Скачать презентацию Pupil Transition and Migration Maths Attainment Скачать презентацию Pupil Transition and Migration Maths Attainment


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Pupil Transition and Migration Pupil Transition and Migration

Maths Attainment § EYFS (at least expected level) § Attainment has risen in the Maths Attainment § EYFS (at least expected level) § Attainment has risen in the last three years (+13 ppts to 68. 6%) § Gap to national has narrowed slightly (from 10. 6 to 7. 2 ppts) § LA is still ranked poorly (140 th in 2015) § KS 1 (level 2 or higher) § Attainment has risen in the last four years (+3 ppts to 89%) § Gap to national is currently the lowest it’s been (3 ppts) § LA is still ranked poorly (146 th in 2015) § KS 2 (level 4 or higher) § Attainment has risen in the last three years (+5 ppts to 86%) § Gap to national has narrowed (3 to 1 ppts) § LA rank has improved (103 rd in 2015, was 134 th) § KS 4 (GCSE grade C or higher) § Attainment has dropped in the last four years (-7 ppts to 54%) § Gap to national is widest it’s been in at least four years (7 to 14 ppts) § LA is ranked poorly (150 th in 2015)

English Attainment § EYFS (Literacy, at least expected level) § Attainment has risen in English Attainment § EYFS (Literacy, at least expected level) § Attainment has risen in the last three years (+14. 6 ppts to 62. 3%) § Gap to national has nearly halved (from 13 to 7. 8 ppts) § LA is still ranked poorly (joint 143 rd in 2015) § KS 1 (Reading, level 2 or higher) § Attainment has risen in the last four years (+4 ppts to 86%) § Gap to national is currently the lowest it’s been (4 ppts) in 5 years § LA is still ranked poorly (146 th in 2015) § KS 2 (Reading, level 4 or higher) § Attainment has risen in the last four years (+3 ppts to 86%) § Gap to national has not improved (still 4 ppts) § LA rank has deteriorated (141 st in 2015, was 126 th in 2013) § KS 4 (GCSE English, grade C or higher) § Attainment has increased in the last four years (+1 ppts to 56%) but dropped compared to 2014 (-3 ppts) § Gap to national is widest it’s been in at least four years (11 to 14 ppts) § LA is ranked poorly (150 th in 2015)

(proportion of pupils achieving level 4+ in 2015) KS 2 Breakdown Bars = Nottingham (proportion of pupils achieving level 4+ in 2015) KS 2 Breakdown Bars = Nottingham Lines = National § All 3 subjects have recorded increases over the last 3 years § National position has recorded similar or better improvements § Gap between Nottingham and National position has seen little clear improvement

Pupil Migration A ¼ of all KS 2 pupils did not go to these Pupil Migration A ¼ of all KS 2 pupils did not go to these pupils take KS 4 in the City, ‘left’ 753 pupils (575) 25% of 2, 968 pupils KS 2 (2010) 78% Middle/High PA (2, 269) Original cohort for 2015 KS 4 results At least 146 pupils with Middle/High PA ‘joined’ 75% of 412 pupils took KS 4 in the City but not KS 2, of those with matched PA 83% had Middle/High PA final cohort had Nationally this Middle/High proportion is 83% PA

Pupil Conversion KS 2 – KS 4 Proportion of pupils achieving GCSE English and Pupil Conversion KS 2 – KS 4 Proportion of pupils achieving GCSE English and Maths grade A*-C in 2015 based upon prior attainment Bars = Nottingham Lines = National § Nottingham records lower proportions of pupils achieving EM A-C than national for all three prior attainment groups § Of concern, Nottingham’s pupils with Middle PA are nearly 25% less likely to achieve EM A-C compared to national § Nearly 60% of Nottingham pupils with Middle or High PA achieve EM A-C, nationally this is over 70%

Gillian Heath Data Training & Consultancy Manager gillian. heath@nottinghamcity. gov. uk 0115 8764624 Nottingham Gillian Heath Data Training & Consultancy Manager gillian. heath@nottinghamcity. gov. uk 0115 8764624 Nottingham City Council, Loxley House, Station Street, Nottingham, NG 2 3 NG