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Project Kick-Off Team Georgia Marketplace State of Georgia September 3, 2008 © 2007 Sci. Project Kick-Off Team Georgia Marketplace State of Georgia September 3, 2008 © 2007 Sci. Quest, Inc. Confidential

Agenda 09: 00 09: 15 09: 20 09: 25 Welcome Message and Team Georgia Agenda 09: 00 09: 15 09: 20 09: 25 Welcome Message and Team Georgia Marketplace branding presentation Introductions (All) Session Objectives (Nick) Project Kickoff (Nick) • • • 10: 45 11: 00 11: 15 Project Objectives (from Team Georgia Marketplace Charter) High level timeline Project Scope and Overview Solution and ERP Integration Overview Higher. Markets / People. Soft integration Solution demonstration/walkthrough Break Team/Roles and Responsibilities Solution Implementation • • Methodology Key activities and outputs Timeline Basecamp Overview 11: 45 Next Steps… 12: 00 - Lunch Page 2 2 © 2007 Sci. Quest, Inc. Confidential

Introductions • Sci. Quest • Nick Hingtgen – Project Manager/Solution Consultant • Ken Francesconi Introductions • Sci. Quest • Nick Hingtgen – Project Manager/Solution Consultant • Ken Francesconi – Client Delivery Consultant • State of Georgia • Please introduce yourselves Page 3 3 © 2007 Sci. Quest, Inc. Confidential

Session Objectives • Validate project scope • Obtain a better understanding of the Higher. Session Objectives • Validate project scope • Obtain a better understanding of the Higher. Markets Solution • Obtain an understanding of the implementation approach • Discuss key dates and timeline for project • Product Demonstration Page 4 4 © 2007 Sci. Quest, Inc. Confidential

TGMP Project Objectives • Create the structure to centrally manage state-wide procurement contracts and TGMP Project Objectives • Create the structure to centrally manage state-wide procurement contracts and associated documentation from contract creation through termination. • Provide the electronic sourcing tools and workflow required to streamline the State’s procurement processes. • Promote a more open government marketplace by providing the state procurement professionals, state vendors, and end users an array of online self-service and collaboration tools. • Centralize and automate the capturing and collection of core procurement information to better leverage state spend. • Provide electronic controls and evaluation tools to support the State’s procurement performance management processes. • Integrate e. Procurement processes with the state financials, Page asset management, and the data warehouse applications. 5 5 © 2007 Sci. Quest, Inc. Confidential

Project Timeline and Milestones Envision Planning Session Elaborate SE Kick-off Project Kick-off Validate Integration Project Timeline and Milestones Envision Planning Session Elaborate SE Kick-off Project Kick-off Validate Integration Workshop Focus Group Solution Validation 09 -04 -08 10 -02 -08 10/16/08 - 11/21/08 07 -24 -08 08 -22 -08 09 -03 -08 10 -16 -08 Go Live User Acceptance Testing Production 11/24/08 12/23/08 01/05/09 01/09/09 11 -18 -08 Readiness Support Live Order Testing Go Live 1/12/09 1/20/09 Support Transition 02/18/09 01 -02 -09 Project Management Board Meeting Page 6 6 © 2007 Sci. Quest, Inc. Confidential

Higher. Markets Solution and Integration Overview © 2007 Sci. Quest, Inc. Confidential Higher. Markets Solution and Integration Overview © 2007 Sci. Quest, Inc. Confidential

Project Scope • Higher. Markets Solution Modules • • Configured, hosted e-procurement technology solution Project Scope • Higher. Markets Solution Modules • • Configured, hosted e-procurement technology solution Spend Director Order Manager Contract Manager • Integrations • • Standard local login (Window Shoppers) Punch-Out/Cart Return with People. Soft (c. XML) PO export from People. Soft to Higher. Markets Order Acknowledgement from Higher. Markets to People. Soft • Supplier Enablement – 250+ Key Suppliers • Options • Supplier Sync • Contract Sync • Additional Training Site Page 8 8 © 2007 Sci. Quest, Inc. Confidential

“Big Picture” • Shopping Basics • • Similar experience as online shopping Consistent shopping “Big Picture” • Shopping Basics • • Similar experience as online shopping Consistent shopping across multiple vendors – a single interface Your organization determines which suppliers/vendors to use Sci. Quest loads these supplier catalogs (item details and prices) into our system. All of the information you see is specific to your organization. • Prices updated as needed – as frequently as monthly. • Punch-out and hosted catalogs are available • Option exists to allow users to buy off-catalog • System Benefits • Perform flexible searches to locate the item or items you need • Compare prices and item details so that you can select the most appropriate item • Build a shopping cart that contains items from multiple suppliers and categories • Shop by category/commodity OR supplier • Save items as favorites for future shopping • Identify hazardous materials, radioactives, etc. Page 9 9 © 2007 Sci. Quest, Inc. Confidential

Solution Overview People. Soft Higher. Markets Login Shop Create Req. Approve Req. Purchase Order Solution Overview People. Soft Higher. Markets Login Shop Create Req. Approve Req. Purchase Order Hosted Catalogs Local Login Punchout Catalogs Send PO To Supplier Order Ack From Supplier Create PO Receive order Ack Submit Shopping Cart Non Catalog Login Click Sci. Quest Link Create Req Workflow Approvals Page 10 10 © 2007 Sci. Quest, Inc. Confidential

Integration Points • Local Login with user registration approved by admin (Window Shoppers only) Integration Points • Local Login with user registration approved by admin (Window Shoppers only) • c. XML Punch-Out from People. Soft • c. XML Cart Return from Higher. Markets to People. Soft • PO Export from People. Soft to Higher. Markets • Order Acknowledgement Export from Higher. Markets to People. Soft Page 11 11 © 2007 Sci. Quest, Inc. Confidential

Product Demonstration © 2007 Sci. Quest, Inc. Confidential Product Demonstration © 2007 Sci. Quest, Inc. Confidential

Higher. Markets Implementation Methodology © 2007 Sci. Quest, Inc. Confidential Higher. Markets Implementation Methodology © 2007 Sci. Quest, Inc. Confidential

Team Roles and Responsibilities Sci. Quest • Client Delivery Manager: Brad Green • Project Team Roles and Responsibilities Sci. Quest • Client Delivery Manager: Brad Green • Project Manager/Solution Consultant: Nick Hingtgen • Technical Consultant: Anky Chau • Consultant: Ken Francesconi • Supplier Enablement Primes: Larry Eckerlin, Anky Chau Page 14 14 © 2007 Sci. Quest, Inc. Confidential

Team Roles and Responsibilities State of Georgia • Executive Sponsors: Brad Douglas, Tim Gibney Team Roles and Responsibilities State of Georgia • Executive Sponsors: Brad Douglas, Tim Gibney • Business Owners: Gina Tiedemann, Kelly Lolle-Jones • Project Manager: Oscar Galindo • Supplier Enablement Primes: Terry Doumkos, John Thomason • System Administrators: Mohamed Moghazy, Maelecheia Thompson • Consultants: Cherry Roads Page 15 15 © 2007 Sci. Quest, Inc. Confidential

Methodology: Key Objectives • Create a Collaborative and Transparent Project Environment with our Customer Methodology: Key Objectives • Create a Collaborative and Transparent Project Environment with our Customer • Drive towards key milestones • Visibility to all project activity through a collaborative Web-based tool Basecamp • Establish customer “buy in” early in the process • Accelerate Learning • Focus on customer business requirements, NOT solution features • Use focus group to provide actual experience with the solution instead of discussing only high-level conceptual outlines • Focus on Integration Activities Early in the Process • Front load knowledge transfer and basic file exchange • Reserve remainder of the implementation for focus on unique or complex data mapping and integrations • Real People, Real Scenarios, Real Data • Demonstrate a real solution! Page 16 16 © 2007 Sci. Quest, Inc. Confidential

Solution Methodology VISION Shared Vision & Scope SUPPORT IMPLEMENTATION Envision Elaborate Validate Go Live Solution Methodology VISION Shared Vision & Scope SUPPORT IMPLEMENTATION Envision Elaborate Validate Go Live Solution Support PROJECT MANAGEMENT SUPPLIER ENABLEMENT KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER Page 17 Project Management Board Meetings 17 © 2007 Sci. Quest, Inc. Confidential

Envision Organize Project Planning Session Project Kickoff (Solution and Integration) • Key Output • Envision Organize Project Planning Session Project Kickoff (Solution and Integration) • Key Output • • • Final project charter Configuration questionnaire Basecamp milestones defined Supplier cleanup/target lists and Supplier Launch Test site built Page 18 18 © 2007 Sci. Quest, Inc. Confidential

Elaborate Focus Group Integration Unit Testing Final Specification (Testing-ready Site) • Key Output • Elaborate Focus Group Integration Unit Testing Final Specification (Testing-ready Site) • Key Output • • • Scenarios finalized Configured solution on Test site Hands-on exercises Integrations unit tested Solution specification acceptance Page 19 19 © 2007 Sci. Quest, Inc. Confidential

Methodology: Focus Group Summary • Objective • Challenge State of Georgia to put the Methodology: Focus Group Summary • Objective • Challenge State of Georgia to put the solution into Production tomorrow • Process • Demonstrate business scenarios • Roles • Sci. Quest • Facilitator: Facilitate and ensure the session objectives are achieved • Demonstrator: Demonstrate the business scenarios on the solution • Scribe: Document all change requests • State of Georgia • Panelist: This person has an actual stake in the business scenarios. This person can make a change request. • Observer: This person can observe but cannot make a change request. • Optimal number of panelists: 10 -12 • Deliverables • Business scenario list • Change request list Page 20 20 © 2007 Sci. Quest, Inc. Confidential

Validate Test Planning Solution Testing Integration Testing End-to-End Testing • Key Output • • Validate Test Planning Solution Testing Integration Testing End-to-End Testing • Key Output • • • Final integrated solution Suppliers enabled Validation testing complete UAT Test Plan Live Order Test Plan Page 21 21 © 2007 Sci. Quest, Inc. Confidential

Go Live UAT Training User Acceptance Testing Solution Activation Post Production Business Review • Go Live UAT Training User Acceptance Testing Solution Activation Post Production Business Review • Key Output • Solution acceptance • Sci. Quest-delivered training complete • Live Production transactions Page 22 22 © 2007 Sci. Quest, Inc. Confidential

Support Transition Internal Sci. Quest Transition Meeting with Director of Support Reporting of New Support Transition Internal Sci. Quest Transition Meeting with Director of Support Reporting of New Issues to Support Team • Key Output • • Internal Sci. Quest knowledge transfer Open issues list transfer Access to Sci. Quest incident reporting tool Post-production project evaluation Page 23 23 © 2007 Sci. Quest, Inc. Confidential

Project Timeline and Milestones Envision Planning Session Elaborate SE Kick-off Project Kick-off Validate Integration Project Timeline and Milestones Envision Planning Session Elaborate SE Kick-off Project Kick-off Validate Integration Workshop Focus Group Solution Validation 09 -04 -08 10 -02 -08 10/16/08 - 11/21/08 07 -24 -08 08 -22 -08 09 -03 -08 10 -16 -08 Go Live User Acceptance Testing Production 11/24/08 12/23/08 01/05/09 01/09/09 11 -18 -08 Readiness Support Live Order Testing Go Live 1/12/09 1/20/09 Support Transition 02/18/09 1 -2 -09 Project Management Board Meeting Page 24 24 © 2007 Sci. Quest, Inc. Confidential

Project Authorization Points • Elaborate Phase • Solution Specification • State of Georgia will Project Authorization Points • Elaborate Phase • Solution Specification • State of Georgia will provide acceptance of the Solution Specification following the Focus Group and prior to start of the Validation phase • Sci. Quest will provide State of Georgia with a deliverable acceptance form to execute • Solution Specification comprises: • Final Business Scenario List • Final Change Request List • Integration Specification • Go Live Phase • Solution Acceptance • State of Georgia will provide acceptance of the Higher. Markets Solution after UAT and initial live order testing • Sci. Quest will provide State of Georgia with a deliverable acceptance form to execute Page 25 25 © 2007 Sci. Quest, Inc. Confidential

Product Release Cycle Timeline • Three Version Releases per Year • Current Version is Product Release Cycle Timeline • Three Version Releases per Year • Current Version is 8. 2 • Next Three Release Dates • Version 8. 2: August 3, 2008 (UIT - 7/14) • Version 8. 3: November 16, 2008 (UIT - 10/27) • Version 9. 1: March 29, 2009 (UIT - 3/9) • Major Release Limitations • Three weeks prior to a major release, UIT is updated to the pending release version of the code. • Therefore, the following should not be scheduled for the production environment 3 weeks prior and 1 week after a major release: • • Go-live of new projects Execution of SQL statements Introduction of new integration points Any customer specific code changes (feature requests/defect fixes) • Care should be taken in scheduling any new customer-related activities, for example, training, roll-out, etc. during the week following a major release promotion. • If UIT is used for training, organizations need to be aware that the environment contains the pending release code. Page 26 26 © 2007 Sci. Quest, Inc. Confidential

Higher. Markets Environments • Test Environment • • Also called the User Integration Testing Higher. Markets Environments • Test Environment • • Also called the User Integration Testing (“UIT”) environment URL looks like this: https: //usertest. sciquest. com/org/Georgia Solution design and build will take place here first New releases are promoted to UIT 3 weeks prior to promotion to Production • Production Environment • URL looks like this: https: //solutions. sciquest. com/org/Georgia • Final build will occur here after the Client Core Team has tested the build on the Test environment • UAT will take place in this environment • A formal period of testing will take place here prior to site activation and go-live (“live order testing”) Page 27 27 © 2007 Sci. Quest, Inc. Confidential

Higher. Markets Terminology • Configurations • Options, toggles, or switches that exist currently in Higher. Markets Terminology • Configurations • Options, toggles, or switches that exist currently in the application • Control the behavior, look, and feel of the application • Integration • Interfaces between the application and People. Soft • Feature Requests • Changes to the application functionality that require new software development • Generic for all clients • Managed by Sci. Quest’s Business Application Delivery team Page 28 28 © 2007 Sci. Quest, Inc. Confidential

Base. Camp Review © 2007 Sci. Quest, Inc. Confidential Base. Camp Review © 2007 Sci. Quest, Inc. Confidential

Base. Camp Review • Base. Camp enables collaborative exchange of information related to: • Base. Camp Review • Base. Camp enables collaborative exchange of information related to: • • Issues, milestones Current documentation Current project milestones/to dos Team contact information • Base. Camp will be used as the primary means of communication during the implementation • Project status can be determined in Base. Camp • Supplemented by informal e-mail, phone calls, etc. , as necessary • Communication Plan Page 30 30 © 2007 Sci. Quest, Inc. Confidential

Next Steps • Integration Workshop • • Punch-out/Cart Return Detail PO Export/Import Supplier Sync Next Steps • Integration Workshop • • Punch-out/Cart Return Detail PO Export/Import Supplier Sync Discussion Order Acknowledgement • Supplier Enablement • Receive Prioritized List of Suppliers • Send Out Introduction Letters • Enable Suppliers • Focus Group • Configure Test Site • Gather Business Requirements/Scenarios • Demonstrate Business Scenarios Page 31 31 © 2007 Sci. Quest, Inc. Confidential

Q&A © 2007 Sci. Quest, Inc. Confidential Q&A © 2007 Sci. Quest, Inc. Confidential