- Количество слайдов: 47
Public Relations Execution
What is Public Relations? Public Relations Involves Building Good Relations With the Company’s Various Publics by Obtaining Favorable Publicity, Building Up a Good Corporate Image, and Handling or Heading Off Unfavorable Rumors, Stories, and Events.
Major Public Relations Functions Press Relations or Agentry Public Relations Departments May Perform Any of All of the Following Functions: Product Publicity Public Affairs Lobbying Investor Relations Development
Major Public Relations Tools News Web Site Speeches Public Service Activities Special Events Corporate Identity Materials Audiovisual Materials Written Materials
Public Relations Plan Review public opinion and press coverage Statement of public relations strategy l l What issues are important to your publics? How will you manage opinion on these issues? Media relations and placement strategy l l Target vehicle selection - Who? , What? , How? Product placement - Where? When? Why? Discussion of public relations tactics l Publicity Programs, Staged Events, PR Ads Discussion of promotional activities l Contests and Incentives
Traditional PR Tools House Ads In-House Publications Public Service Announcements (PSAs) Corporate Advertising Speakers, Photographs, Films Displays, Exhibits, Staged Events
The Press Release Primary tool used to deliver messages to editors, producers, and reporters Produced by company, used by press Must be tailored to medium, written well, and, generally, tight and simple Print news release, Video news release
Print Press Release News Values l l l Conflict Impact Novelty Distance Eminence Recency CINDER - The spark but not the fire
Role of the Reporter writes the story l Have to think about how they will see you press release - what is the peg and hook The Peg, this is what makes it news l The Hook, this is what makes it interesting l
Press Release Format Double Spaced on 8. 5” by 11” Provide name, address, & phone number Release date, typically no embargoes Margins should be 1. 5” Length – short paragraphs Slug lines – “more” / “###” at the bottom Include a headline and cutlines Timing – be sensitive to editorial deadlines
Press Release Style Be fair and try to be objective Use quotes AP Style Inverted pyramid Do not misspell Proofread
Media/Press Kits Structures a successful press conference Normally in folder form - easy access Provides important background info Given before or at press conference l l l News release Backgrounder Biography Photographs Fact Sheets Q & A sheets
Media Kits Make sure information is accurate and answers most fundamental questions Sufficient background information to allow editor to select a story angle Not too commercial. Balance and fair Confine opinions to credible sources Have visually arresting graphics
Backgrounder Provide additional information to complement the shorter news release Longer and more general A 4 -5 page backgrounder provides editors with more depth and details Unlimited latitude for the writer Subject matter dictates the form News Release Style l Descriptive, narrative style l
Biography Biographical summary of key person/s Can take many forms Straight Biography l Narrative Biography l
Fact Sheet or Q&A Fact Sheet is a document that compactly profiles an organization l Company, product lines, top managers, location, sales, leading product, history Q & A either substitutes for or complements a fact sheet Lists the FAQs l May substitute for a personal interview l
Supporting Materials Photographs In real environments, but eye-catching l Focus on product/issue l Have an underlying message l
Press Conference Convene media representatives to make a statement/answer questions Risky PR activity - must be taken seriously Will the press show up? l Will they ask the right questions? l Do you want to answer them? l Do you know how to answer? l How will you react if you are cornered or unable to field the question? l
Press Conference Thursday, November 19 – 5: 00 or 5: 45 All Honda teams and all Hummer teams work together on a single event Each position has responsibilities Press release due next Wednesday l Due at noon - Send to 335 Reporters Full press kit due on Thursday at event
Online Communications Allows direct, instantaneous connection between organization and audience l l Press Kits becoming digital On-line interviews On-line product launches Investor relations No media gatekeepers l l Development of corporate web sites Extranets Hate Sites, Chat room terrorists Email and Intranets - can be dangerous
Broadcasting and PR Television Interviews Organizational Video l l Employees, Customers, Shareholders Other publics Video News Releases (VNRs) PSAs Satellite Media Tours Video Conferencing
Assessing Effectiveness Hard to track the effects of PR Particularly for unpaid placements l Takes effort to find output of campaign l Process Evaluation - number of placements, number of articles, number of appearances l Outcome Evaluation - measure change in audience knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors l l Try to tie change to PR efforts
Content analysis Frequency of coverage Placement within paper People reached Messages conveyed Editing of releases Attitude conveyed
The Programs Strategic Communication B Media & Public Relations Programs . Creating News. Media Exposing/Coverage @ CD & CSR Activities. Setting Up Freeport Journalist Club. Creating Article. Creating Feature on Benefits of FI for Papua and Indonesia. Creating 3 rd Party Opinion. Exposing 3 rd Party Opinion. Regularly National & Local Editor Briefing. Regularly Local & National Journalist Gathering. Journalist Writing Contest. Visiting & discussing @ Press Secre Media Relations . Press Tour on Plant Site. Scholarship for Papua Journalist family Student. Creating & Exposing Public Service Advertorial. Media Lobbying. Arrangement Press Conference. Papua Journalist Workshop. Creating News Release. Delivery & Exposing News Release. Media Monitoring. Media Analysis. Media Report/Clipping. Media Intelligent. ETC
MARKET LEADERSHIP STRATEGIES Segmentatio n Long Term Outlook Heavy Advertising Effective Sales Promotion Customer Care Competitive Toughness
PROMOTION Large scale print and video advertising. Big celebrities like SRK, Sachin and Saif are roped in to endorse the product.
• In 2002 Airtel got its Signature tune from A. R. Rehman, this signature tune is perhaps the most downloaded tune in India. • Public relations- Events such as the Delhi Half Marathon, TV Shows, Award Functions, Champions League, etc.
Communication: The Tactics of Public Relations Chapter 9 Public Relations: A Values-Driven Approach This multimedia product and its contents are protected under copyright law. The following are prohibited by law: • any public performance or display, including transmission of any image over a network; • preparation of any derivative work, including the extraction, in whole or in part, of any images; • any rental, lease, or lending of the program. Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2003
The Public Relations Process Research Planning Communication Evaluation
Public Relations Plans Consist of. . . Goals Objectives Tactics l public relations actions designed to affect an organization’s relationships with particular publics
Tactics as Messages and Channels The Communication Model Noise Source Message Channel Feedback Receiver
Channels of Communication Special events l action versus words Controlled media words and images l timing l frequency l Uncontrolled media regulated by gatekeepers l third-party endorsements l
Successful Tactics. . . are part of a written, approved plan that is tied to an organization’s goals. target publics one at a time. are based on research. send a clear message that targets a public’s values and interests; and l strives to achieve the specified objective. l are evaluated.
Employee Relations Tactics Face-to-face meetings Newsletters Magazines Videos Bulletin boards Speeches Intranets E-mail Instant messaging Special events
Media Relations Tactics News releases Media kits l fact sheets, backgrounders, photo opportunity sheets, and more Media advisories Pitch letters Video news releases Actualities News conferences
Media Relations Tactics Public service announcements Guest editorials/commentaries Letters to the editor Interviews l satellite media tours Stories for trade or association magazines
Investor Relations Tactics Newsletters and magazines Letters Annual meetings Annual reports Web sites News releases Media advisories Teleconferences and videoconferences
Community Relations Tactics Volunteering Donations and sponsorships Cause marketing Speeches Open houses/tours Face-to-face meetings
Government Relations Tactics Lobbies and lobbyists Grassroots lobbying Political action committees Soft money Disclosure documents
Customer Relations Tactics Product-oriented news releases and media kits Special events Open houses and tours Responses to customer contacts Bill inserts
Constituent Relations Tactics Letters Newsletters News releases and media advisories News conferences Speeches Face-to-face meetings Interactive web sites
Business (B 2 B) Relations Tactics Many B 2 B tactics are marketing tactics. l Personal selling, price discounts, etc. Some B 2 B tactics are public relations: l Stories in trade magazines l Extranets
Accomplishing the Tactics Delegation Deadlines Quality control
Accomplishing the Tactics Communication within the team Communication with clients and/or supervisors Constant evaluation