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the chosen nation But only the select few remained PS MANANA 3 the chosen nation But only the select few remained PS MANANA 3

the resurrection of true religion This has been our theme for this week and the resurrection of true religion This has been our theme for this week and many facts have been presented on this topic. We started by looking at the prophecies that pointed to this dark period of religion, than we looked at the historical implication, after which we brought it closer home by looking at religion currently , than we looked at the two contrasting forms worship , yesterday we pointed out to the resurrection thereof “THE THREE ANGELS MESSAGE”. PS MANANA 4

and today. . . We are going to explore the concept of a chosen and today. . . We are going to explore the concept of a chosen nation Does GOD chose a nation? if so does He want them be particular? Who shall call the wonder home? And can there be hinderanceses to this call? PS MANANA 5

a chosen nation Was there such a nation before? Where did they come from? a chosen nation Was there such a nation before? Where did they come from? Are they still chosen? If not who are the chosen now? What mistakes can they learn from the past? PS MANANA 6

abram Genesis 11: 1 -32 gives a chronology of how nations came about. In abram Genesis 11: 1 -32 gives a chronology of how nations came about. In verse 1 we are told about this “one language, and of one speech” nation, meaning that there was only one nation. Reading farther down we are told of their deficiency towards GOD’S plan (genesis 1: 28 “. . . be fruitful, and multiply. . . ”) and we are also told of their ultimate fate (genesis 11: 7 “Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand another’s speech”) PS MANANA 7

abram From this point on there many nations came about, but there is a abram From this point on there many nations came about, but there is a nation that we need to pay attention to. Genesis 12: 1 -2 tells us of a men that GOD chose to move away from his kindred to a land that GOD would show him. GOD also gave him a promise that was given to Adam “and I will make thee a great nation, ”. This nation was going to become a blessing to the families of the earth PS MANANA 8

abram Abram listened to GOD and went to the place that was later going abram Abram listened to GOD and went to the place that was later going to be the promised land of this chosen nation (genesis 12: 7 “. . . unto thy seed will I give this land. . . ”) Interestingly enough Abram went down to Egypt fleeing away from the famine (genesis 12: 10) But he returned (genesis 13: 4) PS MANANA 9

abraham Later on we read of Abram finally getting a son after years of abraham Later on we read of Abram finally getting a son after years of struggles and even adultery (Genesis 21: 1 “and GOD visited Sarah as he had said, and the LORD did unto Sarah as he had spoken”) Isaac was his name we later on read of his meekness in Genesis 22: 1 -18 and the faith of his father and we also learn of the promise being repeated (Genesis 22: 1618) “. . . seed stars of the heaven. . . ” PS MANANA 10

abraham Isaac later on he took Rebekah , and she become his wife (Genesis abraham Isaac later on he took Rebekah , and she become his wife (Genesis 24: 67) They had two mystery sons Esau and Jacob (Genesis 25: 23 -26) Jacob got married to two wives, not by choice but by love, and the same promise was given to him (Genesis 28: 13 -16) “. . . and thy seed shall be as the dust of the earth. . . ” PS MANANA 11

abraham Jacob had twelve sons, not all from the same mother, Reuben the first abraham Jacob had twelve sons, not all from the same mother, Reuben the first born and Benjamin the last born. Jacob by then was still at his father-inlaws place but there came a time for him to leave and return to fathers place Jacob later on left Laban and returned to the land of his fathers, as said by LORD (Genesis 31: 4, 5) PS MANANA 12

the chosen nation “and he said, thy name shall be called no more Jacob, the chosen nation “and he said, thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as the prince hast thou power with GOD and with men, and hast prevailed. ” Later on we read of this family of Israel going to Egypt fleeing from the famine. (Genesis 45, 46, 47) Their stay turned into slavery and they cried to the LORD for deliverance (Exodus 1: -22) PS MANANA 13

the chosen nation And Moses was sent to deliver them that land of slavery, the chosen nation And Moses was sent to deliver them that land of slavery, after a long struggle with the king. (Exodus 5, 6, 7, 89, 10, 11, 12) Their journey to that promised land was full of struggle, but the pillar fire by night and cloud of shadow remained with them by day (Exodus 13: 21) They had cross the red sea on dry ground (Exodus 14: 22) PS MANANA 14

the chosen nation They had seen the hand of the LORD during the time the chosen nation They had seen the hand of the LORD during the time of their persecution (Exodus 1: 14 -19) They had been saved from the Egyptian forces that followed that after their departure (Exodus 14: 27 -29) They also new of the promise given to their forefather, they knew GODS laws of health, their supply of food was sure PS MANANA 15

the chosen nation But. . . Their lust for flesh made them to forget the chosen nation But. . . Their lust for flesh made them to forget their very GOD In Exodus 16: 1 -36) we learn of their first complain. It is also clear that they would rather be slaves at Egypt, than to be in the wilderness with GOD. Verse 3 “and the children of Israel said unto them, would to GOD we had died by the hand of LORD by the land of Egypt, when we sat by the flesh pots. . . ” PS MANANA 16

the chosen nation the LORD saw this murmuring and provided them with the bread the chosen nation the LORD saw this murmuring and provided them with the bread manna. This was to serve also as a reminder to the coming generation because a special instruction was given to Moses that he should put it into pot verse 33 “. . . To be kept for your generations. Later on we also learn that this same “manna” was placed in the ark of the covenant Hebrews 9: 3, 4 “ 3. and after the second veil, the tabernacle which is called the holies of all. . . PS MANANA 17

the chosen nation. . . which had the golden censer, and the ark of the chosen nation. . . which had the golden censer, and the ark of the covenant overlaid round about with gold, wherein was the golden pot that had manna, and Aaron’s rod that budded, and the tables of the covenant; ” well it is interesting to see that Israel complained about leadership, complained about flesh and complained about GODS law and all of these had a special reminder that was placed in the ark of the covenant PS MANANA 18

the chosen nation But that was just the first time, we later read in the chosen nation But that was just the first time, we later read in Numbers 11: 1 -35 that Israel made the same call again, that they want “flesh” They are clear on this matter that their tired of this healthy manna they want flesh and their also demanding that it be spiced with “cucumbers, onions, and garlic” Numbers 11: 4 -8 PS MANANA 19

the chosen nation In verse 4 something caught my attention. “the mixed multitude that the chosen nation In verse 4 something caught my attention. “the mixed multitude that was among them fell a lusting, . . . ”. This my translate to the fact Israel were travelling with some who were not their own, or they were divided when it came to matters of diet. “Some said who cares what you eat? ”, “some said well it’s your own choice”, other didn’t know what to say. A mixed multitude PS MANANA 20

the chosen nation And this displeased the LORD for they had not rejected what the chosen nation And this displeased the LORD for they had not rejected what Moses had given them but that which the LORD gave to them. “Psalm 78: 18– 31”; 106: 14, 15. gives another full account of the lust for flesh by Israel that displeased GOD “and they tempted GOD in their heart by asking meat for their lust” verse 30 “they were not estranged from their lust; but while meat was yet in their mouths” Let us read from the pen of inspiration. A Lesson From Israel's Failure (1909) 9 T 165 PS MANANA 21

the chosen nation The lust for flesh that Israel was drowned in was not the chosen nation The lust for flesh that Israel was drowned in was not quenched by the providence of GOD, their intemperance was above their powers, they were far into their addiction that something out of their control was instigating their farther rejection of flesh given to them. “ With the following slides I want us to take a closer look at intemperance. ” PS MANANA 22

the chosen nation Those who will gratify their appetite, and then suffer because of the chosen nation Those who will gratify their appetite, and then suffer because of their intemperance, and take drugs to relieve them, may be assured that God will not interpose to save health and life which are so recklessly periled. The cause has produced the effect. Many, as their last resort, follow the directions in the Word of God, and request the prayers of the elders of the church for their restoration to health. God does not see fit to answer prayers offered in behalf of such, for He knows that if they should be restored to health, they would again sacrifice it upon the altar of unhealthy appetite. --Medical Ministry, pp. 13, 14. {CME 35. 3} PS MANANA 23

the chosen nation Moses preached a great deal on this subject, and the reason the chosen nation Moses preached a great deal on this subject, and the reason the people did not go through to the promised land was because of repeated indulgence of appetite. Nine tenths of the wickedness among the children of today is caused by intemperance in eating and drinking. Adam and Eve lost Eden through the indulgence of appetite, and we only regain it by the denial of the same. -- Review and Herald, Oct. 21, 1884. {CME 40. 5} PS MANANA 24

the chosen nation “it is a most difficult matter to unlearn the habits which the chosen nation “it is a most difficult matter to unlearn the habits which have been indulged through life. The demon of intemperance is of giant strength, and is not easily conquered. ” {FE 143. 1} PS MANANA 25

the chosen nation “If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the Lord the chosen nation “If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the Lord thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the Lord that healeth thee” (Exodus 15: 26). PS MANANA 26

the chosen nation 30. The Lord gave His word to ancient Israel, that if the chosen nation 30. The Lord gave His word to ancient Israel, that if they would cleave strictly to Him, and do all His requirements, He would keep them from all the diseases such as He had brought upon the Egyptians; but this promise was given on the condition of obedience. Had the Israelites obeyed the instruction they received, and profited by their advantages, they would have been the world's object lesson of health and prosperity…. PS MANANA 27

the chosen nation …. The Israelites failed of fulfilling God's purpose, and thus failed the chosen nation …. The Israelites failed of fulfilling God's purpose, and thus failed of receiving the blessings that might have been theirs. ∞ “After the flood the people ate largely of animal food. God saw that the ways of man were corrupt, and that he was disposed to exalt himself proudly against his Creator and to follow the inclinations of his own heart. And He permitted that long-lived race to eat animal food to shorten their sinful lives. Soon after the flood the race began to rapidly decrease in size, and in length of years. ”—Counsels on Diet and Foods, p. 373. PS MANANA 28

the chosen nation “He led the children of Israel into the wilderness, where they the chosen nation “He led the children of Israel into the wilderness, where they could not get a flesh diet; and He gave them the bread of heaven. ‘Man did eat angels’ food’ (Psalm 78: 25). But they craved the fleshpots of Egypt, and mourned and cried for flesh, notwithstanding that the Lord had promised them that if they would submit to His will He would carry them into the land of Canaan and establish them there, a pure, holy, happy people, and there should not be a feeble one in all their tribes; for He would take away all sickness from among them. ”— Medical Ministry, p. 277. PS MANANA 29

the chosen nation This was the chosen nation. But who is chosen now? Do the chosen nation This was the chosen nation. But who is chosen now? Do they have a special diet to follow? Are they of a royal priesthood? Are they also to be a object lesson? Is this part of their mission? PS MANANA 30

the chosen generation “God is trying to lead us back, step by step, to the chosen generation “God is trying to lead us back, step by step, to His original design—that man should subsist upon the natural products of the earth. Among those who are waiting for the coming of the Lord, meat eating will eventually be done away; flesh will cease to form a part of their diet. We should ever keep this end in view, and endeavor to work steadily toward it. ”— Counsels on Health, p. 450. 54 PS MANANA 31

the chosen generation Here is a lesson for all, but especially for the young the chosen generation Here is a lesson for all, but especially for the young A strict compliance with the requirements of God is beneficial to the health of body and mind. In order to reach the highest standard of moral and intellectual attainments, it is necessary to seek wisdom and strength from God, and to observe strict temperance in all the habits of life, … PS MANANA 32

the chosen generation …In the experience of Daniel and his companions we have an the chosen generation …In the experience of Daniel and his companions we have an instance of the triumph of principle over temptation to indulge the appetite. It shows us that through religious principle young men may triumph over the lusts of the flesh, and remain true to God's requirements, even though it cost them a great sacrifice. ” [DANIEL'S DIET--117, 241, 242] {CD 32. 1} PS MANANA 33

the chosen generation people are not prepared for the loud cry of the “The the chosen generation people are not prepared for the loud cry of the “The health reform, I was shown, is a part of the third angel's message, and is just as closely connected with it as are the arm and hand with the human body. I saw that we as a people must make an advance move in this great work. Ministers and people must act in concert. God's third angel. They have a work to do for themselves which they should not leave for God to do for them. He has left this work for them to do. It is an individual work; one cannot do it for another… PS MANANA 34

the chosen generation …Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from the chosen generation …Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God. " Gluttony is the prevailing sin of this age. Lustful appetite makes slaves of men and women, and beclouds their intellects and stupefies their moral sensibilities to such a degree that the sacred, elevated truths of God's word are not appreciated. The lower propensities have ruled men and women. ” (1867) 1 T 486, 487 PS MANANA 35

the chosen generation “In order to be fitted for translation, the people of God the chosen generation “In order to be fitted for translation, the people of God must know themselves. They must understand in regard to their own physical frames, that they may be able with the psalmist to exclaim, "I will praise Thee, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. " They should ever have the appetite in subjection to the moral and intellectual organs. The body should be servant to the mind, and not the mind to the body. ” {CD 33. 1} PS MANANA 36

the chosen generation “It is of great importance that individually we act well our the chosen generation “It is of great importance that individually we act well our part, and have an intelligent understanding of what we should eat and drink, and how we should live to preserve health. All are being proved to see whether they will accept the principles of health reform or follow a course of self-indulgence. ” {CD 34. 3} PS MANANA 37

the chosen generation “Let no one think that he can do as he pleases the chosen generation “Let no one think that he can do as he pleases in the matter of diet. But before all who sit at the table with you, let it appear that you follow principle in the matter of eating, as in all other matters, that the glory of God may be revealed. You cannot afford to do otherwise; for you have a character to form for the future immortal life. Great responsibilities rest upon every human soul. Let us comprehend these responsibilities, and bear them nobly in the name of the Lord. ” {CD 34. 4} PS MANANA 38

the chosen generation “To every one who is tempted to indulge appetite I would the chosen generation “To every one who is tempted to indulge appetite I would say, Yield not to temptation, but confine yourself to the use of wholesome foods. You can train yourself to enjoy a healthful diet. The Lord helps those who seek to help themselves; but when men will not take special pains to follow out the mind and will of God, how can He work with them? . . . PS MANANA 39

the chosen generation …. Let us act our part, working out our salvation with the chosen generation …. Let us act our part, working out our salvation with fear and trembling, --with fear and trembling lest we make mistakes in the treatment of our bodies, which, before God, we are under obligation to keep in the most healthy condition possible. ” {CD 35. 1} PS MANANA 40

the chosen generation “In the time of ancient Israel every offering brought as a the chosen generation “In the time of ancient Israel every offering brought as a sacrifice to God was carefully examined. If any defect was discovered in the animal presented, it was refused; for God had commanded that the offering be ‘without blemish. ’ So Christians are bidden to present their bodies, ‘a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God. ’ PS MANANA 41

the chosen generation …In order to do this, all their powers must be preserved the chosen generation …In order to do this, all their powers must be preserved in the best possible condition. Every practice that weakens physical or mental strength unfits man for the service of his Creator. And will God be pleased with anything less than the best we can offer? ”—The Great Controversy, p. 473. PS MANANA 42

the chosen generation Note the following important verses 1 Corinthians 6: 19, 20 “for the chosen generation Note the following important verses 1 Corinthians 6: 19, 20 “for ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify GOD in your body, and in spirit, which are GOD’S” 3 John 2 “beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in good health, even as thy spirit prospereth” Job 3: 1 -26 gives a account of Job cursing the day he was born due to the “sore boils” PS MANANA 43

the chosen generation the verse that is referred to here does not picture a the chosen generation the verse that is referred to here does not picture a person who is in pain due to their ill health, but rather it does give a rough picture of what it feels to be in ill health. Nevertheless the is one thing that I want us to draw from this lesson. We don’t eat healthy to prolong life, for there is only one life giver. John 14: 6 “. . . and life. . . ” PS MANANA 44

the chosen generation We also don’t use it as a form of a mediator the chosen generation We also don’t use it as a form of a mediator between us and GOD. 1 Timothy 2: 5 “for the is one GOD, and one mediator between GOD and men, the men Christ Jesus” But rather we this in obedience to the laws of nature, and to preserve the temple of GOD for which we are. 1 Corinthians 3: 16, 17 We also do this in obedience to his word spoken through his prophetess. Amos 3: 7 But most of all we do this as a service to ourselves, keeping in health as workmen ready for harvest PS MANANA 45

the chosen generation 1 Peter 1: 13 “wherefore gird up the loins of your the chosen generation 1 Peter 1: 13 “wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ” Isaiah 1: 18 “come now, and let us reason together saith the LORD. . . ” The LORD is trying to call to use our reasoning power to test his word and see for ourselves the goodness, but Satan use the impulse and our sense to attract us to sin PS MANANA 46

the chosen generation Our LORD Jesus Christ was test on the same sin that the chosen generation Our LORD Jesus Christ was test on the same sin that caused our first parents to fall, and this sin continues to cause our fall today. (Matthew 4: 3, 4. ) Satan will always use our sense for he knows that through them our reason powers are low. In the last days the world will thirst for men and women who will have power over their sense, who won’t be caught in the indulgences of this sinful lust. Jesus speaking of the last days pointed his disciples to days of Noah when men was given to self indulgences. ( Matthews 24: 37, 38 ) PS MANANA 47

the chosen generation Today the ark remains open. We should show our stand with the chosen generation Today the ark remains open. We should show our stand with Christ and gain victory over our appetite. Will our sense be controlled by our minds, or our minds by our sense? Today the LORD is looking for those who will obey. Eve and Adam failed to obey GOD and ate that which was forbidden, the Israelites disobeyed GOD by eating that which was forbidden. What about you? Are you part of those who hid not the words of the watch men (Ezekiel 33: 1 -4), the sword of illness shall not. . . PS MANANA 48

the chosen generation. . . spear thee. Many today are buried in their graves, the chosen generation. . . spear thee. Many today are buried in their graves, and sweet sounding statements are written on their tombstones “NATURAL DEATH”, but some will wake up to their terror when they see what will be written in the books of heaven. “For GOD shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil” (Ecclesiastes 12: 14) PS MANANA 49

the chosen generation Let us strive to defeat appetite, let the high powers of the chosen generation Let us strive to defeat appetite, let the high powers of frontal lobe gain victory over the evil propensity of the heart and the limbic system. Let not your usefulness be hindered by your untamed carnal temptations. Be ye sober always not taken by the drunken surfeiting of gluttony. Daniel 1: 8 (Proverbs 23: 1– 3, 20, 21. ) “be not among winebibbers; among riotous eaters of flesh” PS MANANA 50

the chosen generation What we eat will determine us mentally and physically. (Galatians 6: the chosen generation What we eat will determine us mentally and physically. (Galatians 6: 7) ‘’for whatsoever a men soweth, That shall he also reap. ’’ Romans 12: 1. “…that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto GOD…” note during the sacrificial period, a offering without “blemish” was used. What about you? The are many among us whose “GOD is their belly” (Philippians 3: 19) PS MANANA 51

the chosen generation Some even joy at the presence of food that their mission the chosen generation Some even joy at the presence of food that their mission is forgotten, for they say “come let us feast and drink for tomorrow shall never come” (Isaiah 22: 12– 14. ) 1 John 2: 16 For all that [is] in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. ” In conclusion I would like us to take a look at the following important messages from the inspired Pen. PS MANANA 52

the chosen generation Our Saviour warned His disciples that just prior to His second the chosen generation Our Saviour warned His disciples that just prior to His second coming a state of things would exist very similar to that which preceded the flood. Eating and drinking would be carried to excess, and the world would be given up to pleasure. This state of things does exist at the present time. The world is largely given up to the indulgence of appetite; and the disposition to follow worldly customs will bring us into bondage to perverted habits, --habits that will make us more and more like the doomed inhabitants of Sodom. I have wondered that the inhabitants of the earth were not… 18 PS MANANA 53

the chosen generation …destroyed, like the people of Sodom and Gomorrah. I see reason the chosen generation …destroyed, like the people of Sodom and Gomorrah. I see reason enough for the present state of degeneracy and mortality in the world. Blind passion controls reason, and every high consideration is, with many, sacrificed to lust. {CD 17. 4} To keep the body in a healthy condition, in order that all parts of the living machinery may act harmoniously, should be a study of our life. The children of God cannot glorify Him with sickly bodies or dwarfed minds. Those who indulge in any species of intemperance, either in eating or drinking, waste their physical energies and weaken moral power. {CD 18. 1} PS MANANA 54

the chosen generation “Those who transgress the laws of God in their physical organism the chosen generation “Those who transgress the laws of God in their physical organism will not be less slow to violate the law of God spoken from Sinai. Those who will not, after the light has come to them, eat and drink from principle instead of being controlled by appetite, will not be tenacious in regard to being governed by principle in other things. The agitation of the subject of reform in eating and drinking will develop character and will unerringly bring to light those who make a ‘god of their bellies. ’”—Counsels on Health, p. 39. 36 PS MANANA 55

the chosen generation “Many persons bring disease upon themselves by their self-indulgence. They have the chosen generation “Many persons bring disease upon themselves by their self-indulgence. They have not lived in accordance with natural law or the principles of strict purity. Others have disregarded the laws of health in their habits of eating and drinking, dressing, or working. Often some form of vice is the cause of feebleness of mind or body. Should these persons gain the blessing of health, … PS MANANA 56

the chosen generation …many of them would continue to pursue the same course of the chosen generation …many of them would continue to pursue the same course of heedless transgression of God’s natural and spiritual laws, reasoning that if God heals them in answer to prayer, they are at liberty to continue their unhealthful practices and to indulge perverted appetite without restraint. If God were to work a miracle in restoring these persons to health, He would be encouraging sin. ”—The Ministry of Healing, p. 227. PS MANANA 57

the chosen generation “The Lord accepts no divided heart. He wants the whole man. the chosen generation “The Lord accepts no divided heart. He wants the whole man. He made all there is of man. He offered a complete sacrifice to redeem the body and soul of man. ”—Special Testimonies on Education, p. 83. “It is impossible for those who indulge the appetite to attain to Christian perfection. ”— Ibid. , p. 22. “If we weaken these powers of mind or body by wrong habits or indulgence of perverted appetite, it will be impossible for us to honor God as we should. ”—Ibid. , p. 21. PS MANANA 58

the chosen generation “The travels of the children of Israel are faithfully described…This faithful the chosen generation “The travels of the children of Israel are faithfully described…This faithful picture is hung up before us as a warning lest we follow their example of disobedience and fall like them. ”—Gospel Workers (1892), pp. 159, 160. PS MANANA 59

the chosen generation “Can [the Lord] be pleased when half the workers laboring in the chosen generation “Can [the Lord] be pleased when half the workers laboring in a place, teach that the principles of health reform are as closely allied to the third angel’s message as the arm is to the body, while their coworkers, by their practice, teach principles that are entirely opposite? ”— Healthful Living (1897), p. 32. PS MANANA 60