
  • Количество слайдов: 31


Presentation by Prof. Anne Nangulu, Directorate of Quality Assurance, Moi University, P. O Box Presentation by Prof. Anne Nangulu, Directorate of Quality Assurance, Moi University, P. O Box 3900 -30100, Eldoret, Kenya, e-mail: anangulu@gmail. com, Mobile Phone: 0733 870 502 Teaching Skills in International Health Research Ethics (Ta. Sk. R) Workshop, hosted by Moi University, held at Sirikwa Hotel , Eldoret, Kenya, 19 th-21 st February 2014 18/03/2018 3

What is Quality? v What is quality in higher education? - Purpose for fitness? What is Quality? v What is quality in higher education? - Purpose for fitness? - Standards and Guidelines? Systems? - Rules and Regulations? Harmonization? - Ranking? Value? Excellence? - Quality is content bound? - Benchmarking? Note: The term, benchmark, means a measure of best practice performance (based on UNESCO definition see details Roadmap Vol. 1, p. 30) 18/03/2018 4

Then, what is Quality Assurance? Universities and Institutions of higher learning have; v Internal Then, what is Quality Assurance? Universities and Institutions of higher learning have; v Internal and External Quality Assurance mechanisms to ensure Quality Assurance These are in the form of; v Internal mechanisms - Statutes; Charters, Strategic Plans; Policies, Rules and Regulations; Handbooks; Guidelines v External mechanisms – mainly from international organizations; governments & regulatory agencies -Treaties, Protocols; Guidelines (e. g. UNESCO Guidelines for higher education; University Act (s); Standards; Handbooks; Legal Frameworks, Constitutions among others. NOTE: Including ISO 9001: 20 5

Why Quality Assurance in Higher Education? Quality standards, guidelines, harmonization & ethics implications v Why Quality Assurance in Higher Education? Quality standards, guidelines, harmonization & ethics implications v Curb “commercialization” of university education & related ethical implications v Focus on knowledge creation innovations; patents; awards – indicators of quality education & excellence - based on ethical considerations v Foster quality teaching, research; project proposal writing & funding; visibility; & dissemination – “publish or perish” 18/03/2018 6

Continue v. Knowledge, skill acquisition & attitudes - applicability to improve livelihoods (disciplinary, inter-disciplinary, Continue v. Knowledge, skill acquisition & attitudes - applicability to improve livelihoods (disciplinary, inter-disciplinary, multidisciplinary & trans-disciplinary approaches) v. Institutional niche; uniqueness & global competiveness Note - main aspect: continuous improvement v. To ensure Quality Assurance in teaching, learning, and research NOTE – Quality Assurance to be undertaken in the following areas: 18/03/2018 7

Curriculum/Study Programme/Course Inclusive Curriculum/Study Programmes/Courses v“Curriculum” means: - A document that comprises a stated Curriculum/Study Programme/Course Inclusive Curriculum/Study Programmes/Courses v“Curriculum” means: - A document that comprises a stated number of academic courses or teaching units that run for a specialized period which may be sub-divided into sessions (semester/term) comprising days, months or years; and related services/requirements v. Programme of Study” - means the prescribed syllabus that students must be taught at each key stage in their training (as elaborated in the Curriculum) 18/03/2018 8

Quality Requirements Introduction, Purpose & Rational v. Preamble v. Vision and Mission of the Quality Requirements Introduction, Purpose & Rational v. Preamble v. Vision and Mission of the University (Including Core Values and Quality Statement) v. Philosophy and rational of the programme/course Objectives and Learning Outcomes v. Aims of the Curriculum/Study programme/Course v. Must be realistic v And be achievable (Blooms Taxonomy - point of 18/03/2018 reference) 9

Continue NOTE: The objectives should include: v. Statement(s) spelling out the tasks the learning/student Continue NOTE: The objectives should include: v. Statement(s) spelling out the tasks the learning/student would be able to perform v or accomplish by taking a particular course v. They partly spell out the purpose of the programme/course v. They are goals of the programme/course v. They must be aligned with learning outcomes 18/03/2018 10

Learning Outcomes v. They are learner/student/graduate oriented v. They have be achievable and target Learning Outcomes v. They are learner/student/graduate oriented v. They have be achievable and target oriented v. Emphasis is on knowledge and attitudes v. Skills acquired and applicability Learning outcomes have to illustrate: v. The cognitive domain evidence of achievements in (teaching knowledge) v. The psychomotor domain (teaching skills) v. To the graduate - applicability (see Simon Kang’ethe Inaugural Lecture series, Moi University) 11

Quality Requirements and Programme Content v. To be included in the Curriculum v. Duration Quality Requirements and Programme Content v. To be included in the Curriculum v. Duration of the Programmes v. Maintenance of Adequate Staff CONTENT OF PROGRAMME v. Core/Required Courses v. Prescribed Courses v. Elective Courses v. Common Courses & optional courses v. Course Content/ Descriptions 18/03/2018 12

Minimum and Maximum Load for the Study Programme vsemester/Academic Year) – minimum per semester Minimum and Maximum Load for the Study Programme vsemester/Academic Year) – minimum per semester of 16 weeks – 21 Units and Maximum 24; Academic Year Minimum 42 Units & Maximum 48 Units -undergraduate v. Minimum-Maximum load for the Programme (to graduate) – undergraduate 168 units – 192 Units v. Based on 4 Academic Years. v. Definition of credit hours/lecture course per programme 18/03/2018 13

Continue Minimum/Maximum Load v. Credit hours/lecture course units - per semester/term/ Academic Year - Continue Minimum/Maximum Load v. Credit hours/lecture course units - per semester/term/ Academic Year - minimum contact hours calculated and stated v. Note: Credit hours/lecture course units; and minimum and maximum load for one to graduate in Medicine, Densitry & Engineering vary from other programmes NOTE: 70% content requirement – this is key 18/03/2018 14

Continue - Minimum and Maximum Load v. Master Programmes - Minimum Units 40 and Continue - Minimum and Maximum Load v. Master Programmes - Minimum Units 40 and Maximum 58 units (2 Academic Years) v. Doctoral Programme – Minimum Units 60 and Maximum Units 81 Units (Three Year Programme v. Master and Doctoral Programmes are based on Coursework, Examination and Thesis v. Definition of credit hours/lecture course units as may be applicable v. Academic semester/terms/Academic Year 18/03/2018 15

TEACHING STRATEGY/METHODOLOGY This is part of Curriculum Delivery: v. For example; Lectures, Oral Exams, TEACHING STRATEGY/METHODOLOGY This is part of Curriculum Delivery: v. For example; Lectures, Oral Exams, Class discussions, Presentations, Demonstration v. Course work (throughout the Semester/Academic Year v. Tutorials and Oral Presentations (assessed) v. Essays, tests, laboratory/Practical exercises v. Written/exams (research paper); Sit in – written Exams v. Clinical/Clerkship; and attachments (field/industrial/office attachments) assessed 18/03/2018 16

Assessment Requirements v. Distribution of Marks/Assignments (to be ……. and explained to students) v. Assessment Requirements v. Distribution of Marks/Assignments (to be ……. and explained to students) v. Assessment (s) and Examinations to be Internally and External moderated (to be stated in the Prospectus and University Calendar) v. Practicum, internship, attachment and research projects v. Board of Examiners and Institutional Research Ethics Committee (where applicable) (including Internal and External Examiners) – Spelt out in the Prospectus and University Calendar 18/03/2018 17

Continue Curriculum should spell out: v. Pass mark or grade course v. Minimum courses Continue Curriculum should spell out: v. Pass mark or grade course v. Minimum courses a student must take to qualify for Academic/Degree award Conditions under which a candidate shall be required to: vundertake a Special Exam v. Re-sit Examination v. Repeat an entire year 18/03/2018 18

Government Policies 1. Government Requirements: v ICT v Gender v Health Issues and HIV/Aids Government Policies 1. Government Requirements: v ICT v Gender v Health Issues and HIV/Aids v Environment v Regional Integration 2. Tracer Studies v Alumni & Graduates - role in curriculum development review 3. Senate its role in Curriculum development/review, delivery and implementation as per Universities Act, No. 42, 2012 18/03/2018 19

INVOLVEMENT OF STAKEHOLDERS AND ACADEMIC RESOURCES v. Stakeholders e. g Students, Alumni , Employers INVOLVEMENT OF STAKEHOLDERS AND ACADEMIC RESOURCES v. Stakeholders e. g Students, Alumni , Employers (government (or relevant ministries and Department), Private, Industry, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) among others and Parents (where applicable) NOTE: General society/benefits and consumers, the product is the main stakeholder RESOURCES like; Facilities and equipment, Lecture rooms, Library, Laboratories 18/03/2018 20

EVALUATION, MONITORING AND REVIEW PERIOD v. For lecturers there should be induction of part EVALUATION, MONITORING AND REVIEW PERIOD v. For lecturers there should be induction of part timers v. For evaluation and monitoring of students’ progress the following should be included in the programmes: v. Orientation v Student Registration and deregistration v. Student Evaluation of Instructor and Course ( NOTE: for Moi University – now a best practice nationally and at regional level) 18/03/2018 21

Curriculum Development Procedure and Ownership of Courses v. Workshops (including Resource Persons from outside Curriculum Development Procedure and Ownership of Courses v. Workshops (including Resource Persons from outside the Department/School and representatives of the stakeholders) v. Follow University/Institution Procedure for Curriculum Development (tabled for discussion and Senate) v. Approved by Senate v. Authorization of the Curriculum by Chairperson of Senate 18/03/2018 22

Course Outline This is part of Curriculum delivery & implementation: v. It should include: Course Outline This is part of Curriculum delivery & implementation: v. It should include: - title of the course (including code and credit hours/ lecture/course units, purpose of the course, course objectives/learning outcomes; topics, assignments, text/references etc v This should “mirror” what is in the curriculum or Programme of Study NOTE: Prerequisites, core, required, elective, optional, prescribed and units should be indicated 18/03/2018 23

Internationalization of the Curriculum (Quality Assurance) v. Curriculum should be able to facilitate a Internationalization of the Curriculum (Quality Assurance) v. Curriculum should be able to facilitate a balanced teaching and learning process v. Ensure students are able to acquire such Cognitive, Effective and Psychomotor Skills q. Programme completion, graduation and certification must be effective with clear datelines v. Rethink credit transfer and Tracer Studies – for national, regional and global competiveness; benchmarking and quality assurance 18/03/2018 24

Quality Structure/Unit v Establishment of a full-fledged, functional and effective unit v Budget for Quality Structure/Unit v Establishment of a full-fledged, functional and effective unit v Budget for Quality Assurance v Documentation Centre – e. g for policies/quality resources v Trained human resource – e. g ICT/data specialist, bio-statistician, Sociologist/Anthropologist (for methodological input – quantitative and qualitative) and experts in ethics and law v Cater for Resources Persons Note: To monitor quality teaching , research, extension and outreach, service, resources (administrative, finance, procurement, library, ICT/Infrastructure) 18/03/2018 25

Accreditation and Quality Assurance NOTE: Globally and in Kenya accreditation means: v. Public acceptance Accreditation and Quality Assurance NOTE: Globally and in Kenya accreditation means: v. Public acceptance and confirmation v. As evidenced by award of charter (or act of parliament) v. That a university meets; and continuous to meet the standards of academic excellence set by the commission/government/international accreditation councils/organizations and regulatory agencies v“Consumption” of graduates - based on certification, accreditation, and merit by the global society 18/03/2018 26

Accreditation- continue v. Delivers confidence to stakeholders v. Provides evidence of quality to the Accreditation- continue v. Delivers confidence to stakeholders v. Provides evidence of quality to the public v. Shows that quality standards are being implemented v. Provides mechanism for continuous quality improvement v. Buffers against pressures to lower quality standards v. Contributes to recognition and acceptance of programs v. Demonstrates competence and quality of Programs 18/03/2018 27

Accreditation - continue v. Contributes to harmonization of higher education in the region and Accreditation - continue v. Contributes to harmonization of higher education in the region and beyond v. Recognition of graduates competent training and employability v. Accessibility to scholarships; funds for training and research v. Accessibility to partnerships and collaborations in research train in and exchange of students and staff 18/03/2018 28

Legally Mandated Quality Assurance Regulatory/Agencies in Kenya Quality Assurance in higher education in Kenya Legally Mandated Quality Assurance Regulatory/Agencies in Kenya Quality Assurance in higher education in Kenya is undertaken by several institutions/bodies, for example: v. Higher Education Institutions (HIEs) – supervised by the Government /relevant Ministries, Councils, Bureaus, and Regulatory Agencies (as per the government) v. Professional Bodies v. Directorate of Quality Assurance and Standards (MOE) v. Commissioner for University Education (CUE) 18/03/2018 29

Appendix to the Curriculum This should always appear in the course prospectus In the Appendix to the Curriculum This should always appear in the course prospectus In the University Calendar list of staff (Academic, Technicians) (their full qualification, teaching experience at University, Professional experience and patents) IN SUM *SWOT ANALYSIS/SELF ASSSEMENT Quality and Quality Assurance is: “Doing the right things in the right way an all the time”; achieving goals and aims; and checking on the outcomes v- Support services for staff and students – for example adequate learning resources and counseling) v- Conducive teaching environment (for example adequate infrastructure, ICT and Library Services). 18/03/2018 30

References 1. Draft Universities Regulations, Kenya, 2013 (CUE) 2. Draft Universities Standards and Guidelines, References 1. Draft Universities Regulations, Kenya, 2013 (CUE) 2. Draft Universities Standards and Guidelines, 2013 (CUE) 3. Universities Act, Kenya, No. 42. 2012 4. Roadmap to Quality Assurance: Handbook (IUCEA) 5. Afri. Q ’Units, Sustenance of a culture of Quality in East Africa Higher Education Institutions (University of Alicante, Spain and EDULINK, EU) 6. UNESCO Guidelines 18/03/2018 31

End of presentation Thanks Asante Sana MOI UNIVERSITY End of presentation Thanks Asante Sana MOI UNIVERSITY