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PROLEARN - Professional Learning for Europe Research Issues and Application Scenarios PROLEARN Network of PROLEARN - Professional Learning for Europe Research Issues and Application Scenarios PROLEARN Network of Excellence Martin Wolpers wolpers@l 3 s. de L 3 S Research Center University of Hannover, Germany Building upon the work of all PROLEARN Partners

The meaning of No. Es (!? ) Overcome Fragmented Research Today, various communities exist The meaning of No. Es (!? ) Overcome Fragmented Research Today, various communities exist n e. Learning n Multimedia n CSCL n Semantic Web n Digital Libraries n Adaptive Hypermedia n User Modeling n Business Process Modelling n… Martin Wolpers, PROLEARN Unfold workshop 2005

PROLEARN – The User Perspective Company Personalisation and Adaptation Professional Learning (context, preferences, company PROLEARN – The User Perspective Company Personalisation and Adaptation Professional Learning (context, preferences, company rules, business processes, goals, etc. Provision of Learning Resources (Web, Local) Martin Wolpers, PROLEARN Unfold workshop 2005

Professional Learning in SMEs Companies realize that the well-educated employee is a major critical Professional Learning in SMEs Companies realize that the well-educated employee is a major critical success factor. n Large companies found their own learning centers, while SMEs face obstacles: § expensive courses / high startup costs § non-personalized delivery § time-consuming travel of employees § not adapted to specific business needs § effectiveness unclear Specific focus on technology enhanced learning solutions for SMEs is needed Martin Wolpers, PROLEARN Unfold workshop 2005

Who‘s involved? PROLEARN integrates n 19 core and already more than 250 associate partners Who‘s involved? PROLEARN integrates n 19 core and already more than 250 associate partners from academia and industry n Consortium L 3 S, DFKI, OU UK, Ariadne, FHG, WUW, CSI, EPFL, ETHZ, POLIMI, JSI, UPM, KTH, NCSR, INT, HEC, TUE, RWTH n 6 Mill. Euro, 2004 -2007 n other projects involved, e. g. Knowledge. Web, REWERSE, Interop, E-Le. GI, i. Class and other European / International / National Networks and Projects, e. g. ELENA, TIME 2 LEARN, VISION, WGLN associate participants BT, Carnegie Mellon, Stanford, IBM, France Telekom, Klett Verlag, IMC, Microsoft, OU NL, Simon Frazier Univ. , Pittsburgh Univ. , Swedish Educ. TV, etc. Martin Wolpers, PROLEARN Unfold workshop 2005

(Some) Research Issues… n How can we enhance re-usability, how can we integrate learning (Some) Research Issues… n How can we enhance re-usability, how can we integrate learning object networks? Standards, Interoperability, Brokerage Networks n How do we improve the learning experience? Personalisation and Adaptation n How can we move beyond books, e. g. into mobile learning and labs? Interactive Media and Labs n How do we integrate learning, knowledge management and work? What are specific requirements and solutions for SMEs? Workplace Learning / Technology Enhanced Learning in SMEs n How do I find out about all these issues? How do I get involved? Roadmaps, Competence Center and Academy n Can we trust our partner in a distributed network, can we protect our data? Security and Privacy Martin Wolpers, PROLEARN Unfold workshop 2005

PROLEARNs logical structure PROLEARN Academy Personalized Adaptive Learning Interactive Media Online Experiments Learning Objects PROLEARNs logical structure PROLEARN Academy Personalized Adaptive Learning Interactive Media Online Experiments Learning Objects and Standards Learning Management and Brokerage Business Models and Processes Knowledge Work Management PROLEARN Virtual Competence Center (VCC) Roadmap Dissemination Martin Wolpers, PROLEARN Unfold workshop 2005

http: //www. prolearn-project. org Participate and discuss more Read more in W. Nejdl, M. http: //www. prolearn-project. org Participate and discuss more Read more in W. Nejdl, M. Wolpers: European e. Learning: Research Issues and Application Scenarios, ED-Media Invited Talk, June 2004 n Continuous Workshop meetings VCC, Interactive Media, Personalized Adaptive Learning, Brokerage and Learning Management, etc. see website n PROLEARN WS on future trends in professional learning, Oct. 10, Munich, Germany n Knowledge Work Management @ ICL 2005, Sept. 28 -30, Villach, Austria n 3 rd Thematic Workshop – Interactive Media, November 9/10, Madrid, Spain n Etc. Martin Wolpers, PROLEARN Unfold workshop 2005