Скачать презентацию Project Management activity and timeline planning scheduling Zanda Скачать презентацию Project Management activity and timeline planning scheduling Zanda


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Project Management: activity and timeline planning (scheduling) Zanda Ozola, MPA (Latvia) Tel. : +7 Project Management: activity and timeline planning (scheduling) Zanda Ozola, MPA (Latvia) Tel. : +7 927 773 6490 ozola. zanda@gmail. com

About this class Theory of activity planning and timeline ◦ ◦ Setting goals, objectives About this class Theory of activity planning and timeline ◦ ◦ Setting goals, objectives and results Activity plan, Work Breakdown Structure Gantt Chart Critical Path Method Practical example from a field of education “Evaluation and restructuring of study programmes of higher education”

Project cycle 1. Identification 4. Conclusion, evaluation of results, audit 2. Development and planning Project cycle 1. Identification 4. Conclusion, evaluation of results, audit 2. Development and planning 3. Implementation and monitoring

2. Development and planning (I): Setting goals and results (outcomes) Goal = improvement or 2. Development and planning (I): Setting goals and results (outcomes) Goal = improvement or solving a problem Problem mapping and / or goal mapping Assess alignment with organization strategy Hierarchy of goals: ◦ Overall (strategic) goal ◦ Specific (direct) objectives SMART approach Result indicators – tied to goals and objectives * Project target groups, needs assessment * Project sustainability assessment

2. Development and planning (II): Project management team Project manager does not necessarily have 2. Development and planning (II): Project management team Project manager does not necessarily have to be the biggest expert on the project subject (industry, IT infrastructure, construction etc. ). His / her competencies lie with coordination, communication, negotiation, planning, organization and administration (incl. financial), efficient decision-making Hire, contract or use organizations resources?

2. Development and planning (III): Activity plan and timeline Directly linked to project specific 2. Development and planning (III): Activity plan and timeline Directly linked to project specific objectives Objectives divided in phases and steps Graphic representation of ◦ ◦ ◦ What? – describes activity and outcomes When? – determines time and sequence How? – defines quality requirements How much? – calculates expenses Who? – identifies human resources, quantity and competencies (skills) Standard activities of ANY project ◦ Establish project monitoring and quality control system ◦ Plan of external and internal communication

2. Development and planning (IV): Activity plan Work Breakdown Structure (+ responsibility assignment matrix) 2. Development and planning (IV): Activity plan Work Breakdown Structure (+ responsibility assignment matrix) Project objective I Activity 1 Activity 2 Task 1. 1 Task 2. 1 Task 1. 2 Task 2. 3 Task 2. 4 Activity 3 Task 3. 1 Activity 4 Task 4. 1. 1. Task 4. 1. 2. Task 4. 2

2. Development and planning (V): Timeline - Gantt Chart Time Activity 1. . . 2. Development and planning (V): Timeline - Gantt Chart Time Activity 1. . . 2. . . 3. . . I II IV V

2. Development and planning (VI): Timeline - Critical Path Method F = 15 A 2. Development and planning (VI): Timeline - Critical Path Method F = 15 A 6 5 A 1 (1 – 10) 10 A 2 (11 – 20) 10 F = 10 A 7 15 A 3 (21 – 25) 5 A 4 (26 – 30) 5 A 5 (31 – 40) 10 F=8 A 8 7

Case (I): Background information Number of higher education institutions - 56 Number of study Case (I): Background information Number of higher education institutions - 56 Number of study programmes – 961 Number of students – 100 000 Project goal: increase higher education efficiency Project objectives: evaluate program quality, eliminate program duplication, increase competitiveness Project results (intended): in 2013 recommendations submitted to government. In 2015, only the study programs receiving 80% of the maximum quality score can receive government funding Project duration: 2 years Project budget: 1 425 000 EUR

Case (II): Creating WBS We know that the main activities of the project are: Case (II): Creating WBS We know that the main activities of the project are: ◦ Evaluate study programs (in terms of quality, resource adequacy and duplication, sustainability, competitiveness) ◦ Develop (upgrade) information system ◦ Gather international experience ◦ Bring specific recommendations to the government Other standard project activities are: ◦ Provide project communication

increase higher education efficiency evaluate program quality develop methodology questionnaire 2 methodological guidelines 2 increase higher education efficiency evaluate program quality develop methodology questionnaire 2 methodological guidelines 2 gather information (data) find existing information 6 send forms to universities and receive responses 3 questionnaire and methodology pilot 3 eliminate duplication create data base create IT system concept 3 9 3 ask other stakeholders 3 develop recommendations 3 get information and facts from other countries 6 analyze information, develop conclusions develop recommendations 3 6 evaluation criteria analyze information, develop conclusions develop methodology 2 3 write and pilot software visit universities ! Bring recommendations to decision makers ! analyze information increase competitiveness get hardware (? ) 3 6 enter data 6

Case (III): simple Gantt chart Case (III): simple Gantt chart

Case (IV): Critical Path F=9 Gather info 6 Methodology (1 – 5) 5 ITS Case (IV): Critical Path F=9 Gather info 6 Methodology (1 – 5) 5 ITS concept (6 -8) 3 ITS (9 – 20) 12 F=7 Competit. 12 Concl & Recom (21 – 24) 4 Decisions (25 – 25) 0

Summary: public sector The tools and methodologies are exactly the same; Difficulty with formulation Summary: public sector The tools and methodologies are exactly the same; Difficulty with formulation of SMART goals, objectives and results; Special attention paid to communication activities; Allow more time for any outside purchases; Research and information management projects are very common, they have a set of typical activities; Very often project manager ≠ decision maker!

Project Management: activity and timeline planning (scheduling) Q&A Project Management: activity and timeline planning (scheduling) Q&A