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Public Relations Week CKI Circle K International Brought to you by the Florida District of CKI
Prepa ring f or PR Week ! • Obtain the proper permission before you do any of the activities! • Prepare a calendar for all the activities and service projects for the month, to share with new and potential members. • Make and print up flyers, door hangers, banners, etc. • Hang them anywhere possible (bathrooms, lunch tables, dorm showers, etc. )
ay D ing bl a e: T On • Have FUN and bring BRIGHT posters to attract attention! • Give out flyers with the date and location of meetings and a calendar for upcoming service projects. • Be OUTGOING and FRIENDLY! • Wear your CKI T-shirt • Bring awards, scrapbook, photos and anything else that shows off the accomplishments of the club. • Have a sign up sheet for anyone who is interested in joining, asking for their contact information. • Give out a copy of your most recent newsletter.
Day T w o: T-s h irt da y • Have all of your members wear a club or CKI shirt on the same day! Create some kind of incentive so that the members want to wear there t-shirts (raffles, candy, etc. ) • Or buy and decorate plain t-shirts with CKI information (I. E. when and where the next meeting will be held). People are more likely to read your home-made shirt! You can also write on the shirt “ASK ME ABOUT CKI” and hand out candy to anyone who asks!
ch un e. L re : F ee hr ay y. T D Da • Every one loves free food so plan something simple such as cold cut sandwiches, drinks, chips and a cookie. • Set up in an area where people will see you and make sure they feel welcome to help themselves! • Don’t forget to give them a card or a flyer explaining what CKI is and so they don’t for get who gave them this awesome lunch!
Day F ou r: Free Give A way D ay • Now is a perfect time get rid of all the past club t-shirts that have not been bought! • Try taking cheap cups and such and adding a CKI sticker to them to give away as well. • You can also use pieces of candy with some interesting facts about our Florida District taped on each of them. • Anything CKI related that you have, can be given away. If you have a limited number of items, such as the shirts, you can do this at a club meeting or by a drawing for students who drop their name and contact info in during tabling!
: M ive tin ee y. F Da ay g. D • Contact the interested members you have found so far before the meeting. Call and e-mail them. MAKE IT PERSONAL! • Try having your meetings out side where a lot of people can see and join if they want. • Don’t forget to show that your having fun! Make it seem inviting and all new attendees feel welcome! • Acknowledge those people that seem interested. Invite them to a social, or just to hang out.
Day S ix: Ne w Me New G mber Ori entati et Tog on/O ether ld and Socia l • Hold on one day, or over a few hours, or multiple days! Make this a fun event for new and old members alike! • Go into more depth about the club (scholarships, traveling, etc). Get them familiar with important people within the district. • Explain about getting involved in leadership (committees, club and district offices, etc). • Hold a question and answer period! • Have activities that will initiate interaction between new and old members. • Make it as fun and comfortable as possible!
tan or p Im • • • o’s t. D 'ts on d. D an Do remember recruitment is only making friends! Do learn the art of a friendly smile and firm handshake. Do be yourself, but behave in a courteous, polite manner. Do make sure your event is exciting. Do be on time for all recruitment events. Do relate opportunities and involvement offered by Circle K. Do be positive about Circle K and yourself. Do use the prospect’s name on campus and at all events - don’t forget it! Do point out the accomplishments of your club. Do wear pins Don’t forget that the guest knows very little about Circle K.
Import ant do ’s and d on’ts contin ued • • • • Do smile. Do be honest. If you don’t know the answer to a question admit it, and then find the answer. Do have guests do most of the talking. Do listen to what your guest has to say. Do make them feel natural and at ease. Do involve them in an activity of some sort. Do talk about your service and leadership projects. Do follow-up, follow-up! Don’t forget that you don’t get a second chance to make a first impression! Don’t wait to be introduced, introduce yourself. Do give a friendly good-bye and “see you soon!” Don’t criticize other members. Don’t use inappropriate language. Don’t apologize for your club’s weak points. Don’t leave a guest by themselves at any time.
T nd e. E h This presentation was put together by Jeanette Richemond (Mighty Florida District Public Relations Chair). Any questions or comments please call (941)201 -2315 or email jeanetterichemond@gmail. com