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PROPOSED POLICE STATION/EOC OVERVIEW Special City Council Meeting March 26, 2013
Opening Remarks Vision Need Size Location Cost Local Economic Impact
1999 -2010 Since 1999 the current site was a temporary measure Considerable discussion and analysis 2001 Minute Excerpts forward on this project Dialogue on location- on or off of US 17 and even @ ASACC Site on MLK Boulevard In 2010 Design Plans were provided to Council and approved
1999 -2010 In 2010, $230 s. f. ; $5 M Construction costs; 16, 000 s. f. heated/cooled Build for future- 30 years Population Projection: 30, 000; Surge 12 -13, 000 Meet our Vision Plan Prequalify contractors
1999 -2010 National avg 230 s. f. /employee Plan was for 213 s. f. /employee Service Standard 2. 2 officers/thousand population Anticipate 66 sworn and 15 civilian
2011 - 2013 April 19, 2011 – Project overview 14 page agenda item, photos, size, cost, location May 17, 2011 – Funding Strategy Plan February, 2012 - Vision Plan Update May 15, 2012 - Comprehensive update on this Capital Project: Sources and Uses, Site Readiness to Proceed, Action Steps, and Council direction July 3, 2012 – Adopt Rezoning Ordinance July 17, 2012 - Funding Strategy Update (2 nd time)
2011 -2013 July 26, 2012 - Planning & Zoning Board approved the Site Plan. In their packet it showed the building footprint, square footage, and building façade August 7, 2012 - Adopt Ordinance to re-open Wilson Avenue due to land rights August 7, 2012 - Council approved the Site Plan October 2, 2012 - Council approved addtl architectural fees due to building footprint shift from closure of Wilson Avenue
2011 -2013 November 7, 2012 - Council adopts plan for adaptive reuse of former police station site December 4, 2012 - Council approves Request for Qualifications (RFQ) process with a tentative timeline subject to change December 4, 2012 - Funding Strategy Update (3 rd time)
March, 2013 March 5, 2013 - Mayor asks for City Manager to give brief update under Comments section of agenda March 26, 2013 - Special Council Meeting
Need The Honorable Rick Beseler, Sheriff , Clay County
Future Facility Components Lobby Storage Mechanical Rooms Offices Conference Rooms Restrooms Evidence Vaults
Future Facility Components Lockers Physical Fitness Training Area Armory Briefing Room Training Room Interview Room Prisoner Booking Room
Future Facility Components Communications Break Room Sallyport
Sworn Strength
All Calls for Service
Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Video EOC Chief Lorin Mock, Director, Clay County Emergency Management John Ward, Asst Director, Clay County Emergency Management
Critical Facility Serve dual purpose as Community Meeting Room Serve dual purpose as Emergency Operations Center Provide Veteran’s Memorial @ Entrance Share Local History Build Capital Wealth Attract Business and Industry
Population Projections Exclude impact from Outer Beltway Exclude impact from Reynolds Industrial Park Build- out Potential Impact from Reynolds per Comprehensive Plan is 3, 919 dwelling units 10, 133 population and 8 M S. F. Development, 1, 500 Time Share Units, 1, 650 Boat Slips Exclude Annexations
Clay County, Florida 191, 143 Population Projections Low Medium High 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 193, 700 206, 500 216, 800 224, 700 230, 200 233, 700 204, 800 229, 200 252, 500 274, 700 295, 700 315, 700 218, 400 252, 400 287, 400 323, 300 360, 100 398, 000 Source: UF Bureau of Economic Business Research (BEBR)
Population Projections 2010 Clay County, Florida 2020 2030 2040 2060 190, 865 237, 400 284, 400 325, 900 417, 090 Source: Northeast Florida Regional Planning Council
Population Projections Clay County Green Cove Springs Source: UF Shimberg Center 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 212, 698 237, 398 261, 502 284, 400 305, 802 325, 898 7, 361 7, 816 8, 199 8, 590 8, 931 9, 241
Population Projections Area 2010 2025 Clay County 221, 293 303, 040 330, 703 Green Cove Springs 9, 294 13, 940 15, 874 Source: City of Green Cove Springs Comprehensive Plan for 2025 Data & Analysis
Idlewild Avenue Site Expenses Final Land parcel purchase was in 2008 Architect $1. 4 Million inception to date
Site Characteristics 3. 1 acres Frontage on SR 16 (1001 Idlewild Avenue) Abuts Wilson Avenue Adjacent to Melrose Avenue On-site Stormwater Off-street Parking
Funding Strategy: Sources Forfeiture Surtax Grant E-911 Excess Reserves $750, 000 $630, 000 $400, 000 $175, 000 $289, 093 $3, 100 $5. 3 M Federal 14% Local 12% State 8% Local 3% Local 5% Total 100% $2. 244 M = 43% Source: December 4, 2012 Staff Report Loan Balance Debt 57% Cost
Funding Strategy: Uses Element Range Construction $3, 600, 000 $4, 200, 000 Site Work $842, 000 $912, 000 Demolition $75, 000 $85, 000 E-911 Equipment $175, 000 FFE $125, 000 Subtotal $4, 817, 000 $5, 497, 000 Contingency @7. 5% $361, 275 $412, 275 Part-time Constr Mgr $55, 600 Inspector $30, 000 TOTALS $4. 5 M Range $5, 377, 000 $6, 200, 000 Source: December 4, 2012 Staff Report $5. 1 M
Bid Tabulations Bid Item Batson. Cook Charles Perry Partners Construction $5, 195, 000 $5, 193, 000 Sitework $380, 000 Demolition Mc. Cree Design Builders Sauer ? $4. 975 M $5, 429, 635 $369, 000 ? $788, 565 $386, 565 $22, 000 $35, 000 ? $60, 000 $80, 800 TOTALS $5, 597, 000 $5, 773, 330 Cost S. F. $279. 85 $288. 67 $291. 18 $294. 85 Time 300 days ? 395 days 305 days 442 days Source: March 25, 2013 Bid Tabulation Dana B. Kenyon $5, 823, 565 $5, 897, 000
Funding Strategy: Uses Element Range $180 s. f. Range $210 s. f. Low Bid $280 s. f. Construction $3, 600, 000 $4, 200, 000 $5, 195, 000 Site Work $842, 000 $912, 000 $380, 000 Demolition $75, 000 $85, 000 $22, 000 E-911 Equipment $175, 000 FFE $125, 000 Subtotal $4, 817, 000 $5, 497, 000 $5, 897, 000 Contingency @7. 5% $361, 275 $412, 275 $442, 275 Part-time Constr Mgr $55, 600 Inspector $30, 000 TOTALS $5, 377, 000 $6, 200, 000 $6, 424, 875 Source: December 4, 2012 Staff Report and March 25, 2013 Bid Tabulation
Funding Strategy: Sources Forfeiture Surtax E-911 Excess Reserves Loan Cost $750, 000 $630, 000 $175, 000 $289, 093 $1, 785 M $3. 6 M Federal 14% Local 12% Local 3% Local 5% 49% Total 100% $1. 844 M = 51% Source: December 4, 2012 Staff Report and March 25, 2013 Bid Tabulation $181 s. f. 20, 000 s. f.
Financing Options (Surtax Only) Extend Surtax beyond December 31, 2019 Surtax is a local option sales tax of an additional penny $630 K/year Pledge in various combinations Allocate a portion of surtax, nte $255 K for 7 years, =$1, 785 M Allocate 100% of Surtax for 2 years = $1, 260 Impact other CIP uses in areas of parks and recreation, streets, facilities
Financing Options (Surtax Only) Fixed vs. Variable Interest Rates Ability to Refinance Construction Drawdown Basis Interest only during Construction Flexible Repayment Periods Duration of Loan: 6 and 20 years Negotiate Prepayment
Cost Comparisons City Hall c. 2004 26, 709 s. f. Built to Category 2, 110 mph standard ≠ EOC Capability Limited Generator Power first floor only; $200 K 1. 4 acres No parking requirements $4, 037 Million $151. 15 s. f.
Cost Contrasts Proposed Police Facility c. 2013 16, 000 s. f. under air, total 20, 000 s. f. 1, 940 s. f. for EOC portion @ $400, 000 w match = $533, 500 is $275 s. f. Built to Category 5, 160 mph standard =EOC Capability Self-Sufficient for 72 hours: (Electric, Water, Fuel, etc. )
Cost Contrasts 3. 1 acres Parking requirements $4. 5 Million $5. 6 Million lowest bidder
Construction Bid Costs and Time $5. 597 M - $5. 897 M $279. 85 s. f. - $294. 85 s. f 300 days – 442 days
Re-Design Options Investment in Future Do not delete perceived arbitrary elements Lessen Impact New Construction Documents: Architect, and civil, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, landscape architect Recommend use of planned site Maintain architectural style for communications, no cell tower on site
Cost Factors Interest rates are at low point Construction costs are on rise Construction Type Square Footage
Jobs, Wages Direct effect: 38 jobs, $1. 3 M wages, $1. 783 Value added to goods at each stage of process Indirect effect: 26 jobs, $858, 853 wages Effects are during construction period which is close to one year as a result of this economic stimulus Source: State Department of Economic Opportunity
Conclusion Vision Proposed Plan Testimonials Bids Sources and Uses
Conclusion Capital Improvements Direct accumulation of wealth Policy Decision
Policy Decision Develop 1001 Idlewild Avenue Site 100% Construction Docs since 2010 SJRWMD Permit expires October 26, 2015 Geotechnical Report Site Plan approved August 7, 2012 12 months post site plan approval, begin construction August 7, 2013
Policy Decision Options Accept bids as is, Category 5 160 mph wind speed Accept bids with value engineering $500 K, still Category 5 Redesign to building standard, Category 3, 111 -129 wind speed, retain 20, 000 s. f. footprint Redesign to building standard, Category 3, revise s. f. footprint
Policy Decision Architect can provide on April 9 th the time and cost estimates associated with Options Time for Closure Loan Ordinance, $1, 785 M
Closing Remarks Public Comment Council Comment Set Special Session on April 9, 2013 Bids, Loan Ordinance