- Количество слайдов: 10
Providing a Road Map: Mentoring the Mentoring Teacher Presenters: Paul Graber, Social Studies Teacher and TNE Site Director, James Monroe High School, Los Angeles Unified Schools Natalie Messinger, TNE Site Director at Langdon Ave. Elementary School and Retired Principal, Los Angeles Unified Schools Cathy Nachum, TNE Site Director at Sepulveda Middle School and Retired Teacher, Los Angeles Unified Schools For more information, cnachum@lausd. k 12. ca. us
Workshop Agenda 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. What is the Teacher for a New Era Program? CSUN/TNE Model: Effective Teaching Mentoring Teacher Interest Survey Establishment/role of site committee in selection of mentoring teacher Training Mentor Teachers § § Saturday Workshop Site training of mentoring teachers Yearly anecdotal evaluation of the mentoring program
What is the Teacher for a New Era Program? Partnership between LAUSD and CSUN for teacher preparation A cohort of graduate students immersed in a full time school-based experience The goal is to earn a Preliminary California Multiple Subject Credential within two semesters All course work is taught at the school site by University Professors share their expertise with each of the school communities
CSUN/TNE Model: Effective Teaching CSUN TNE’s working conceptualization of good teaching consists of the following elements: l belief system and dispositions l knowledge base: subject matter knowledge, subject specific pedagogy, and professional/political knowledge, and l practices and skills
Process for Mentor Teacher Selection l Interest Survey l Letter to Potential Mentoring Teachers l Saturday Training Workshop
Formation of Site Committee l Interest Survey l Adjunct Duties – TNE Committee Sign-Up (Elementary School) l Voluntary / Self Selecting (Secondary Schools)
Training the Mentor Teacher l l l Saturday Workshop Overview of mentor responsibilities Questions most frequently asked by mentor teachers Initial Planning Conference Techniques and Strategies for Successful Mentoring • • • Building Trust Planning and Setting Self-Improvement Goals with Student Teachers Observation Techniques Feedback Conferencing Student Teacher Evaluation
YEAR-END DATA GATHERING l Designed and established for: § Mentoring teachers § School administrators § NCATE evaluation by school site committee § Center For Educational Policy (SRI) receives and evaluates submitted information for CSUN
Anecdotal Messages From the ’ 05/’ 06 TNE Cohort About Their Mentor Teachers • • “Mrs. Mc. Nary was an excellent model for the kind of teacher I want to be. She always gave me helpful feedback, so I could grow as a teacher. ” -Amanda J. Fitzpatrick “Don’t worry about tomorrow, because somehow everything always seems to get done and when you’re finished, you’ll look back and realize it wasn’t so bad after all. ” -Jamie Yoon
More Messages • “My mentor teacher was always positive with her feedback even when she was giving me advice on how to do something better. I really liked her encouragement, it made me feel confident in my role as a student teacher. ” -Roxanne Dashti • “I am always impressed with your preparedness and well thought out lessons. ” -Estella Mejia • “My mentor teacher invited me to a teacher’s professional development day which helped me hone my skills at writing lesson learning objectives and allowed me to network with other people from the district. ” -Timothy Ott