100 идей для Беларуси / 100 ideas for Belarus.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 15
PUBLIC ASSOCIATION "BELARUSIAN REPUBLICAN UNION OF YOUTH " National Youth Project "100 Ideas for Belarus" Alesya Vinnik, Coordinator of the Republican Competition « 100 ideas for Belarus»
Belarusian youth policy is governed by: 9 LAW CODES 20 laws 40 decrees of the President Over 100 government resolutions
MAIN ACTIVITIES: Civil and patriotic education Employment (students working groups) Volunteering Sport and entertaining activity Activity in Internet
Since 2010 the organizers received over 6500 applications from more than 7, 500 participants
NOMINATIONS : Biological and medical technologies Architecture Social sphere Industrial technologies and material Pharmacy Education IT
Pavel Batsylev – the Winner of the National Project « 100 ideas for Belarus» - 3 mobile applications; - Internet award «TIBO 2015» ; - Finalist of ”Intel ISEF“ International Competition
Website "100 ideas for Belarus" 100 ideas. by
February, 24 FINAL of the National Youth Competition "100 ideas for Belarus" "100 Ideas for Belarus"
Grants: International Fund for Cooperation and Partnership of the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea (BSCSIF) Belarusian Innovative Fund (BIF) - Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 229 «On innovation project incentives» ; - The Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus No. 888 «About measures for implementation of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 229»
National Forum «IT Youth – 2015» , Hi-Tech Park over 200 participants: - students - IT professionals - young high-tech entrepreneurs - participants of the project « 100 ideas for Belarus»
Startup TOUR of Skolkovo Foundation in Minsk April 14 – 15, 2015 2 winners Projects of 18 participants of the National Project "100 ideas for Belarus" were submitted
Agreements: Agreement between the Belarusian National Technical University represented by the Center of Startup BNTU and the Belarusian Republican Union of Youth May 6, 2015 Agreement between the Belarusian Innovation Fund and the Belarusian Republican Union of Youth Agreement between the Community of business angels and venture investors and the Belarusian Republican Union of Youth
International Project « 100 ideas for Commonwealth of Independent States»
100 идей для Беларуси / 100 ideas for Belarus.pptx