Скачать презентацию Projects on decrease in radiological threat within the Скачать презентацию Projects on decrease in radiological threat within the


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Projects on decrease in radiological threat within the limits of global partnership in Ukraine Projects on decrease in radiological threat within the limits of global partnership in Ukraine It is presented - M. Proskura, L. Zinkevitsh (Ukraine) The international conference 12 , December, 2012 Kyiv 1

Basic Elements of Ukrainian Radioactive Waste Management System • Legal Basis and Strategy for Basic Elements of Ukrainian Radioactive Waste Management System • Legal Basis and Strategy for Radioactive Waste Management • State Program for RW Management • State Administration Body in the sphere of Radioactive Waste Management • State System of Radioactive Waste Accounting • Specialized Enterprises on RW Management 2

Legal Basis and Strategy for RW Management Legal Basis: there are 2 basic laws Legal Basis and Strategy for RW Management Legal Basis: there are 2 basic laws on RW management in Ukraine Strategy for RW Management • Adopted in 2009 • Approved by the Order of the Government • General term of implementation of Strategy is timed for 50 years (2010 – 2059) • Realization of the Strategy will be carried out in 3 stages. State Program on RW Management • Adopted in September 2008 • Program Status – Law of Ukraine • General term of implementation is timed for 10 years (20082017) 3

State Administration Body in the sphere of Radioactive Waste Management • The State Agency State Administration Body in the sphere of Radioactive Waste Management • The State Agency of Ukraine on Exclusion Zone Management is the State Administration Body in the sphere of RW Management • SAEZ is the central body of executive power with activity directed and coordinated by the Cabinet o f Ministers o f Ukraine b y t h e Minister of Emergencies o f Ukraine 4

State System of RW Accounting • SAEZ – creation and organization of Register and State System of RW Accounting • SAEZ – creation and organization of Register and Cadastre maintenance • Ukrainian State Corporation “Radon” – Register and Cadastre maintenance • State Inventories: 1 – 1999 -2000 2 – 2003 3 – 2007 4 – 2010 State system of RW Accounting RW Register Cadastre of repositories Regional Center Lviv Radon Regional Center Kharkiv Radon Regional Center Kyiv Radon Main information and analytical center Regional Center Odessa Radon Regional Center SSE “Complex" Regional Center Dnipropetrovsk Radon Regional Center Donetsk Radon 5

Specialized Enterprises on RW Management USC “Radon” special enterprises according to the issued licenses Specialized Enterprises on RW Management USC “Radon” special enterprises according to the issued licenses carry out the following types of activity Storage of solid and liquid RW, disused SRS Decontamination of special cloths, underwear, special protection means Transportation of RW and disused SRS Elimination of the consequences of radiation accidents 6

SE SSE Centralized enterprise for the RW Management Scientific and technical center for deactivation SE SSE Centralized enterprise for the RW Management Scientific and technical center for deactivation and comprehensive management of RW, materials, ionizing radiation sources SSE Kyiv state interregional special combine SSE Lviv state interregional special combine SSE Kharkiv state interregional special combine “Ukrainian State Corporation “Radon” Odessa state interregional special combine SSE Dnipropetrovsk state interregional special combine SSE Donetsk state special combine 7 7

Зоны обслуживания межобластных спецкомбинатов 16. 03. 2018 8 Зоны обслуживания межобластных спецкомбинатов 16. 03. 2018 8

9 9

Total accepted in 2011: 8711 disused SRS 10 Total accepted in 2011: 8711 disused SRS 10

. Inventory, Scientific researches, Training and working out Rules and laws Gathering HASS and . Inventory, Scientific researches, Training and working out Rules and laws Gathering HASS and O, Detecting, Сharacteristic Extraction from installations 1. Conditioning, including containerization 2. Moving to service region spec. enterprises Extraction from "RADON" and old storage time storage on them Emergency works and emergency readiness Safe transportatio n on a complex "VECTOR" Additional Placing on the conditioning (if centralized necessary) or storage recycling Physical protection and maintenance of safety HASS and O at transportation and on storage HASS and O - high-activity Sealed Radioactive Sources and Orphan Sources 11

Long-term disused SRS management plan Modern efficient disused SRS management system should include the Long-term disused SRS management plan Modern efficient disused SRS management system should include the following generic basic elements: • Comprehensive database of all SRS: incoming SRS, SRS in-use and disused SRS. • Procedures relating to the role and responsibility of state and local authorities (laws, regulations, norms etc. ). • Qualified and trained personnel. • New and upgraded facilities. • New and upgraded equipment. • Guarantied funding. • Support of population. 12 12

Three Stages of the Long-term Plan Implementation The Long-term Plan will be implemented in Three Stages of the Long-term Plan Implementation The Long-term Plan will be implemented in three stages during 15 years (2009 – 2023). First stage: transportation of SRS to the temporary storages of the Ukrainian State Corporation “Radon” state specialized enterprises (since 2009 with the financial support of Germany has been transported for storage 7453 sources, total activity 4, 47*10¹⁴ Bq, with the USA support – 3973 sources, total activity 1, 92*10¹⁴ Bq). Second stage 1. To design, to build, to license and to put into operation Centralized disused SRS storage. 2. To create infrastructure for supporting of Centralized Storage operation. 3. To transfer SRS from state specialized enterprises of the USC “Radon” to Centralized Storage. Third stage • Storage operation. • SRS storage (during 50 years). • 13

Second stage of the Long-term Plan – Centralized disused SRS Storage The Storage is Second stage of the Long-term Plan – Centralized disused SRS Storage The Storage is being built with the financial support of the Department of Energy and Climate Changes of the United Kingdom and European Commission Construction Start – March 2011 End of construction – 2013 14

Centralized disused SRS Storage Concrete pouring of “hot cells” (September 2012) “Hot cell” block Centralized disused SRS Storage Concrete pouring of “hot cells” (September 2012) “Hot cell” block (project) 15

Assistance of the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission in creation of Ukrainian Assistance of the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission in creation of Ukrainian disused SRS management system Development of module mobile protection cell for SRS blocks discharge, placed at the Ukrainian corporation “Radon” sites Development and production of type B containers for SRS temporary storage and transportation 16

Assistance of the U. S. Department of Energy in Creation of the Disused SRS Assistance of the U. S. Department of Energy in Creation of the Disused SRS Management System in Ukraine(2) • Creation (completion) of modern storehouse for • . DS and RW on Dnepropetrovsk SE "Radon" • Unloading of the old sources from the old enterprises ("Elektron-gas" - 4 000. ) • Trainings on physical protection • Staff doctrines for emergencies by transportation radioactive materials - 2 • More than 70 objects - physical protection 17

Assistance of the U. S. Department of Energy in Creation of the Disused SRS Assistance of the U. S. Department of Energy in Creation of the Disused SRS Management System in Ukraine • Modernization of physical protection of USC “Radon” specialized enterprises • Production and delivery of special vehicles • “Аmnesty” • Automated system of radioactive materials transportation management 18

Assistance of the U. S. Department of Energy in Creation of the Disused SRS Assistance of the U. S. Department of Energy in Creation of the Disused SRS Management System in Ukraine (2) • Creation of modern storage for RW on • . Dnepropetrovsk SSE of GK"Radon" • Unloading of the fulfilled sources from the enterprises - банкрутов (SE"Elektron-gas" - 4000 sources) • Trainings on physical protection • Staff Trainings for emergencies by transportation radioactive materials - 2 • More than 70 objects in Ukraine - physical protection 19

Storages of the RW in Dnepropetrovsk SSE GK “RADON” Storages of the RW in Dnepropetrovsk SSE GK “RADON”

Assistance in Creation of the Disused SRS Management System in Ukraine • • • Assistance in Creation of the Disused SRS Management System in Ukraine • • • Sweden Finland NATO IAEA The second line of defense, trainings, equipment by devices … • . 21


Legal aspects of participation of Ukraine in GP • Bilateral agreements (the USA, France, Legal aspects of participation of Ukraine in GP • Bilateral agreements (the USA, France, B. Britanija, Germany, Sweden. ) • The uniform agreement Ukraine - G 8 (G 20) Some problem questions: is necessary ? ? ? • Problems of the internal taxation was an obstacle for development of projects GP in Ukraine and participations of some the countries (Canada, Italy? ). Today they are solved. 23

coordination Matrix of projects for realization of the long-term plan coordination Matrix of projects for realization of the long-term plan

Some problem questions: • 1. Какая необходимость для ликвидации аварийной ситуации с источниками или Some problem questions: • 1. Какая необходимость для ликвидации аварийной ситуации с источниками или извлечении старых источников разрабатывать проект в соответствии с украинскими ДБН? • What necessity to develop the designs for liquidation the emergencies with sources or for extraction old sources according to Ukrainian DBN?

Some problem questions: • 2. В ходе ликвидации радиационной аварии с источниками нет обязательного Some problem questions: • 2. В ходе ликвидации радиационной аварии с источниками нет обязательного требовния применять только сертифицированное оборудование, например, контейнеры. • During liquidation of emergency with sources not exist any requirements for apply only the certificated equipment, for example, containers.

Some problem questions: • 3. Перевозка радиактивных источников из регионов, например из Крыма в Some problem questions: • 3. Перевозка радиактивных источников из регионов, например из Крыма в Киев на експертизу и что мы делаем дальше: храним в ИЯИ, везем обратно на Одесский ДМСК или сдаем на Киевский ДМСК. То же самое с подрядчиками с Германскими проектами: в Крыму забираются отработанные источники и везутся в Киев или Киевскую область? • Transport of radioactive sources from regions, for example from Crimea to Kiev for examination also that we do further: we store in INR, we carry back on Odessa SE «RADON» or we hand over on Kiev SE «RADON» . the same situation with contractors from the German projects: sould we take the old sources in Crimea and transport to Kiev or Kiev area?

Some problem questions: • 4. Поиск «нарушителя» . Почему никогда никто не найден? Например, Some problem questions: • 4. Поиск «нарушителя» . Почему никогда никто не найден? Например, г. Северодонецк – есть ампула, экспертиза смотрит номер, поставщик смотрит журнал - кто покупал этот источник? • Searching of "infringer". Why nobody is never have being found? For example, Severodonetsk - is an ampoule, examination number looks, the supplier looks data table - who bought this source?

Some problem questions: • 5. Кто может давать команду Главе комиссии по ЧС останавливать Some problem questions: • 5. Кто может давать команду Главе комиссии по ЧС останавливать работы по ликвидации ЧС с источниками: ядерный регулятор, санитарный, М ЧС …? • Who can give the order to Commission Head on ES to stop acts on liquidation of ES with sources: a nuclear regulator, sanitary regulator, the Ministry of emergencies …?

Some problem questions: • 6. Отработанный источник – какие лицензии выдаются предприятиям после истечения Some problem questions: • 6. Отработанный источник – какие лицензии выдаются предприятиям после истечения 1 -6 месяцев? В каком статусе они хранятся дальше или передаются на спецприятия по РАО в соответствии с постановлением КМ Украины? • The old source - what licenses are given to the enterprises after the expiration of 1 -6 months? In what status they are stored further or are passed on SE for RWM according to the decision of KM of Ukraine?

Some problem questions: • 7. Почему не объявляется радиационная авария в ситуациях с потерей Some problem questions: • 7. Почему не объявляется радиационная авария в ситуациях с потерей контроля над отработанными источниками на предприятиях, например агрокомбинат «Ужгородский» . • Why emergencies does not appear in situations with control loss over the old sources at the enterprises, for example agrocombinat "Uzhgorodskyj".

Some problem questions: • 8. Проблемы взаимодействие при межобластных перевозках радиоактивных материалов. • Problems Some problem questions: • 8. Проблемы взаимодействие при межобластных перевозках радиоактивных материалов. • Problems interaction at interregional transportations of radioactive materials.

Some problem questions: SRS-01 Preparation of technical offers, working out of the FEASIBILITY REPORT, Some problem questions: SRS-01 Preparation of technical offers, working out of the FEASIBILITY REPORT, the design documentation and the project of technology of recycling of storages of well type on SSE GK “RADON” - the pilot project 33


Proposals of Ukraine within the framework of GP (1) Proposals for continuation of cooperation Proposals of Ukraine within the framework of GP (1) Proposals for continuation of cooperation within the framework of Global Partnership: 1. Equipment of USC “Radon” specialized enterprises with technical means for radiation emergency response, connected with loss of control over SRS: - equipment of special quick response unit (special technical means for accident localization, containers, radiationmonitoring equipment, field tool for express analysis); - education and training of special quick response unit. Estimated cost: 2 mln. Euro 35

Proposals of Ukraine within the framework of GP (3) 7. Working out and manufacturing Proposals of Ukraine within the framework of GP (3) 7. Working out and manufacturing of transport elements of packing complete sets for air-conditioning, transportation and storage vitrified HLRW from the Russian Federation (“MAYAK") (from stainless steel) • The minimum requirement: 90 cans and 30 cases. • Estimated cost of 3, 8 million Euro • 8. Designing, manufacturing of the working documentation and building of storages for long-term storage vitrified HLRW from the Russian Federation (“MAYAK") on a complex "Vector" • ЕК + country G 8 (donor) - the technical leader • estimated cost 1 million + 28 million Euro • 9. Creation of the special railway on a complex "Vector" and CSSF (L = 3 km (12 km)) • Estimated cost: 3, 5 million Euro • 10. Working out of the logistical plan of transportation disused SRS from SSE “RADON” on a complex"Vector"(CSSRS) and support of safe transportations • Estimated cost: 400 thousand Euro. • 11. Failure liquidation on Kiev SSE of "Ukr. Go" Radon » (3 storages) • Estimated cost: 8, 5 million Euro 36

Proposals of Ukraine within the framework of GP (2) 2. Production of shipping packaging Proposals of Ukraine within the framework of GP (2) 2. Production of shipping packaging sets for transportation and storage of neutron radiation sources • Minimum requirement: 9 sets. • Estimated cost for 1 set production: 30 ths. Euro 3. Production of type “B” shipping packaging sets for transportation and storage of sealed radiation sources • Additional requirement: 10 sets. • Estimated cost for 1 set production: 71, 5 ths. Euro 4. Creation of multifunctional mobile robotized complex for sealed radiation sources management Estimated cost: 2, 5 mln. Euro 5. Establishing and equipping of training center within Ukrainian State Corporation “Radon” Estimated cost: 410 ths. Euro. 6. Establishing of Public Affairs Centers on issues of SRS management at USC “Radon” specialized enterprises Estimated cost: 2, 6 mln. Euro.