Feedback System 20 Any other relevant information which the institution wishes to Ganesh Hegde, Asst. Adviser, NAAC 15 15 include
Curricular Aspects * Initiatives for effective curriculum delivery * Development of curriculum for own programmes – process * Core and Elective options * Choice based credit system * Self financing programmes – vary from aided? * Skill development programmes * Blended learning * Curriculum enrichment – graduates employable * Multi-disciplinary issues – gender, climatic change, human rights, etc. Ganesh Hegde, Asst. Adviser, NAAC 16
Curricular Aspects (2) Ensure that the Curriculum is consistent with institutional vision/ mission – Go beyond University 1. Autonomous and Add-on Certificate, Diploma programs & self-financing programs 2. Explore for Cafeteria mode with CBCS 3. Upward integration with PG/ M. Phil / Ph. D. programs 4. Effective planning, implementation and monitoring systems 5. Feedback mechanism from user sectors/students on curriculum Ganesh Hegde, Asst. Adviser, NAAC 17
Criterion-II Teaching-Learning and Evaluation 350 1. Student Enrolment and Profile 30 2. Catering to Diverse Needs of Students 50 3. Teaching Learning Process 100 4. Teacher Quality 80 5. Evaluation Process & Reforms 50 6. Student Performance & Learning Outcomes 40 Any other relevant information which the institution wishes Ganesh Hegde, Asst. Adviser, NAAC 18 to include
Teaching-learning and Evaluation * * * * * Internal mechanism to review admission process and student profile – outcome Diversity and inclusion Sensitizing faculty to issues on inclusion Collaborative and independent learning Nurturing generic competencies Use of technology Qualified senior faculties in emerging areas? Faculty development / recharge Learning outcomes Ganesh Hegde, Asst. Adviser, NAAC 19
Teaching-learning and Evaluation (2) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Admission policy and transparency Appointment Policy and Process Comprehensive Academic Calendar Promotion of Learner-centric teaching/learning Planned Faculty Development / Enrichment programs Ensure faculty accountability (a) Performance Monitoring and Appraisal (b) Objective and efficient Students Evaluation of Teachers (c) Follow up of Professional Code of Conduct Ensure transparent, efficient and objective examination system Ensure that each department defines Learning Outcomes of programs, and monitor the outcomes Ganesh Hegde, Asst. Adviser, NAAC 20
Criterion III Research, Consultancy and Extension 1. 150 Promotion of Research 20 2. Resource Mobilization for Research 10 3. Research Facilities 10 4. Research Publications & Awards 20 5. Consultancy 10 6. Extension Activities and Institutional Social Responsibility 7. Collaborations 60 20 Any other relevant information which the institution wishes to include Ganesh Hegde, Asst. Adviser, NAAC 21
Research, Consultancy and Extension * * * * Capacity building of teachers Attracting researchers of eminence Resource mobilization Facilities for research Collaborative research facilities Publication listed in international database Institution policy for consultancy Institutional Social Responsibility Ganesh Hegde, Asst. Adviser, NAAC 22
Research, Consultancy and Extension 1. Set up Research Promotion Committee and introduce system of incentives 2. Define thrust areas of research and motivate faculty to engage in academic and applied research 3. Ensure every eligible teacher to take up research projects – minor/major and industrial and use the funds for departmental / institutional development 4. Promote Publication in refereed Journals 5. Encourage IPR related activities 6. Establish Industry Linkages & Collaborations 7. Develop competencies for Consultancy and lay down Norms for sharing of benefits 8. Funding, motivating and participating in Institutional Social Responsibility & Extension activities Ganesh Hegde, Asst. Adviser, NAAC 23
Criteria IV 100 Infrastructure and Learning Resources 1. Physical facilities 30 2. Library as Learning Resource 20 3. IT Infrastructure 30 4. Maintenance of Campus Facilities 20 Any other relevant information which the institution wishes to include Ganesh Hegde, Asst. Adviser, NAAC 24
Infrastructure and Learning Resources (2) * * * Planning and optimal utilization Facilities for students and staff Adequate and well equipped physical facilities for curricular, extra and co-curricular activities Library – e-resources, IT infrastructure Maintenance of Campus Online learning resources Ganesh Hegde, Asst. Adviser, NAAC 25
Infrastructure and Learning Resources • Provide for utilities, uninterrupted electricity/drinking water supply • Library space, Books, Journals & Periodicals, Open Access, Internet, Digital and e-library and monitor the use • Full-fledged ICT/Digital connectivity, Language/business Labs • Multimedia and Virtual classrooms • Dynamic Institutional website • Ensure full utilization of infrastructure/Equipments & Maintenance • Housekeeping & Cleanliness Ganesh Hegde, Asst. Adviser, NAAC 26
Criterion V Student Support and Progression 100 1. Student Mentoring & Support 50 2. Student Progression 30 1. Student Participation & Activities 20 Any other relevant information which the institution wishes to include Ganesh Hegde, Asst. Adviser, NAAC 27
Student Support and Progression (1) * Counseling services - proactive and enabling environment, Mentoring * Sensitivity towards issues of social justice, including gender, class and caste * Anti-ragging , Prevention of sexual harassment * Career guidance and placement services * Facilitating educational loans * Student representation on decision making bodies Ganesh Hegde, Asst. Adviser, NAAC 28
Student Support and Progression (2) • Gender Sensitization & Women Development programs • Monitoring drop outs & ensure accountability for 75% attendance • Training Centre for Competitive Exams / IT Literacy • Information centre for higher education in India/Abroad • Vocational Guidance and Summer Placement • Promotion of NSS/NCC, Sports. Games and Cultural activities • Leadership development programs • Effective Grievances redressal, Welfare & Incentive systems • Provide for remedial programs for those at risk of failure • Strengthening Alumni Interface • Build bridges with Parents – past and present Ganesh Hegde, Asst. Adviser, NAAC 29
Criterion VI 100 Governance Leadership and Management 1. Institutional Vision & Leadership 10 2. Strategy Development & Deployment 3. Faculty Empowerment Strategies 4. 10 30 Financial Management & Resource Mobilization 5. 20 Internal Quality Assurance Systems 30 Any other relevant information which the institution wishes to include Ganesh Hegde, Asst. Adviser, NAAC 30
Governance, Leadership & Management * * * * Long-term and short-term planning Championing organizational change Leadership development for senior faculty Quality policy Analysis of student feedback Performance appraisal of teachers Professional development of faculty Ganesh Hegde, Asst. Adviser, NAAC 31
• Set up formal system of Institutional Governance • Mode of Management Interface – decentralization and delegation • Agenda, Deliberations & Minutes, Action taken Report • Grooming of second line of Leadership • Evolving strategic plan for achieving vision/mission • Perspective Plan for future development based on SWOC • Management Information Systems • Facilitating Academic /Administrative Audit, Accreditation & Follow up • Legal Matters: Grievances Committee, Tribunal/Courts • Reports in Media Ganesh Hegde, Asst. Adviser, NAAC 32
• Budgeting, Fund flow and utilization • Ensure transparent and proper book-keeping and accounts and Monitoring bank accounts / deposits / reconciliation • Computerization of accounting • Budgetary controls, Internal / Statutory / Government audit • Resource Planning and Mobilization • Creating Corpus Fund for future development Ganesh Hegde, Asst. Adviser, NAAC 33
• Formation of IQAC & Institutionalizing QA process • Promotion of Quality Culture & Quest for Excellence • Implementation of IQAC decisions • Communication of QA policies and outcomes to all stakeholders • Timely submission of AQAR • Conduct SWOC analysis of the institution and communicate to stakeholders for feedback and follow up action Ganesh Hegde, Asst. Adviser, NAAC 34
Criterion VII 100 Innovations and Best Practices 1. Environment Consciousness 30 2. Innovations 30 3. Best Practices 40 Ganesh Hegde, Asst. Adviser, NAAC 35
Environment Consciousness - Green Audit – Eco-friendly initiatives v Energy conservation v Use of renewable energy v Water harvesting v Check dam construction v Efforts for Carbon neutrality v Plantation v Hazardous waste management v e-waste management Individual Social Responsibility Ganesh Hegde, Asst. Adviser, NAAC 36
Environment Consciousness • • • Proper Maintenance of Campus Conduct of Green Audit, Energy Audit Management of all types of Waste Rain water harvesting and provision for clean drinking water Provide for energy saving system, including alternative sources energy Promotion of Innovative/Inclusive Practices Networking with industry, and all stakeholders Promotion of Autonomy – both of and in the college Creation of a Brand Image Ganesh Hegde, Asst. Adviser, NAAC 37
LEADERSHIP • LEADERSHIP is "organizing a group of people to achieve a common Vision". • Michael King: ‘Leadership is the ability to engage, inspire, and motivate others towards accomplishing shared visions and goals’. Ganesh Hegde, Asst. Adviser, NAAC 38
Evaluative Report of Departmental Inputs and Analysis integrated Great opportunity to Showcase the Department / Teachers responding to the 35 Questions covering - 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Details of Programmes Details of students Details of faculty Details of funded research / projects Details of research facilities/recognition Details of publication Details of consultancy Awards/recognition Eminent visitors Seminar / conferences organized and source of funding Students progression Departmental infrastructure/facilities Details of teaching methods Participation in extension activities Ganesh Hegde, Asst. Adviser, NAAC 39
Key Aspect-wise Assessment Indicators as guidelines/probes Key aspects Criteria I II IV V VI VII Key indicators/ Guides for assessors 4 6 7, 6, 6, 7 (26) 4, 4, 10, 9, 7, 7 (41) 7 4 11, 5, 6, 12, 6, 10, 6 (56) 8, 8, 4, 3 (23) 3 13, 4, 5 (22) 5 8, 8, 10, 6, 6 (38) 3 3, 1, 1 (5) Curricular Aspects Teaching-Learning and Evaluation Research, Consultancy and Extension Infrastructure and Learning Resources Student Support and Progression Governance, Leadership and Manangement Innovations and Best Practices Total Ganesh Hegde, Asst. Adviser, NAAC 32 211 40
Curricular Aspects Key Aspect-wise Assessment Indicators as guidelines/probes* Curriculum Planning and Implementation (8) 9 Assessment Indicators Academic flexibility (6) Curriculum Enrichment(6) Feedback System(3) 7 Assessment Indicators 4 Assessment Indicators Ganesh Hegde, Asst. Adviser, NAAC 41
The same instrument is used for all cycles of AA Department – wise Evaluative Report Ganesh Hegde, Asst. Adviser, NAAC 42
Subsequent Cycles of Accreditation • In the SSRs /RARs institutions opting for subsequent cycles of accreditation need to highlight the significant quality sustenance and enhancement measures undertaken during the last four years (narrative not exceeding 10 pages to be annexed as “Post-accreditation initiatives”). Ganesh Hegde, Asst. Adviser, NAAC 43
Subsequent Cycles of Accreditation A functional Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) and timely submission of Annual Quality Assurance Reports (AQARs) are the Minimum Institutional Requirements (MIR) to volunteer for subsequent cycles (second, third or fourth) of accreditation. Ganesh Hegde, Asst. Adviser, NAAC 44
POST-ACCREDITATION INITIATIVES Many of the suggestions made by the last NAAC peer team has been taken up. ü Especially in facilitating establishment of strategic quality management systems for ensuring continuous improvement ü Activate the system and raise the institutional capabilities to higher levels ensuring continuous quality improvement. Ganesh Hegde, Asst. Adviser, NAAC 45
Subsequent Cycles of Accreditation To volunteer for subsequent cycle of accreditation, institutions should record their intent six months before the expiry of the accreditation status and initiate institutional preparations for submission of SSRs. The institutions which record their intent to volunteer for subsequent cycle of accreditation and submit the SSRs within the stipulated time may continue to use the outcome of the previous cycle of accreditation till the status of next cycle Accreditation is declared by NAAC. Ganesh Hegde, Asst. Adviser, NAAC 46
TRANSPARENCY/ ACCOUNTABILITY v. Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) is an important component of SSR/RAR every year need to be submitted to NAAC through email v. SSR/RAR to be put up on the University /College Website to ensure transparency/ accountability and stakeholders to comments on the authenticity of information furnished (before 5 th Month and submit to NAAC within 6 months) v. Incorrect or false information will attract penal action Ganesh Hegde, Asst. Adviser, NAAC 47
2. 3 Teaching-Learning Process 2. 3. 1 How does the college plan and organize the teaching, learning and evaluation schedules? (Academic calendar, teaching plan, evaluation blue print, etc. ) 2. 3. 2 How does IQAC contribute to improve the teaching –learning process? 2. 3. 3 How is learning made more student-centric? Give details on the support structures and systems available for teachers to develop skills like interactive learning, collaborative learning and independent learning among the students? 2. 3. 4 How does the institution nurture critical thinking, creativity and scientific temper among the students to transform them into life-long learners and innovators? 2. 3. 5 What are the technologies and facilities available and used by the faculty for effective teaching? Eg: Virtual laboratories, e-learning resources from National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL) and National Mission on Education through Information and Communication Technology (NME-ICT), open educational resources, Ganesh Hegde, Asst. Adviser, NAAC 48 mobile education, etc.
2. 3. 6 How are the students and faculty exposed to advanced level of knowledge and skills (blended learning, expert lectures, seminars, workshops etc. )? 2. 3. 7 Detail (process and the number of students benefitted) on the academic, personal and psycho-social support and guidance services (professional counseling/mentoring/academic advise) provided to students? 2. 3. 8 Provide details of innovative teaching approaches/methods adopted by the faculty during the last four years? What are the efforts made by the institution to encourage the faulty to adopt new and innovative approaches and the impact of such innovative practices on student learning? 2. 3. 9 How are library resources used to augment the teachinglearning process? 2. 3. 10 Does the institution face any challenges in completing the curriculum within the planned time frame and calendar? If ‘yes’, elaborate on the challenges encountered and the institutional approaches to overcome these. 2. 3. 11 How does the institute monitor and evaluate the quality of teaching learning? Ganesh Hegde, Asst. Adviser, NAAC 49
Key Aspect-wise Assessment Indicators as guideline/ probes 2. 3 Teaching -learning process (100) The institution meticulously plans and organizes its teaching schedule Student Centred methods are an integral part of the pedagogy adopted by the faculty Experiential learning, Participative learning, problem solving methodologies are used for enhancing learning experiences. The institution has formal linkages with national agencies like NMEICT to promote blended learning. Latest technologies are used by the faculty for effective teaching. (elearning resources OERs, NPTEL etc. ) Learning environment is conducive for critical thinking, creativity and scientific temper. The Institution follows a system of mentor-mentee to meet the academic and personal needs of students. The Institution gives due recognition to innovative and creative contributions of its faculty and students. Projects / field experiences are integrated into the learning programmes. Feedback on the evaluation of teachers is leveraged for improvement of the quality of teaching-learning process. Ganesh Hegde, Asst. Adviser, NAAC 50
GRADING SYSTEM - UNCHANGED The Grade (A, B, C or D) given to each of the 32 Key Aspects is converted in to equivalent Quantities (4, 3, 2, 1, 0 etc) Weighted Score is arrived at (e g: 10 x 3 = 30) Weighted score of each of the key aspects are added up to get the Criterion Total Score Criterion score is divided by the Criterion Weight to arrive at the Criterion Grade Point. (next slide) Ganesh Hegde, Asst. Adviser, NAAC 51
CALCULATION OF GRADE: ILLUSTRATION Example: X 1 Curricular Aspects 100 Out of 4 Score 1. Curriculum Planning & Implementation 20 3 60 2. Curriculum Flexibility 30 3 90 3. Curriculum Enrichment 30 2 60 4. Feedback System 20 0 00 __________________________________ 210 GP X 1 = 60 + 90 + 60 + 00 = 210 = 2. 10 100 Similarly, GP can be worked out for Criterion X 2 to X 7. Ganesh Hegde, Asst. Adviser, NAAC 52
INSTITUTIONAL GRADE IG = (100 x 2. 5) + (350 x 2. 8)…. + (100 x 2. 6) = _2750_ 1000 = 2. 75 Range of institutional Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) Letter Grade Performance Descriptor 3. 01 - 4. 00 A 2. 01 - 3. 00 B 1. 51 - 2. 00 C Very Good (Accredited) Satisfactory (Accredited) Unsatisfactory (Not accredited) < 1. 50 D Ganesh Hegde, Asst. Adviser, NAAC 53
PT Report is shared with the Head of Institution, which is formally handed over to him at the Exit Meeting. However, the Grade Sheet is absolutely confidential, which will be disclosed by NAAC Office once approved by the Executive Committee If aggrieved, the institution may make an appeal to Director, NAAC, who will place it before the Appeal Committee, whose decision, after due consideration, will be final and binding. Ganesh Hegde, Asst. Adviser, NAAC 54
Duties and Responsibilities of Higher Education Institutions V/s NAAC HEIs need to submit various documents to NAAC on receipt of track id. HEI to upload SSR on the institution website one month prior to submission of the final document (under intimation to NAAC) and retain the same till the PTV is completed. Public Disclosure Policy Accreditation Award Ceremony – Head of the institution to receive the accreditation certificate in person. Eligibility Fee structure Institutions need to be careful w. r. t. old and revised manuals, while they are preparing the SSR/RAR Ganesh Hegde, Asst. Adviser, NAAC 55
Guidelines for SSR submission Along with the guidelines mentioned in the institutionspecific NAAC manuals, the institutions are expected to do the following: Universities are required to submit 10 copies of the SSR/RAR and colleges 5 five copies. Ø The main document –SSR/RAR – of not more than 200 pages should contain focused information as per the relevant NAAC manuals. Annexure and supporting documents need not be enclosed with the SSR, and may be presented to the Peer Team during the on-site visit. Ø A soft copy of the institutional SSR/RAR should also be submitted to NAAC in the Microsoft Word format in a CD. Cont’d Ganesh Hegde, Asst. Adviser, NAAC 56
Cont’d Ø Institutions recognized under 2(f ) & 12(B) of UGC have to submit a photocopy of the certificate of such recognition or a photocopy of the Xth plan developmental grants as sanctioned by the UGC duly attested by the Head of the institution. Ø While submitting the SSR/RAR, the institution has to indicate three options of time slots in the order of preference for the Peer Team Visit, the first choice being after 60 days of submission of the SSR/RAR to the NAAC. Ø Validity of the Self-Study Report is limited to 6 months. Ganesh Hegde, Asst. Adviser, NAAC 57
Fee Structure On the recommendations of the Executive Committee (EC) of NAAC, the University Grants Commission (UGC) has approved the following fee structure: For seeking LOI, IEQA Status, for Affiliated and Constituent Colleges seeking A/A for the first-time Rs. 28090/- (each time) For Fee structure Please see our website Cont’d Ganesh Hegde, Asst. Adviser, NAAC 58
NAAC-UGC Assistance Accreditation and Re-Accreditation • For those Institutions recognized under 2(f ) & 12(B) of UGC have to submit a photocopy of the certificate of such recognition or a photocopy of the XIth plan developmental grants as sanctioned by the UGC duly attested by the Head of the institution along with SSR/ RAR. Ganesh Hegde, Asst. Adviser, NAAC 59
Guidelines for UGC Assistance for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education Institutions (please make sure that all the team members will provide the bills and necessary travel voucher, air tickets, boarding pass to the co-ordinator of the institution for payment) Other–wise you may not get the reimbursement Ganesh Hegde, Asst. Adviser, NAAC 60
From Peer team Chairperson / Member Coordinator/Member No Conflict of Interest Statement (signed by the chairperson and members – individually) Declaration to be given by Peer Team – Collectively Code of Conduct to be given by Peer Team Members – Individually Feedback from peer team members – Individually or Collectively Ganesh Hegde, Asst. Adviser, NAAC 61
From Institution No Conflict of Interest Statement (signed and sealed by the Head of the Institution) Declaration to be given by Head of the Institution (signed and sealed by the Head of the Institution) Feedback from the College / Institution (signed and sealed by the Head of the Institution within a week need to be sent to NAAC) Code of Conduct to be given by Head of the Institution (signed and sealed by the Head of the Institution) Ganesh Hegde, Asst. Adviser, NAAC 62
To give the Peer Team Hard Copy of the Peer Team Report (signed in all pages by chairperson; signed by all members in the last page; signed and sealed by the Head of the Institution in the last page) Profile of the College / Institution (signed by chairperson; signed by all members of the peer team; signed and sealed by the Head of the Institution) Actual Visit Schedule (signed by chairperson and members in all pages; signed by the Head of the Institution in all pages) Ganesh Hegde, Asst. Adviser, NAAC 63
NAAC folder (to present the report in the Exit Meeting) Please Don’t open the Cover and Hand over to the Chairperson / Member Coordinator/Member of the Peer team Ganesh Hegde, Asst. Adviser, NAAC 64
HEIS ACCREDITED BY NAAC Accredited (1 st Cycle) Re-Accredited (2 st Cycle) 3 rd cycle Number of Colleges Number of Universities 5751 1805 118 196 97 20 Total 5947 1902 138 Grand Total = 7987 National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) – Dr. Ganesh A. Hegde Ganesh Hegde, Asst. Adviser, NAAC 65
Welcome for your feedback and suggestions Dr. Ganesh Hegde, Assistant Adviser, NAAC ganesh 179@gmail. com Thank You Visit: www. naac. gov. in Ganesh Hegde, Asst. Adviser, NAAC 66