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Project of upgrade of the DA NE accelerator and the associated programme Patrizia Rossi Project of upgrade of the DA NE accelerator and the associated programme Patrizia Rossi - INFN-Laboratori Nazionali Frascati (ITALY) di JINR Programme Advisory Committee for Particle Physics 25 th meeting, Dubna 20 April 2006

PRESENT AND NEXT FUTURE e+e- COLLIDERS LNF (Frascati) ADA ADONE DA NE 1960 -1962 PRESENT AND NEXT FUTURE e+e- COLLIDERS LNF (Frascati) ADA ADONE DA NE 1960 -1962 1969 -1993 1998 -2009 DANAE: DAfne New - Adjustable Energy PHI-factory + Wide energy range High luminosity at PHI energy

DANAE Energy and Luminosity Range Energy @ center of mass (Ge. V) 1. 02 DANAE Energy and Luminosity Range Energy @ center of mass (Ge. V) 1. 02 2. 4 Integrated luminosity per year (fb-1) > 10 1 Total integrated luminosity (fb-1) > 50 3 Peak luminosity (cm-2 sec-1) > 1033 1032 • Use of DA NE builbings • Use of DA NE infrastructures • Use of DA NE injection system + upgrade of transfer lines • Use of large part of magnets, diagnostics NEW • Dipoles • Wigglers • RF system • Vaccum chamber • Interaction region Application of new technologies Use of DA NE runs for R&D while increasing L for next experiments

PHYSICS PROSPECTS AT LNF WITH DANAE High Luminosity Program • K physics (http: //www. PHYSICS PROSPECTS AT LNF WITH DANAE High Luminosity Program • K physics (http: //www. lnf. infn. it/kloe 2) • Ks rare decays • Neutral kaon interferometry • , ’ physics • Kaonic nuclear physics (http: //www. lnf. infn. it/esperimenti/siddharta/LOI_AMADEUS_March 2006. pdf) • Study of deeply bound kaonic nuclear states High Energy Program • Time-Like Form Factors (http: //www. lnf. infn. it/conference/nucleon 05/FF/) • Measurement of the nucleon and hyperons ( and ) form factors • Hadronic cross section measurement • Vector meson spectroscopy • Radiative decays of excited vector meson • physics (hep-ex/0603056)

DANTE: DAnae Nucleon Time-like form factor Experiment http: //www. lnf. infn. it/conference/nucleon 05/FF/ Letter DANTE: DAnae Nucleon Time-like form factor Experiment http: //www. lnf. infn. it/conference/nucleon 05/FF/ Letter of Intent by 82 physicist from 25 institution in 8 countries: http: //www. lnf. infn. it/conference/nucleon 05/loi_06. pdf Very positive feedback from the international community at the Workshop on Nucleon Form Factors, 12 -14 October 2005, Frascati

Hadron Electromagnetic Form Factors Rosenbluth • FFs are fundamental quantities describing the internal structure Hadron Electromagnetic Form Factors Rosenbluth • FFs are fundamental quantities describing the internal structure of the hadron (# point-like). In a P- and T-invariant theory, the EM structure of a polarization particle of spin S is defined by 2 S+1 form factors. Linear • FFs are closely connected with the generalized parton distribution (GPDs) deviation the new nonperturbative formalism which gives a complete description of from dipole the nucleon structure, and are used to constraint GPDs models. GE≠GM • Different charge • FFs are important ingredient in a wide range of experiments, from and neutrino magnetization distributions physics to many other measurements involving nucleons. • Quark angular momentum contribution? • Since the Stern experiment in 1932 indicating that the proton was not a point-like particle they have been extensively measured but: - In thespace-like region recent results obtained with polarized beam completely changed our knowledge showing a dramatically different picture. The charge and magnetization distribution inside the nucleon are different - In thetime-like region they are still pratically unknown Space-like FFs are real, time-like are complex and they are connected by dispersion relations

PROTON DATA |GM| Nucleon. Time-like FFs |GM| • Steep behaviour close threshold -4 • PROTON DATA |GM| Nucleon. Time-like FFs |GM| • Steep behaviour close threshold -4 • Early p. QCD scaling |GM| ~ Q • Time-like FF larger than space-like Assumption: |GE|=|GM | Assumption: GE=0 NEUTRON DATA Ebeam (Ge. V) neutron ~4 times the proton extrapolation p. QCD predicts the limit |G Mn|≈(q d/q u)2 |GMp|= | GMp|/4

Anomalous behavior in total cross section Ba. Bar found steps in total cross section Anomalous behavior in total cross section Ba. Bar found steps in total cross section at s =2. 2 and 2. 9 Ge. V

Nucleon Time-Like FFs measurements FF extraction from cross section measurements in e+e- N N Nucleon Time-Like FFs measurements FF extraction from cross section measurements in e+e- N N and p p e+e s=4 M 2 |G M|=|GE| 2 s>>4 M |G M|>> E| |G • Up to now, no independent extraction of both TL FFs has been performed • FF measurements are based on total cross section under some , theoretical assumption on their ratio |G M| can be more easily extracted, but it’s model-dependent |G E| remains unmeasured

Summaryzing: Nucleon Time-like FFS are basically unknown |GEp|/|GMp| • |G E| |GM| in the Summaryzing: Nucleon Time-like FFS are basically unknown |GEp|/|GMp| • |G E| |GM| in the space-like region (recent. Jlab results). Why should be valid in the time-like region? Ebeam (Ge. V) DANAE • Phases of time-like FFs never measured • Only one measurement for neutron magnetic FF • Inconsistencies between data and p. QCD expectations

Hyperon Form Factors Hyperon Energy th Decay ch L 2. 231 Np (pp- , Hyperon Form Factors Hyperon Energy th Decay ch L 2. 231 Np (pp- , np 0) S+ 2. 378 Np (pp 0 , np+) S 0 2. 385 Lg S- 2. 395 Np (np-) Smaller cross section as for nucleon production: s. TOT ~ 0. 1 nbarn • Y Y final state could be identified by detecting the decay of one hyperon • Angular distributions moduli of FF • For weakly decaying hyperons ( (1116), ±(1189)) the polarization measurement does not require a polarimeter (can be studied by looking at the angular distribution of the decay products)

The DA NE detectors FINUDA KLOE 1 m DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS • high detection acceptance The DA NE detectors FINUDA KLOE 1 m DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS • high detection acceptance for charged and neutral particles • good neutron detection efficiency • polarimeter

Nucleon FF measurement: projected accuracy -1 Integrated luminosity 700 - 1000 pb (~6 months Nucleon FF measurement: projected accuracy -1 Integrated luminosity 700 - 1000 pb (~6 months measurements) proton • Projected data assuming |GE| = |GM| or |GE|/|GM| from DR • Integrated luminosity =100 pb-1 • Constant detection efficiency =80% • fit of angular distributions in the FINUDA coverage F(q)=A(1+cos 2 q)+Bsin 2 q neutron • Projected data assuming |GE| = |GM| or |GE|=0 • Integrated luminosity =100 pb-1 • Constant detection efficiency =15% • fit of angular distributions in the FINUDA coverage F(q)=A(1+cos 2 q)+Bsin 2 q Statistical error of the order of few percent for all the 4 nucleon FFs in the whole explored region

Induced polarization The complex phases of the FFs in the TL region make it Induced polarization The complex phases of the FFs in the TL region make it possible for a single outgoing baryon to be polarized in +e- BB even e without polarization in the initial state • extraction of FF relative phase • non negligible polarization • Py maximal at 45° and 135° • high discriminating power between theories For ΔP/P 30 %: ~ 1 year measurement (total luminosity 2500 pb-1)

Competitors VEPP 2000 32 • max energy ~ 1 Ge. V per beam, luminosity Competitors VEPP 2000 32 • max energy ~ 1 Ge. V per beam, luminosity ~ 10 cm-2 s-1 • pp and nn measurement • start run ~ 2007 BEPC 33 • energy range ~ 2. 4 -4. 2 Ge. V, luminosity ~ 10 cm-2 s-1 • only pp measurement • start run ~ 2007 PANDA-PAX • inverse reaction pp → e+e- (no neutron measurement) • single and double polarization measurements • start run >2013 DANAE proton s (Ge. V) neutron MN 2. 0 2. 4 4. 2

Other measurements made possible with DANAE @ high energy • Study of angular asymmetry Other measurements made possible with DANAE @ high energy • Study of angular asymmetry in pp (nn) distributions look for 2 -photon contribution • Precision test of the SM: Measurement of the total cross section e+ e→hadrons to get the hadronic contribution to (M 2 z) and Request: R ~1% in the whole energy range from threshold to DANAE impact on R Threshold region: 2 m - 0. 5 Ge. V 2 fb-1 @ 1 Ge. V (ISR events) stat < 1% peak region (0. 5 - 1 Ge. V) DA NE and VEPP 2 M have measured the hadronic total cross section at a percent level (even if there are discrepancies at about ± 5% level). Babar is going to release its results No significant improvement from DANAE (M 2 z) 1 -2. 5 Ge. V energy region Is the most poorly known (~15% uncertanty) and contributes ~40% to (M 2 z) Significant improvement from DANAE

Other measurements made possible with DANAE @ high energy • The search and study Other measurements made possible with DANAE @ high energy • The search and study of narrow vector mesons in the 1 -2. 4 Ge. V mass range Several evidences of narrow ( <100 Me. V), unespected structures like for istance in e+ e- → 3 +3 - , e+ e- → 2 +2 - 2 0 , e+ e- → + - 2 0 , e+ e- → 2 +2 and the corresponding channels in diffractive photoproduction, near the NNbar threshold Ba. Bar DM 2 e+ e- → 3 + 3 - Reaction M (Ge. V/c 2) (Me. V) DM 2 6 ~1. 93 ~ 35 FENICE mh ~1. 87 ~10 E 687 3 +3 - 1. 91± 0. 01 33± 13 Ba. Bar 3 +3 - 1. 88± 0. 05 130± 30 Ba. Bar 2 +2 -2 0 1. 86± 0. 02 160± 20 Ba. Bar 2 +2 - 1. 88± 0. 01 180± 20 Ba. Bar + -2 0 1. 89± 0. 02 190± 20 Experiment E 687 @ FNAL p → p 3 + 3 - M~ 2 m. N Discrepancy in • New vector meson? _ • NN bound state? (baryonium)

DANAE tentative schedule (C. Biscari - Workshop on DISCOVERIES IN FLAVOUR PHYSICS AT e+e- DANAE tentative schedule (C. Biscari - Workshop on DISCOVERIES IN FLAVOUR PHYSICS AT e+e- COLLIDERS, Frascati, February 28 2006) • To + 1 year • To + 2 years • To + 3 years • To + 4 years CDR and Project approval (2006) call for tender construction and delivery DA NE decommissioning and DANAE installation 1 st beam for commissioning and for 1 st experiment (2010)

Conclusions • A new project for ane+e- storage ring collider at the LNF (Italy)based Conclusions • A new project for ane+e- storage ring collider at the LNF (Italy)based on the actual DAFNE factory, is beendevelopping. • The new machine will be amplified in energy and luminosity and it is designed to run in two modes: • High energy (up to 1. 2 Ge. V energy per beam) 33 • High luminosity (up to 10 cm-2 sec-1 @ ) For both cases interesting physics programs has been proposed • One of these is themeasurement of the time-like nucleon and hyperon form factors The proposed experiment will allow: • Accurate measurement of pp and nn- cross section model-independent extraction of proton and neutron FFs at the few percent level for the proton and < 10% for the neutron. • First measurement of outgoing proton (neutron) polarization relative phase between G and G E M • First measurement of Λ (Σ) baryon production (including polarization) strange baryon FF