Скачать презентацию Proteomics in Addiction Systems-wide proteomic technologies for addiction Скачать презентацию Proteomics in Addiction Systems-wide proteomic technologies for addiction


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Proteomics in Addiction: (Systems-wide proteomic technologies for addiction research: the study of post-translational modifications) Proteomics in Addiction: (Systems-wide proteomic technologies for addiction research: the study of post-translational modifications) Sungchan Kim Department of Biochemistry College of Medicine, Hallym University

Proteomics A system-wide screening technology for analysis of proteins’ properties at global scale. State Proteomics A system-wide screening technology for analysis of proteins’ properties at global scale. State 2 State 1 Proteome 1 v Expression v Modification v Subcellular localization v Protein/protein interactions v Activities Proteome 2

Advantages of protein profiling vs. Nucleic acid Microarrays • m. RNA misses many features Advantages of protein profiling vs. Nucleic acid Microarrays • m. RNA misses many features of proteins that affect function. - Protein “activities” determine phenotype, not m. RNA level or protein levels. - m. RNA levels frequently do not correlate with protein levels. - Most proteins are post-translationally modified(PTM). - PTMs usually have critically important functional differences. - Function of many proteins in affected by change in subcellular location. - Consequently, the function/dysfunction (in a certain disease) of a specific gene cannot be predicted comprehensively by its sequence only.

Why is Proteomics Important? • Identification of proteins in normal and disease conditions. – Why is Proteomics Important? • Identification of proteins in normal and disease conditions. – Most cancer markers are proteins. – The majority of drug targets are proteins. • Identification of pathogenic mechanisms. – Reveals gene regulation events involved in disease progression • Promise in novel drug discovery via analysis of clinically relevant molecular events. • Contributes to understanding of gene function. Biomarker or drug target

Principle of 2 -D Electrophoresis (Gel-based approach) 1. First dimension: - Denaturing isoelectric focusing Principle of 2 -D Electrophoresis (Gel-based approach) 1. First dimension: - Denaturing isoelectric focusing - Separation according to the p. I 2. Second dimension: - SDS electrophoresis - Separation according to the MW The 2 -D electrophoresis gel resolves thousands of protein spots each time.

2 D-gel/Mass Spectrometry-based Proteomics DIA: Difference in gel analysis Normal Disease Label protein extract 2 D-gel/Mass Spectrometry-based Proteomics DIA: Difference in gel analysis Normal Disease Label protein extract with Cy 3 Label protein extract with Cy 5 Mix equal amount of the labelled extracts Ünlü, M. , Morgan, M. E. , and Minden, J. S. (1997). Difference gel electrophoresis: a single gel method for detecting changes in cell extracts. Electrophoresis, 18, 2071 -2077

2 D-gel/Mass Spectrometry-based Proteomics 2 D-gel/Mass Spectrometry-based Proteomics

Poteomics 분석 방법 Electrophoresis 단백질 분리 Mass spectrometry 펩타이드 분자량 측정 Database search 단백질 Poteomics 분석 방법 Electrophoresis 단백질 분리 Mass spectrometry 펩타이드 분자량 측정 Database search 단백질 동정

Challenges for Proteomic Analysis § Inherent complexity of biological samples § Wide dynamic range Challenges for Proteomic Analysis § Inherent complexity of biological samples § Wide dynamic range of protein expression >106 Dynamic range Number of Proteins ~13, 000 ~2, 000 Proteomic methods in Cells 103 -4 Proteomic methods in Cells

The cell map The cell map

Simplifying the Proteome Based on Common Structural Features - modifications O OP O O Simplifying the Proteome Based on Common Structural Features - modifications O OP O O –Ser –Thr –Tyr O O Phosphorylated –Farnesylation –Geranylgeranylation –Myristoylation –Pamitoylation –GPI anchor Lipid Modified –O-Glc. NAc –O-Fucosylation –O-Glucosylation –Complicated Glycosylated

Known Post-translational Modifications: >200 Protein: Analysis and Design. Angeletti, R. H. (ed). 121 -207 Known Post-translational Modifications: >200 Protein: Analysis and Design. Angeletti, R. H. (ed). 121 -207 (Academic Press, San Diego, CA, 1998). Diseases Modifications Cellular functions Cardiovascular diseases Hypertension Cancer Phosphorylation Ser Thr Tyr Cell growth Cell division Cell movement Cell memory Cell patterning Cell-cell interaction Apoptosis Signaling transduction Inflammation Stroke Alzheimer Parkinson's disease Schizophrenia Depression Hodgkin’s disease Meningitis Drug addiction Osteoporosis Multiple sclerosis Asthma Arthritis Diabetics Aging Cystic fibrosis Glycosylation O-Glc. NAc Fucosylation Glucosylation O-linked complex glycosylation N-linked complex glycosylation Lipid Modification Farnesylation Geranylgeranylation Myristoylation Palmitoylation GPI-anchor Acylation Acetylation Methylation DNA Replication DNA damage repair Transcription Translation Splicing Protein degradation Protein trafficking Subcellular localization Interactions Energy generation Energy consumption

Mechanism of modifications action of post-translational (from Ole N. Jensen. 2006. Nature Reviews Molecular Mechanism of modifications action of post-translational (from Ole N. Jensen. 2006. Nature Reviews Molecular cell biology. 7: 391 -403)

Agonistic and antagonistic effects of neighboring modifications Yang, XJ. Oncogene (2005) 24, 1653– 1662 Agonistic and antagonistic effects of neighboring modifications Yang, XJ. Oncogene (2005) 24, 1653– 1662

Regulation by long-range intramolecular signaling • DNA damage activates Cdc 2 to phosphorylate Ser Regulation by long-range intramolecular signaling • DNA damage activates Cdc 2 to phosphorylate Ser 315 of p 53, which generates a potential docking site for the Polo-box domain of Plks and facilitates Ser 20 phosphorylation of p 53. • This modification then stimulates CBP association for Lys 382 acetylation. • Similarly, Ser 46 phosphorylation stimulates the same acetylation. Yang, XJ. Oncogene (2005) 24, 1653– 1662

Proteomic approach for addiction research Proteomic approach for addiction research

< Post-translational modification and Addiction Research > < Post-translational modification and Addiction Research >

Lysine-Acetylation & Histone deacetylases (HDACs) O O ~N H HATs ~ ~ ~N H Lysine-Acetylation & Histone deacetylases (HDACs) O O ~N H HATs ~ ~ ~N H NH + NH 3 HDACs O • • • Loss of charge Extended length Gain hydrophobic contact area • Discovered in 1964 • < 90 targets identified to date (histones, transcription factors) • Dynamic and highly regulated modification – ~ 20 Histone Acetyl Transferases (HATs) – 18 Histone Deacetylases (HDACs)

Physiological Implications of Lysine-Acetylation (K-Ac) and Its Regulatory enzymes • Cancer – Histone Deacetylases Physiological Implications of Lysine-Acetylation (K-Ac) and Its Regulatory enzymes • Cancer – Histone Deacetylases (HDAC) inhibitors under >40 phase III clinical trials • Heart failure • Neurodegenerative diseases • Addiction • Aging and longevity

** CBP: one of Histone Acetyl Transferases (HAT) ** CBP: one of Histone Acetyl Transferases (HAT)

< Post-translational modification and neuroscience research > < Post-translational modification and neuroscience research >

< Post-translational modification and neuroscience research > < Post-translational modification and neuroscience research >

< Post-translational modification and neuroscience research > • The role of HDAC inhibitors in < Post-translational modification and neuroscience research > • The role of HDAC inhibitors in Alzheimer's disease. First, HDAC inhibitors inhibit Aβ-induced hyperphosphorylation of tau protein. Second, HDAC inhibitors alter the expression of important genes which participate in the learning and memory.

< Post-translational modification and neuroscience research > < Post-translational modification and neuroscience research >

< Post-translational modification and cardiovascular disease research > < Post-translational modification and cardiovascular disease research >

< Post-translational modification and Addiction Research > < Post-translational modification and Addiction Research >

Proteomics for post-translational modification research § Identification of differentially expressed protein. (2 D-gel based/MS Proteomics for post-translational modification research § Identification of differentially expressed protein. (2 D-gel based/MS approach) §Antibody-based affinity purification ü Lysine Acetylation ü Lysine Methylation (mono, di, tri) ü Tyrosine phosphorylation ü Lysine Propionylation ü Lysine Butyrylation ü Lysine Sumoylation ü… § Tagging-via-substrate approach ü Farnesylation (lipid modification) ü O-Glc. NAc modification ü Sumoylation ü Phosphorylation ü… § Dynamics studies possible

Multi-disciplinary Approaches for Biology Studies § Proteomics is a powerful biochemical techniques that is Multi-disciplinary Approaches for Biology Studies § Proteomics is a powerful biochemical techniques that is able to carry out systems-wide screening with high sensitivity and high efficiency. § Proteomics could complement molecular biology and genetics approach for dissection of biological pathways. § Integration of proteomics with molecular biology and genetics makes biological studies really powerful. Proteomics Mol/Cell Biology Genetics/Physiology

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