Скачать презентацию Psalm 127 1 -2 WISDOM FOR THE Скачать презентацию Psalm 127 1 -2 WISDOM FOR THE


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Psalm 127: 1 -2 Psalm 127: 1 -2

WISDOM FOR THE HOME (Psalm 127: 1 -2) I. THE PLACE OF CHILDREN A. WISDOM FOR THE HOME (Psalm 127: 1 -2) I. THE PLACE OF CHILDREN A. B. C. D. Children Are A Gift (Ps. 127: 3 -5). Must Be Taught To Obey (Eph. 6: 1 -3). Left To Themselves, Bring Shame (Prov. 29: 15). If Children Rule Over / Defy Parents, It Is A Sin (cp. Exodus 21: 15, 17; Rom. 1: 30). E. Must Restrain Them (1 Sam. 3: 13; 1 Kings 1: 6). F. Must Be Patient & Constant (Prov. 13: 24; 19: 18; Col. 3: 21; 2 Tim. 2: 24 -26). G. Must take time to shown them affection & love (Titus 2: 4; Rom. 1: 31).

WISDOM FOR THE HOME (Psalm 127: 1 -2) II. HOW TO SPOIL A CHILD! WISDOM FOR THE HOME (Psalm 127: 1 -2) II. HOW TO SPOIL A CHILD! A. Give them plenty of things without working for it! B. Let them watch whatever they want on TV! C. Let them listen to whatever music they want! D. Let them say anything they want! E. Let them wear anything they want! F. Let them go anywhere they want! G. Let them have any friends they want! H. Let them miss Bible class & worship!

WISDOM FOR THE HOME (Psalm 127: 1 -2) II. HOW TO SPOIL A CHILD! WISDOM FOR THE HOME (Psalm 127: 1 -2) II. HOW TO SPOIL A CHILD! “The rod and reproof give wisdom: but a child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame. ” (Pr. 29: 15) • “Giving in” is easier for parents (for now)! • Getting what they want is easier for the child (temporarily)! • But NEITHER is GOOD for the child! “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. ” (Pr. 29: 15)

WISDOM FOR THE HOME (Psalm 127: 1 -2) III. WHAT SHOULD WE DO? A. WISDOM FOR THE HOME (Psalm 127: 1 -2) III. WHAT SHOULD WE DO? A. Teach them to clean up after themselves. B. Give them chores/responsibility around the house (Lam. 3: 27). C. Actively teach them to TURN OFF bad TV/Music/CPU etc. (Pr. 4: 23). D. Enforce that they NEVER speak disrespectfully to parents, even if they disagree (Ex. 21: 17). E. Teach them EARLY that what they wear DOES matter (1 Tim. 2: 9 -11).

WISDOM FOR THE HOME (Psalm 127: 1 -2) III. WHAT SHOULD WE DO? F. WISDOM FOR THE HOME (Psalm 127: 1 -2) III. WHAT SHOULD WE DO? F. Do not let them start dating young (2 Tim. 2: 22). G. Always meet their friends first (invite them over & invite them to worship services) (1 Cor. 15: 30). H. Always ask where they have been, and discuss what to do in diff. situations (Dt. 6: 7). I. Do not give in to whining, begging, persistent hassling, etc. (Prov. 30: 15). J. Do not let them play one parent off the other.

WISDOM FOR THE HOME (Psalm 127: 1 -2) III. WHAT SHOULD WE DO? K. WISDOM FOR THE HOME (Psalm 127: 1 -2) III. WHAT SHOULD WE DO? K. Always bring them to Bible class & worship! L. Read the Bible & pray with them at home! M. Be consistent in rules & discipline. Even when tired, frustrated, angry, etc. (Prov. 13: 24)! N. Trust but verify! Even good kids can give into moments of temptation (Rom. 3: 23). O. Remember your own example. . . SHOW them what you want them to be like (Dt. 6: 5 -6).

WISDOM FOR THE HOME (Psalm 127: 1 -2) CONCLUSION: 1. Raising children requires MUCH WISDOM FOR THE HOME (Psalm 127: 1 -2) CONCLUSION: 1. Raising children requires MUCH WORK! 2. They CAN turn out well if we diligently invest our love & time in them. 3. Parents often learn more about themselves than we realize. . . “She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness. Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her. ” (Prov. 30: 27 -28)