Описание презентации Project Done by M. K Aria 12 -045 по слайдам
Project Done by M. K Aria 12 -045 —
Problem Advantages of usage of female mechanic contraception
By PICO P — person who have sexual life I — female mechanic contraception C — standart method: male mechanic contraception; alternative method: female mechanic contraception O — advantage of using by women mechanic contraception in preventing of STIs
Theme To determine the acceptability of the female condom
Author: Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Place: Groote Schuur Hospital , Cape Town , South Africa Results: Sex with the Femidom was the same or better in 51. 9% ; Compared with the male condom, 50% of women and 44. 2% of men considered the Femidom as good or better.
Conclusion 65. 4% considered sex using the Femidom acceptable or very acceptable. The female condom has been developed as an alternative for women to use if their partners refuse or dislike using male condoms. Perfect use of the Femidom may reduce the annual risk of acquiring of STI.
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