Pupils’ Health in school 77 Form 9 b
Introduction The greatest wealth is health. Virgil Health is above wealth. Health is a treasure which we got from our parents. We must always take care of it. When we are seriously ill the doctors can help us, but we should be masters of our health. We should not get bad habits such as smoking, drinking alcohol, taking drugs etc. Remember that sport can help you in keeping fit. Healthy food, such as fruit and vegetables, should be your best friend if you want to be healthy. It is great to spend time outdoors, visiting friends or walking along the park etc. We study in the 9 form, so we are very busy with our home task. That is why many of us go to bed late. However we should remember a good proverb which says: “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. ”
Television It is pleasant to relax in front of your TV set. However, we should not forget about physical activities. Scientists proved that watching TV too much makes your memory worse. If you watch TV programmes for more than an hour, do exersices for your eyes, change your position and stand up and walk from time to time.
How many hours a day do you watch TV? 5 th Form, 2 -3 hours, 52% 9 th Form, 0 hours , 44% 9 th Form, 0, 5 -1 hour , 40% 9 th Form 5 th Form, 0, 5 -1 hour , 24% 5 th Form, 0 hours , 8% 5 th Form, more than 6, 16% 9 th Form, 2 -3 hours, 12% 9 th Form, more than 6, 4%
What TV programs do you prefer? , Сartoons, 54% , Feature films, 67% , Serials, , Documentaries, 51% 43% , News, 24%
Did watching TV affect your vision? Столбец1; Yes; 14% Yes Столбец1; No; 86% No
Computers Nowadays students use computers everyday. They play different computer games, visit social sites or do homework. There a lot of problems connected with computers: 1. You are not very active, when you sit in front of the computer. 2. Your musculs become weaker and your system become lazy. 3. Problems with the visual system. 4. Electromagnetic radiation, which can be one of the most dangerous factors for human health. Although over the last 10 years manufacturers have reduced the radiation level from the front of the monitor , there are still other parts of computer where levels of risk and electromagnetic radiation exist. When people sit down at the computer , they become addicted. They spend all time in the Internet or with computer games. It reflects on your organism. Think about your health.
How often do you use your computer? Series 1; seldom; 50% Series 1; often; 50% often seldom
Do you have problems with your vision? Series 1; no; 50% Series 1; yes; 50% yes no
Do you play computer games? Series 1; no; 50% Series 1; yes; 50% yes no
Timetable To rise at five, dine at nine, sup at five, go to bed at nine makes a man live to ninety-nine. French proverb A timetable is very important for our health. A timetable must have a good rhythm. It is the bases of healthy live. Every person has habits witch help him to do a lot of activities and combine them in optimal way. It is necessary to get up, to do homework, to have meals, to go to bed at the same time. While making a timetable for teenagers it is necessary to consider the following points: 1. You must change kinds of activities, rest and work. 2. You must have meals regularly. 3. Sleep 8 hours not less. Go to bed and get up at the same time. 4. You must do morning exercises everyday. 5. Exact time to do homework with obligatory 10 -15 minutes breaks for rest 6. You must stay in the open air as much as you can. 7. Go for a walk after classes (1 -2 hours). 8. Have free time before going to bed. 9. Don’t do any hard work in the late evening. 10. Don't eat very much before going to bed but don't be hungry either. If the pupil is in the primary school he must spend 1, 5 or 2 hours on his homework. If he is in the form from the 5 th to 8 th he must spend 2 -3 hours on it. Senior forms need more time 3 -4 hours to spend on it.
Sleep time(hours a day).
Time spent outdoors(hours a day).
Time spent on doing homework(hours a day)
School Canteen "The wise man should consider that health is the greatest of human blessings. Let food be your medicine. " - Hippocrates Lunch is a very important part of pupils’ life. They spend a lot of energy during the lessons, essentially little children. That is why in forms from 1 to 4 classes go to the canteen organized. They eat meet, porridge, soup, fruits, bakery etc. and drink tea or juice. Elder children eat in the canteen whenever they want and whatever they want. Some students often go to the canteen just to drink tea with bakery or sweets. During the long break or after lessons they usually go to have a complete meal. They usually eat soup, salads and meat with potatoes, rice or pasta. There is also a buffet in our school. There pupils can buy only sweats, bakery and sugary drinks. It is better to have a healthy meal in the canteen or at home.
Michael Yuzhaninov We know that health is above wealth. Health is a treasure which we got from our parents. We must always take care of it. When we are seriously ill the doctors can help us, but we ourselves should be musters of our health. We should not get bad habits such as smoking, drinking alcohol, taking drugs etc. Remember that sport can help you in keeping fit. Healthy food with vitamins, fruit and vegetables should be your best friends if you want to be healthy. It is great to spend time outdoors, visiting friends or walking along the park etc. We study in the 9 form. We are very busy with our home task. That is why many of us go to bed late. However we should remember a good proverb which says: “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. This optimistic statement is not a finish of our project. Our team which consists of 12 members made a large work about health. And now we are going to share our knowledge with you. The topic about health is very extensive and includes material about sport, eating habits, watching TV, computer influence and some others. We also made some questionings. All the results will be presented. By the way making a presentation about health is not our first experience. 3 years ago we made a similar work. Now it is very interesting to see what has changed in our understanding of this topic, how our English changed. (You have a good chance to compare these 2 works )
Vlada Medvedeva Lunch is a very important part of pupil’s life. They spend a lot of energy during the lessons, essentially little children. That is why in forms from 1 till 4 classes go to the canteen organized. They all eat the same food and it is usually healthy. They eat meet, porridge, soup, fruits, bakery etc. and drink tea or juice. Their teachers look after them to eat all that they have on the plates. Elder children eat in the canteen when they want and what they want. Some students often go to the canteen just to drink tea with bakery or sweets. On the longest break or after lessons they usually go to have a complete meal. They usually eat soup, salads and meat with potatoes, rice or pasta. I asked pupils about how often they go to the Canteen. 87 present of interviewed children said that they go to have a nosh every day and others said, that they go to the canteen very rarely or even don’t eat at school at all. I also asked some pupils about if they wash their hands before they have their lunch. Little children, who go to the canteen with teachers, always wash hands, but elder students do it very rarely. And it is but, because all of us know that it is necessary to wash hands before meal. Otherwise all dirt that is on your hands get to your mouth and cause stomach diseases. There is also a buffet in our school. There pupils can buy there only sweats, bakery and honeyed drinks. A lot of young students go there every break. I don’t think it is good to buy this food very often. It is better to have a healthy meal in the canteen or at home.
Anastasia Shuvalova Nowadays students use computers everyday. They play different computer games, visit social sites or do homework. But there a lot of problems connecting with computers. The first of them- you are not very active, when you sit in front of the computer. Your musculs become weaker and your system become lazy. There will be a lot of problems with the visual system. Another problem is electromagnetic radiation, which can be one of the most dangerous factors for human health. Although over the last 10 years manufacturers have reduced the radiation level from the front of the monitor , but there are still other parts of computer where exist levels of risk and electromagnetic radiation. When people sit down at the computer , they become addicted. They spend all time in the Internet or with computer games. It reflected on your organism. Think about your health.
Sasha Dicheskul I want to tell you about chronichal illnesses in our school. Our pupils have not healthy way of life, so illnesses csn be chronichal. For example: we have not nobody with ideal eyes, because we spent to much time sitting before computer. We have not good timetable to eat at time, so over 20% have gastritis. We have a lot of lessons, homework jr some of us do some sport, so we are very busy. It is difficult to live in the rhythm of the big city, so rarely we have a headache or bad mood. Professional sport also can be a reason of chronichal illnesses, for example: backache or ache in our joints and it can be a very big problem in old ages. So not to have chronichak illnesses we must have a healthy way of life.