Publicity as a way of promotion of the product Made by: Nika Mamedova Catherine Lyaver
Promotion of goods is a natural tool of economy and an important regulator of the market system. Promotion is very effective and it contributes to the quick sale of their products with proper organization. Thus the return of the working funds of enterprises is accelerating , and also involves establishing business contacts between producers and consumers of products and increasing demand.
Promotion can use either direct or indirect methods. Direct methods include advertising, publicity, displays, special event sales, manufacturer`s aids, personal selling, selling promotion campaign. And indirect methods are public relations, customer relations, customer services, product styling and packaging, community goodwill.
Publicity We will talk about publicity as a promotional method. Publicity is a form of public relations; it is an impersonal and not paid by sponsor stimulating demand for a product through the dissemination of commercially sensitive or image information, both independently and through middlemen. The primary aim of publicity is to attract the attention of potential consumers without the cost of advertising.
The basic tools of publicity • performances: participation of company representatives in various events, words of welcome etc; • activities: organization of press -conferences and online meetings, seminars and anniversary celebrations, participation in exhibitions, competitions and contests etc; • news: providing the media positive news about the company, its products and employees (press releases)
The basic tools of publicity • publications: annual reports, newsletters, brochures, magazine or newspaper articles and other printed materials used as tools to influence target markets • sponsorship: the allocation of time, money and material resources to promote the organization of charitable and other socially significant events • means of identification: use of the emblem (logo) of the company, business cards, creating websites, developing a single style and design, the introduction of uniforms for employees, distribution of brochures about the company, etc.
Recipients of publicity Consumers: for the purpose of formation of positive image of the product and company. Contractors: for the purpose of development of trade network and attract new partners. Key journalists (press, radio, TV, Internet): with the aim of promoting free information about the most significant events and news production. State and municipal authorities: with the aim of attracting them to participate in business development.
The importance of publicity Advantages Disadvantages • low costs in comparison with advertising and personal selling • greater level of trust than advertising • most informative • more the readers ' attention • time • the costs associated with the maintenance of the PR state, as well as the preparation and sending of messages • lack of control over the implementation by the company • one use only
Despite its flaws, the value of publicity is incredibly large, as the result of a properly conducted campaign is to increase sales, change attitudes of consumers and creating a positive brand image.
To establish a successful publicity, it is necessary to consider that the audience will be interested only actual, professionally filed information concerning the questions and issues of interest to the public. Moderately provocative, unusual format, the information will interest the audience much more than boring numbers, and known, repeatable facts.
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