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Project 9 Automatic Fingersign to Speech Translator Final Presentation
Lale Akarun The group Alexey Karpov Milos Zeleny Hasim Sak Erinc Dikici Alexander Ronzhin Oya Aran Alp Kindiroglu Marek Hruz Pavel Campr Daniel Schorno Zdenek Krnoul
Objectives & System Flowchart Finger spelling <-> Speech (F 2 S & S 2 F) ◦ Translation between Russian, English, Czech, Turkish
Finger Spelling Recognition Multilingual fingersign alphabet database ◦ ◦ Turkish alphabet (5 subjects) Czech alphabet (4 subjects) Russian alphabet (2 subjects) Numbers and special stop signs
Finger Spelling Recognition Semi-Automatic annotation module: ◦ 11 videos each 15 -30 minutes Filter Images Crop Sign. Space Select Keyframes Segment Hand Locations
Finger Spelling Recognition Skin color based hand detection ◦ Initialization of model by movement of hands Video Input (Turkish or Czech) Skin Color Detection Tracking and Segmentation of hands Keyframe Selection Feature Extraction & Classification Text Output (UTF 8)
Finger Spelling Recognition Tracking of the hands by Camshift ◦ Hierarchical hand face redetection ◦ Hand segmentation Backprojection Double Differencing Video Input (Turkish or Czech) Skin Color Detection Tracking and Segmentation of hands Keyframe Selection Feature Extraction & Classification Text Output (UTF 8)
Finger Spelling Recognition Two tier classification: ◦ Keyframe Selection ◦ Gesture Recognition Detection of Keyframes: ◦ Motion of Hands Displacement of tracked hand centers Changes in hand external contour ◦ Image Blur Strength of gradient trace around hand contours Video Input (Turkish or Czech) Skin Color Detection Tracking and Segmentation of hands Keyframe Selection Feature Extraction & Classification Text Output (UTF 8)
Finger Spelling Recognition Hand gesture Descriptors: ◦ Radial Distance Functions ◦ Elliptic Fourier Descriptors ◦ Local Binary Patterns ◦ Hu Moments Classification of each feature is done by KNN. ◦ Classified results for each feature are fused by voting. ◦ Optional word level fusion with Levenshtein Distance. Video Input (Turkish or Czech) Skin Color Detection Tracking and Segmentation of hands Keyframe Selection Feature Extraction & Classification Text Output (UTF 8)
Speech Recognition Continuous speech recognition: ◦ A weighted finite-state transducer based speech decoder ◦ 3 -gram language model ◦ 100 K vocabulary size News portal based 10843 tri-phone HMM states ◦ 11 Gaussians for acoustic model ◦ 188 hours broadcast news speech data
Speech Recognition Voice Activity Detection(VAD) ◦ Preprocessing step on continious ASR ◦ Identifies false voice triggers ◦ Employed Methods: Rabiner’s Method: Energy level and zero-crossing rates of the acoustic waveform Supervised learning: Energy level of the signal modeled using GMMs
Speech Recognition Isolated speech recognition: ◦ ◦ Phoneme based speech recognition Represented by HMMs using GMMs Used for out-of-vocabulary words Speech Commands allow module control
Server Python Based Web Service ◦ Handles Input/Output from multiple modules ◦ Users communicate using sessions ◦ All messages in utf-8 encoding or transcribed form ◦ Translation of sentences handled by Google Translate ◦ Messages types: Letter Word Sentence
Speech Synthesis Computer speech synthesis given an arbitrary input text Two TTS systems are applied: ◦ MARY TTS developed by DFKI (Germany) ◦ TTS engine developed by UIIP (Belarus) and SPIIRAS (Russia). Web-based service ◦ Polls for messages from the web-server.
Finger Spelling Synthesis Visual Fingersign output provided through a 3 D avatar Available for two languages: ◦ Czech Sign Alphabet ◦ American Sign Alphabet Module composed of: ◦ 3 D animation model 38 joints and segments (16 for hand) ◦ Trajectory generator Rotations of body parts handled with Inverse Kinematics Head and lip motion provided by talking head system Inputs and outputs words.
Finger Spelling Synthesis
Integrated System Scenarios City names game ◦ Module Design: Visual Input (Turkish) Finger Spelling Recognition Finger Spelling Synthesis Visual Output (Czech) Speech Synthesis Audio Output (English) Server (Translator) Audio Letter Input (Russian) ◦ ◦ Fingerspell-> Isolated Speech Recognition Amsterdam Doha Athens Eton Speech-> Madrid Speech-> Alta Speech-> Sukre Speech-> Nairobi
Integrated System Scenarios City names game ◦ ◦ Fingerspell-> Amsterdam Doha Athens Eton Speech-> Madrid Speech-> Alta Speech-> Sukre Speech-> Nairobi
Integrated System Scenarios Casual Continuous Conversation Audio Sentence Input (Turkish) Isolated Speech Recognition Server (Translator) Finger Spelling Synthesis Visual Output (Czech) Speech Synthesis Audio Output (English)
Future Work. . . Automated language detection for fingerspelling Further testing Increasing overall system speed Addition of missing languages to underlying modules