Скачать презентацию Propagation Channel Characterization and Modeling Outdoor Power Supply Скачать презентацию Propagation Channel Characterization and Modeling Outdoor Power Supply


  • Количество слайдов: 28

Propagation Channel Characterization and Modeling Outdoor Power Supply Grids as Communication Channels Prof. Dr. Propagation Channel Characterization and Modeling Outdoor Power Supply Grids as Communication Channels Prof. Dr. -Ing. habil. Klaus Dostert Institute of Industrial Information Systems UNIVERSITY OF KARLSRUHE (TH)

Overview Communication over outdoor electrical power supply lines Network structures and their basic properties Overview Communication over outdoor electrical power supply lines Network structures and their basic properties Ø Access domain in Europe, ASIA, America Analysis of line and cable properties Ø characteristic impedance Ø branching & matching General aspects of channel modeling Ø transfer function, impulse response, channel parameterization Ø interference scenario PLC channel simulation and emulation Ø channel adapted system development Conclusions and further work 2

History: Carrier Frequency Transmission since 1920 (on the high voltage level only) Ø no History: Carrier Frequency Transmission since 1920 (on the high voltage level only) Ø no branching Ø optimal „wave guiding“ by network conditioning 3

Current and Upcoming PLC Applications Low Speed (10… 100 kbits/s) - Office and home Current and Upcoming PLC Applications Low Speed (10… 100 kbits/s) - Office and home automation (intelligent appliances) - Energy information systems - Urban rail-based traffic systems Broadband Services: 1… 30 MHz (1… 2 Mbits/s - „Last Mile“ and „Last Meter“ high-speed internet access, voice over IP etc. High Speed Indoor Applications: 12 … 70 MHz - PLC for digital entertainment systems (>100 Mbits/s) Ø PLC in automobiles Ø PLC for factory automation Ø PLC for advanced safety systems in the mining industry 4

The European Power Supply Network Structure 3 -phase supply details V 400 high voltage The European Power Supply Network Structure 3 -phase supply details V 400 high voltage level: 110. . 380 k. V 40 0 V 230 V 400 V transformer station 0 V 23 LV transformer stations medium voltage level 10. . . 30 k. V low voltage distribution grid 3 Phases: 230 V, 400 V supply cells Ø up to 350 households Ø cable length 100. . . 400 m 5

Typical Topology of European Power Distribution Networks in Residential Areas Server Transformer Station 1 Typical Topology of European Power Distribution Networks in Residential Areas Server Transformer Station 1 5 4 3 m 2 1 k 6 x. supply cable type NAYY 150 SE ma th: 8 eng 10 11 7 12 14 13 le l L 2 L 3 N 15 cab L 1 9 18 16 17 22 19 33 20 21 23 24 32 28 31 30 29 27 26 25 House connection cable NAYY 50 SE 6

Some Details of “Last Mile” and “Last Meter” Environments local transformer station medium voltage Some Details of “Last Mile” and “Last Meter” Environments local transformer station medium voltage network cross-bar system ZL 1 points of mismatch ZL 2 house connection forming a low impedance point - almost short circuit 7

Power Supply Structures in Asia and America high voltage level: 110. . 380 k. Power Supply Structures in Asia and America high voltage level: 110. . 380 k. V single and split-phase 250 V transformer station 1 st medium voltage level 10… 30 k. V 125 5 V 12 V 2 nd medium voltage distribution level 6 k. V low voltage distribution grid single or split phase supply 125 V, 250 V many LV transformers Ø small supply cells Ø few households per transformer Ø cable length 100 m Ø grounding of 3 rd wire Ø highly unsymmetrical 8

The Ideal Two-Wire System compensation of exterior field X 9 The Ideal Two-Wire System compensation of exterior field X 9

Symmetry in Multi-Wire Structures open wires 3 -phase supply cable passive conductors • X Symmetry in Multi-Wire Structures open wires 3 -phase supply cable passive conductors • X passive conductors X “earth” in case of a three-wire supply • 10

Simplified Analysis of a Two-Wire System characteristic impedance 650 600 open wires: r=1 m Simplified Analysis of a Two-Wire System characteristic impedance 650 600 open wires: r=1 m ZL/ r 550 D m =2 m m r 4 m r= 500 5 m r= 450 r m 400 350 100 attenuation at open wires due to Skin effect 0 120 l =500 m A(f)/d. B 100 l =1000 m -2 ZL/ l =2000 80 m -4 150 200 l =5 d=2 r=5 mm 350 D in mm r m 5 m = 400 r m m =7 0 m m 1 40 000 m 300 cable: r=3. 5 60 -6 250 r= 20 -8 0 5 10 15 20 25 f in MHz 30 10 15 20 25 D in mm 30 11

RF Properties of Typical Supply Cables Access Cable Types Model J J L 3 RF Properties of Typical Supply Cables Access Cable Types Model J J L 3 PEN L 2 L 3 r i ra r L 1 L 2 ZL/ L 1 Lossy Line Parameters (low losses) L 3 N L 1 N r Characteristic Impedance Attenuation Coefficient Characteristic Impedance Attenuation over 1 km 50 0 NAYY 150 SE 10 40 House Connection NAYY 50 SE 30 20 Main Supply Cable NAYY 150 SE NAYY 50 SE 40 50 A(f) [d. B] 60 10 0 70 1 2 5 10 f /MHz 20 12

The problem of Branching and Possible Solutions ZL L >> ZL R=ZL/3 ZL ZL The problem of Branching and Possible Solutions ZL L >> ZL R=ZL/3 ZL ZL matched to ZL ZL/2 mismatch: 13

Some Ideas for Signal Coupling with Enhanced Symmetry Improving EMC Transformer Station typical RF Some Ideas for Signal Coupling with Enhanced Symmetry Improving EMC Transformer Station typical RF coupling devices decoupling cross-bar system L>10µH RF-shorts cable: ZLC 25 House Connection decoupling cable: ZLC 35 impedance matching L > 10µH MODEM BALUN power meter impedance matching BALUN RF-shorts MODEM ØFerrite material is required for these decoupling coils, which carry high currents! Ø Transformer: >150 A Ø House connection: >30 A 14

Reflections Causing Echoes and Inter-Symbol Interference T wireless channel as example direct path echo Reflections Causing Echoes and Inter-Symbol Interference T wireless channel as example direct path echo path R delay: = 2 - 1 simplified analysis of a line with 1 unmatched branch Tbit direct in practice: multiple echoes echo result strong inter-symbol interference: Tbit 2 T R 1 impulse response 1 2 t 15

Approaches Toward Deterministic Network Modeling source bq ri sink line element a a 1 Approaches Toward Deterministic Network Modeling source bq ri sink line element a a 1 b b 1 S 12 S 21 S 22 branch a 2 b 2 a b ra example b 1 b 2 b 3 a 2 a 3 a 1 Ø high computational effort Ø requires detailed knowledge of network topology and device parameters not applicable in practice 16

The Echo-based Channel Model k 1 1 k 2 2 considering only echoes : The Echo-based Channel Model k 1 1 k 2 2 considering only echoes : ki=const N k 3 impulse response k. N S low-pass behavior dependent on number, length and matching of branches generally complex r(t) Fourier transform s(t) transfer function Result Attenuation Coefficient: skin-effect dielectric losses 17

h(t): impulse response H(f): single reflection, no losses 0 1 d. B path 1 h(t): impulse response H(f): single reflection, no losses 0 1 d. B path 1 path 2 FT -5 -10 0. 5 -15 -20 0 5 10 15 20 f in MHz 25 1 1. 17 225 m 2 T 200 m 1 attenuation 0 0 30 0 d. B 1. 33 1. 5 1. 67 t in µs 1. 83 2 R single reflection, including losses d. B -20 path 1 path 2 -40 0 5 10 15 20 f in MHz 25 30 18

Two-Path Channel without Losses but Varying Path Weights Path 1 0. 52 0. 26 Two-Path Channel without Losses but Varying Path Weights Path 1 0. 52 0. 26 Path 2 0. 347 0. 208 0. 149 0. 173 0. 46 0. 71 0. 793 0. 627 0. 76 0. 817 19

A First Realistic Example 0 -10 ¥ G» 30 m 11 m 170 m A First Realistic Example 0 -10 ¥ G» 30 m 11 m 170 m |H(f)| d. B ZL -20 -30 -40 -50 0 5 10 15 20 25 frequency in MHz 30 1 0 path di/m gi 1 200 0. 64 1 calculation measurement -10 - 20 h(t) 0. 5 - 30 2 222. 4 0. 38 3 244. 8 -0. 15 4 267. 5 0. 05 0 - 40 - 50 0 0 5 10 15 f in MHz 0 0. 5 20 1 0 1. 5 1 2 2 3 4 t in µs 2. 5 3 time in µs 5 3. 5 20

A Second Example (more complex) 110 m 15 m |H(f)| -20 d. B -40 A Second Example (more complex) 110 m 15 m |H(f)| -20 d. B -40 -60 path di/m gi 1 90 0. 029 2 102 0. 043 3 113 0. 103 4 143 -0. 058 5 148 -0. 045 6 200 -0. 040 7 260 0. 038 8 322 -0. 038 9 411 0. 071 10 490 -0. 035 11 567 0. 065 12 740 -0. 055 13 960 0. 042 14 1130 -0. 059 15 1250 0. 049 -80 0 5 10 15 20 25 frequency in MHz 30 1 h(t) 0. 5 0 -0. 5 0 0. 5 1 1. 5 2 2. 5 3 time in µs 3. 5 21

Attenuation in d. B Transmission Characteristics According to Length Classes 0 10 20 150 Attenuation in d. B Transmission Characteristics According to Length Classes 0 10 20 150 30 40 20 50 0 m 380 70 0 m 30 60 m m 80 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Frequency in MHz 22

A General Powerline Interference Model narrowbandinterference periodic impulsive noise synchronous with the mains periodic A General Powerline Interference Model narrowbandinterference periodic impulsive noise synchronous with the mains periodic impulsive noise asynchronous with the mains background noise + Interference Channel as a Linear Filter h(t) aperiodic asynchronous impulsive noise Amplitude H(f) t. B A threat of burst errors t. A t. IAT time A, t. B and t. A are random variables with exponential distributions 23

Idea of a Universal PLC-Channel Emulator PLC Modem Host-PC Configuration Interface LPF A D Idea of a Universal PLC-Channel Emulator PLC Modem Host-PC Configuration Interface LPF A D FIR Filter Noise Generator + PGA LPF A D D D LPF PGA A LPF + Noise Generator FIR Filter D A D 24

Some Details Toward Emulator Realization channel emulation filters from 8 ADC 20 FIR Notch Some Details Toward Emulator Realization channel emulation filters from 8 ADC 20 FIR Notch 5 x 7 bit delay 5 x 5 bit coeff. 14 FIR lowpass delay FPGA signal DAC FIFO 14 D A control 32 x 8 bit coeff. periodic, synchronous, asynchronous impulsive noise & background noise interference DAC 8 m-sequences of 8 length 220 -1 Amplitude 14 + 14 14 control 20 bit shift register 8 x 20 bits load D A narrow band noise 8 -bit-circular memory of length 500 P_ADDR 26 P_DATA 32 8 Amplitude 500 x 8 bits load 14 control / load 25

A First Powerline Channel Emulator Prototype reference channel |H| in d. B modified filter A First Powerline Channel Emulator Prototype reference channel |H| in d. B modified filter structure coeff. filter 1 coeff. filter 2 simulations, implementation |H| in d. B f in MHz hardware verification measurements f in MHz 26

Why OFDM for PLC? Channel Transfer Function FSK, GMSK restricted e. g. for protection Why OFDM for PLC? Channel Transfer Function FSK, GMSK restricted e. g. for protection of broadcast services not usable due to high attenuation OFDM sub-channel f 1 f 2 f 3 f. N f 27

Conclusions and Further Work PLC or BPL offers a variety of valuable applications Ø Conclusions and Further Work PLC or BPL offers a variety of valuable applications Ø data rates exceeding many Mbits/s will enable numerous new services Mature channel models are covering any channel of interest Ø successful development of a new generation of ”channel adapted” PLC systems is possible Ø no more pitfalls: sophisticated simulation and emulation Building advanced and user-friendly simulation and emulation environments is now an important issue Further development and standardization of PLC or BPL goes on Ø ETSI, CENELEC, CISPR Ø EU Project OPERA (Open PLC European Research Alliance) Ø Home. Plug Alliance (USA) Ø IEEE PHY/MAC Working Group 28