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Progressivism under Taft HW: - Guided Reading 17. 4. 5 - quiz tomorrow [10 Progressivism under Taft HW: - Guided Reading 17. 4. 5 - quiz tomorrow [10 MC, matching; 5 people and 5 legislation] Taft, right, was Roosevelt’s War Secretary 27 th President of the United States got stuck in the White House bathtub and had to be helped out

Election of 1908 • TR promised not to seek 3 rd term handpicked William Election of 1908 • TR promised not to seek 3 rd term handpicked William Howard Taft (TR’s Sec’y of War) to succeed him • popularity of TR led to election of Taft - expected to carry on TR’s policies ü Taft: 321 WJB: 162

Payne-Aldrich Tariff • Taft campaigned to not raise tariffs • Payne-Aldrich Tariff passed raised Payne-Aldrich Tariff • Taft campaigned to not raise tariffs • Payne-Aldrich Tariff passed raised rates on tax - progressives wanted lower rates on imports increase competition/lower prices - conservatives happy w/ increased rates protect big business • split in Republican Party begins

Conservation (Ballinger-Pinchot controversy) • Taft appointed Ballinger Sec’y of the Interior - removed 1 Conservation (Ballinger-Pinchot controversy) • Taft appointed Ballinger Sec’y of the Interior - removed 1 million acres of preserved land to sell publicly • Pinchot, Chief of US Forest Service, criticized Ballinger - Taft fired Pinchot - progressives outraged • Republican split widens

Republicans Split between… The Progressives The Conservatives lower tariffs, conservation, reform higher tariffs, land Republicans Split between… The Progressives The Conservatives lower tariffs, conservation, reform higher tariffs, land for development, support of business

Taft’s Reforms • broke twice as many trusts as TR • 8 hour for Taft’s Reforms • broke twice as many trusts as TR • 8 hour for federal employees • supported 16 th (federal income tax) • supported 17 th Amendment (direct election of senators)

Election of 1912 • TR runs against Taft (both Republicans) - Rep Party backs Election of 1912 • TR runs against Taft (both Republicans) - Rep Party backs Taft - progressive Reps split and support TR’s New Nationalism (“Bull Moose”) Party • Woodrow Wilson (Dem) wins Presidency

Election of 1912 Election of 1912

Woodrow Wilson’s New Freedom What polices does Woodrow Wilson bring to the White House? Woodrow Wilson’s New Freedom What polices does Woodrow Wilson bring to the White House?

New Freedom Plan • attack triple wall of privilege tariffs, banks, and trusts 1. New Freedom Plan • attack triple wall of privilege tariffs, banks, and trusts 1. 1913: Underwood Act: lowered tariff [more comp for big bus] 2. 1914: cont’d Anti-Trust measures including the Clayton Antitrust Act - Federal Trade Commission prohibit unfair business tactics 3. Federal Reserve Act: 12 regional banks able to provide relief to banks w/in region • Signed many labor laws protecting workers, esp. children

Amendments Under Wilson • Wilson signed the following Amendments while President: • • • Amendments Under Wilson • Wilson signed the following Amendments while President: • • • 16 th Amendment: Federal Income Tax 17 th Amendment: Direct Election of Senators 18 th Amendment: Prohibition of Alcohol • 19 th Amendment: Women’s suffrage

Disappointing Civil Rights Record • Wilson won support of NAACP during election • After Disappointing Civil Rights Record • Wilson won support of NAACP during election • After elected, he opposed federal anti-lynching laws & allowed segregation to spread • African Americans & liberal whites felt betrayed