- Количество слайдов: 15
Project Status Natal Workshop October 30 th , 2004
Telling stories 2 Natal Workshop October 30 th , 2004
The Story u The Inheritance é Stellar seismology is recognized as a priority : Scientific Prospective Workshop (Deauville, 1985) é Study of the Sun l Ground observation l IPHIR (Phobos mission) l GOLF (Soho mission) l EVRIS (Mars-96) u The Birth é Scientific Prospective Workshop (Saint-Malo, 1993) é The Search for extra-solar planets did join the program u The Maturation 1993 -1999 é Phases 0, A & B u The difficult starting 1999 -2003 é COROT in the frame of the « Faster & Cheaper » scientific missions based on the PROTEUS bus (Jason-1, Calipso, Corot, Smos, Jason-2) Natal Workshop October 30 th , 2004
A long story Natal Workshop October 30 th , 2004
The PROTEUS Bus u PROTEUS is a multi-mission platform European standard é Qualified for all LEO missions é 500 -600 kg satellite class, 1 m 3 volume (bus) é Typical payload envelope: 300 kg, 300 W u PROTEUS flight domain é Any orbit in the 700 -1500 km range é Precise 3 -axis attitude control é Compatible with available small-medium launchers u And an associated generic Ground Segment u PROTEUS stands for : «Plateforme Réutilisable pour l’Observation, les Télécommunications Et Utilisations Scientifiques» Natal Workshop October 30 th , 2004
A long way – The Instrument 1995 - Phase 0 1997 - Phase A Sept 2004 – the Flight Model 6 Natal Workshop October 30 th , 2004
Organization Overview 7 Natal Workshop October 30 th , 2004
Cooperation u u Cooperation is the main feature of the COROT organization Cooperation makes the management more difficult, the relationship being based on « the best effort » of each party u Cooperation makes more technical interfaces to handle at system level u So, why looking for cooperation ? u u u Cooperation has been mandatory to re-start the program in 2000/2001 Cooperation increases the ressources (more funds, more manpower) Probably the most important, Cooperation makes the project stronger from the human being prospecpective é By very fruitful exchanges of engineering practices, ways of work and simply cultures é By giving to this mission an international dimension Natal Workshop October 30 th , 2004
Brasil in Corot u Management é Steering Committee u Science é Scientific Committee é Co-Is é Ground Obsevation u Natal ground station (hardware & operations) u Researchers & Engineers (5) é Edouardo Costa, Claudia Angeli (at Meudon) é Leonardo Pinheiro (at Cnes-Toulouse, in-flight calibrations) é Fabio Fialho (at Meudon, working with M. Auvergne on windowings) é Vanderleï Parro( Meudon, Instrument-BEX electronics integration) Natal Workshop October 30 th , 2004
The Present 10 Natal Workshop October 30 th , 2004
The Present u The project is a hive of activity é ~15 (successful) reviews within the last 10 months u The System and all components are under development é The System: The System Interfaces Review is coming é The Ground Segment : Mission Centre Design & Customization of the Proteus standard Control Centre é The Satellite : The Flight Model of the Proteus Bus is under integration é The Instrument : the Flight Model is under integration (EMI/EMC tests are starting) é The Launcher is ordered (Soyuz from Baïkonour) u u Everything is on-time for a Launch at Baïkonour (Kazakhstan) planned during the Summertime of 2006 (June is targeting) The funding is nominal Natal Workshop October 30 th , 2004
Pictures of some Flight Models M 1 mirror Baffle PROTEUS Telescope structure Telecope with mirrors & OD 12 Natal Workshop October 30 th , 2004
The 2005 Milestones u Next Wintertime é Start of the final integration of the instrument in Toulouse é System Interfaces Review u Springtime é Satellite CDR é Preliminary Launcher Mission Analysis Review u Summertime é Acceptance tests of the Instrument é Earth Terminal (TTCET) delivery in Natal é Ground segment Integration é Start of System Compatibility tests u In the Fall é Delivery of the Instrument for Flight é Satellite Integration é System Validation Natal Workshop October 30 th , 2004
Status in short u A strong acceleration of the project u The flight hardware is under manufacturing, integration & test u The System activities are on time u The Ground Segment and the preparation of the Operations are on time u The launcher is ordered u The COROT mission is in a good shape Natal Workshop October 30 th , 2004
The Short in short u The working days are very long and by the same time very short u The COROT mission is still leading the race u The COROT project is vey happy to work with BRASIL u The life is beautiful (particularly in NATAL) Natal Workshop October 30 th , 2004