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  • Количество слайдов: 12

Project Heavy Duty Meeting the Needs of Students and Industry In the North Peace Project Heavy Duty Meeting the Needs of Students and Industry In the North Peace

What is Project Heavy Duty? l l A collaborative program involving School District No. What is Project Heavy Duty? l l A collaborative program involving School District No. 60 and business in the North Peace. Students have hands-on experience in servicing and operating equipment on a job site. Close supervision by qualified operators. 30+ students - opportunity to learn about and operate various types of heavy equipment. l l l Caterpillars Excavators Backhoes Graders Trucks NOTE: Students will receive thorough safety training before working with various pieces of heavy equipment.

Project Heavy Duty - A Community Event School District Project Heavy Duty Partnership Fort Project Heavy Duty - A Community Event School District Project Heavy Duty Partnership Fort St. John Business Community

Project Heavy Duty Objectives l l l help students develop employable skills on the Project Heavy Duty Objectives l l l help students develop employable skills on the job site encourage career exploration in the heavy construction industry encourage community involvement in developing a practical, hands-on training program develop greater linkages between school district and business community provide framework for future projects in oil & gas, forestry and agriculture sectors

Project Needs • heavy equipment (with skilled operators) - 16 pieces • transportation of Project Needs • heavy equipment (with skilled operators) - 16 pieces • transportation of equipment • site facilities - office, cook shack, latrines • fuel and lubricant supplies • first aid/safety • security • food • communications

Program Components l safety training - site safety procedures, first aid, etc. l industry Program Components l safety training - site safety procedures, first aid, etc. l industry tours - Coast Tractor, Finning l hands-on experience operating and servicing heavy construction equipment

Project Heavy Duty - When and Where? During break up for 7 - 8 Project Heavy Duty - When and Where? During break up for 7 - 8 days in mid May Preliminary program Thursday and Friday • Safety and first aid training • Industry tours Monday - Friday • 8: 00 AM - 5: 00 PM on job site Location City of Fort St. John Snow dump site (~20 acres)

Benefits to Students l l l l acquire basic skills and experience required in Benefits to Students l l l l acquire basic skills and experience required in the heavy equipment workplace. gain valuable hands-on experience with a variety of heavy equipment. explore career options in the heavy construction industry. opportunities to meet local business people and potential employers. develop appropriate safety awareness on the job site. develop interpersonal skills needed at the work site. learn a variety of job application skills. make more informed educational program decisions.

Student Selection Criteria l strong interest in the project l career goals l good Student Selection Criteria l strong interest in the project l career goals l good work ethic l mature, responsible attitude l regular school attendance

How Will the Project Be Funded? The school district would like to invite several How Will the Project Be Funded? The school district would like to invite several local contractors and businesses to participate in Project Heavy Duty. Heavy Construction Contractors • equipment & operators, project facilities Businesses • equipment transport, fuel, food, safety/first aid, security, communications School District No. 60 • project coordination, site set-up, food preparation, media, banquet and awards

Recognition We appreciate the support of business and industry in Project Heavy Duty. Recognition Recognition We appreciate the support of business and industry in Project Heavy Duty. Recognition may include Media coverage - newspaper, radio, television Certificate of appreciation Awards banquet Sponsors listed on Project Heavy Duty web site

Project Heavy Duty Contacts Rich Sewell - 262 -3200 Ron Samborski - 262 -6017 Project Heavy Duty Contacts Rich Sewell - 262 -3200 Ron Samborski - 262 -6017 email: rsamborski@oilpatch. prn. bc. ca Donnie Goodbun - 261 -0132 Richard Koop - 827 -3557 Cell: 261 -1456 email: rkoop@prn. bc. ca