Pyatigorsk in GPW.pptx
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«Pyatigorsk in the Days of the Great Patriotic War» Кучеренко В. М. учитель англ. языка высшей квалификационной категории МКОУ ООШ № 10
Dear friends! We invite you to the Room of Fighting Glory (RFG) which was organized in school #10 in 2006 and functions in the close contact with the study group “Patriot”
We begin our excursion at the stand devoted to the heroic landmarks of the Great Patriotic War. On the 22 nd of June in 1941 at 4 o’clock in the morning fascist Germany without declaration of war attacked the Soviet Union. All Soviet people rose to defend their country. The defenders of the Brest fortress undertook the first attack. Then there were bloody battles near Moscow, heroic Stalingrad battle, the battle on the Kursk-Arc, the heroic deed of blockade Leningrad, the Caucasian battle, the defence of Sevastopol, the battle for Berlin. All these battles will stay in the memory of peoples for ever. And at last-so long-expected Victory! On the 9 -th of May in 1945 the Soviet Union defeated the bitter enemy and this day is celebrated as Victory day in our country and all over the world!
And now we are near the stand devoted to the defenders of the Caucasus. In the history of the civilisation there are events and dates over which the time has no power. And among them – some bloody fights for the Caucasus. Years pass by, the events appear and disappear , but in the memory of the grateful generations the unprecedented feat of defenders of the Caucasus, who bent every effort for saving the Native land defeating of fascism will never grow dim.
• And now let’s go to the • The enemy was attacking second stand devoted to Pyatigorsk, it was the defenders of the necessary to stop it and Caucasus. allow the units of the Soviet Army to occupy • In summer in 1942 a favourable lines of very difficult situation defence. And so, on Mt. turned out on the South Mashuk a handful of Front. The German High soldiers, headed by command made a start to twenty year old the capture of the lieutenant Dubovikov Caucasus (the operation “ heroically fought with the Edelveis”). Having a great enemy. S. J. Marshak numerical superiority wrote about these events they hoped with the in his ballad «About lightning speed to capture Fifteen» . the Caucasus.
• • • • • Немецкие танки Неслись к Пятигорску, Был выброшен Вражий десант, Когда комсомольцев Отважную горстку Собрал молодой лейтенант. Разбойники в касках Взбирались на скалы, На славную гору Машук. Одна за другой В них летели гранаты Из метких уверенных рук. Навстречу машинам Со знаком паучьим Часа полтора напролет С вершины Летели бутылки с горючим И сыпал свинцом пулемет. • Четырнадцать парней • Сражались с десантом • Винтовкой, гранатой, штыком. • Пятнадцать их было, • С лихим лейтенантом, • Шестнадцать • С горой Машуком. • Немецкие каски • Усеяли склоны, • Дорогу • У ног Машука, • Пока занимали • Рубеж обороны • Советские наши войска.
But the forces were not equal. On the 9 -th of August in 1942 tanks with motorized infantry of the enemy burst in Pyatigorsk. A few secret groups were organized in occupied Pyatigorsk. They distributed leaflets, stole fascist weapons, made diversions against the enemy. 32 underground workers were executed by invaders. In the period of occupation 3000 peaceful inhabitants were killed in Pyatigorsk.
Nina Poptzova, a secret agent of the Red Army, also perished in the torturechamber of Gestapo (6/1 -1943). You can see the monument to N. Poptzova near the Palace of Pioneers.
Children and the war! Two incompatible ideas. But children also did their best to the rout of the enemy. The young secret organization was organized in Pyatigorsk
Berezhnov P. I. was among those young people. He was an active member of our study group “Patriot”. He presented us with the photo of young secret members. Sorry to say, Berezhnov P. I. died in 2007.
From the first months of the war Pyatigorsk, a world-known health resort , became a hospital. 17 evacuation hospitals were organized at 8000 beds.
Pyatigorsk was liberated on the 11 -th of January in 1943.
• • • • L. Gorilovskey dedicated his poem to Pyatigorsk. Мы входим в Пятигорск, пропахший горьким дымом, Истерзанный врагом, наполненный войной. . . И девушки, каких мы знали молодыми, Тревожат нам сердца тоскливой сединой. Любимый город наш! Родное Пятигорье! Страшна твоих руин немая пустота. Ты сжался и притих, ты сгорбился от горя, Ты перестал творить и думать перестал, • • Торопят нас вперед разрушенные своды, Спеши! – торопит кровь на камнях мостовых, • • • И трупы у стены кирпичного завода, Безгласные, зовут к отмщению живых. . . Ты будешь отомщен! • • Стремительно и твердо Мы движемся вперед на вражьи рубежи. Ты засверкаешь вновь в созвездии курортов. . . Мы входим в Пятигорск – и город будет жить!
The heroes of Pyatigorsk • Here you can see the photos of the participants of the Great Patriotic War Davidov A. V. - a fighter pilot of the 4 -th Air Army. In one of the air battles he brought down an enemy plane “messer”, but soon his plane was damaged too. All people thought that he had perished. His mother got the funeral letter. But he remained alive. Some infantrymen saved him. He came through 18 operations. Our pupils were acquainted with Davidov A. V. and congratulated him on the Victory Day when he was alive. He died in 2010.
The heroes of Pyatigorsk Kruchinin G. D. - he took part in the battles near Moscow, in the breakthrough blockade of Leningrad. He was wounded several times. Kruchinin G. D. was rewarded with the Orders of the Great Patriotic War of the I and the II degrees, with the Order of the Red Star, with a medal “For Audacity”, with the medal of Zhukov. He is an active participant of all our parties and meetings.
The heroes of Pyatigorsk Danilova O. P. (Kucherenko)- she went voluntarily to the front when she was only 17. She was an anti-aircraft gunner of Anti. Aircraft regiment № 1879. She was rewarded with 4 medals. During the war she was severely wounded and met the Victory Day in a hospital near Berlin. She was an honoured donor of the USSR. She died in 2001.
The heroes of Pyatigorsk Many women went voluntarily or were called up to the front from Pyatigorsk. Among them we can name: Chernova T. M. - she was a soldier of antiaircraft defence. She was rewarded with Orders and medals. After the war she was a History teacher and the director of school № 10. It’s a pity, but she seldom visits our school parties now because of her poor health.
Nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgotten! You can see how the members of the study group “Patriot” take care of the grave of the Unknown Soldier.
Nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgotten!
Nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgotten! The monument to the workers of the shoefactory, who had perished in the war.
Nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgotten! The members of the study-group «Patriot» put flowers on the monument to Ph. I. Zolotih, who has perished defending Pyatigorsk.
Lets bow to those great years! (Sculpture of the Soviet soldier of times of the Second World War in the territory of military sanatorium) Его зарыли в шар земной, А был он лишь солдат, Всего, друзья, солдат простой, Без званий и наград. Ему как мавзолей земля На миллион веков, И Млечные Пути пылят Вокруг него с боков. На рыжих скатах тучи спят, Метелицы метут, Грома тяжелые гремят, Ветра разбег берут. Давным-давно окончен бой. . . Руками всех друзей Положен парень в шар земной, Как будто в мавзолей. . .
Lets bow to those great years! Besides, the pupils of our school take part in the honorable watch on the Post № 1 near the Eternal Fire.
Я думал, всё заучено и пройдено И всё предельно ясно для меня. Но понял лишь тогда, что значит Родина, Когда стоял у Вечного Огня! Бесшумно стебли пламени колышутся, А в них ревет огонь минувших дней, В них крик бойца и вой снаряда слышатся И плач скорбящих русских матерей… Они стояли насмерть до последнего, Герои в деле, а не на словах. Они не выбирали в жизни среднего: Они погибли – Родина жива! И память не умрет о вас, поверьте, Ложатся тихо на гранит цветы… Всем сердцем слышу : «Подвиг ваш бессмертен!» И думаю: «а смог бы так же ты? » Казалось, все заучено и пройдено И все предельно ясно для меня, Но понял лишь тогда, что значит Родина, Когда стоял у вечного Огня!
You can see the meetings of our pupils with the participants of the Great Patriotic War and read their opinions about the work of our study group “ Patriot” in the Book of Opinions.
So our excursion has come to an end. I hope we shall never forget the heroic deeds of our people in the Great Patriotic War. The War Memorial was open on May 9, 1975. Here remains of 670 known and unknown Soviet soldiers are buried who lost during the defense of Pyatigorsk and have died of wounds in hospitals of the town in days of the Great Patriotic War.
Lets bow to those great years! The Lane of Glory
They say that if people forget the history lessons then they will go through them again. That is why we have no right to forget, where we are from, whose blood we are! So, we will never forget the heroes from Pyatigorsk! 12 thousand of them were killed in the fight for the Native land, more than 20 Pyatigorsk residents became the Heroes of the Soviet Union. People! While the hearts are knocking, Remember! What price the happiness was won, Please, remember!
Lets bow to those great years!