Progress report 2003 SRNWP LC Mesoscale Verification
Raison d’etre l l Several international initiatives SRNWP has to decide, given international developments and the involvement of SRNWP members, whether it still wants to play a role in the coordination of mesoscale verification developments and if, what will be its focus, so as to avoid duplication of efforts with other initiatives.
Workplan 2003 l l l Build an internet knowledge base Organize 2 nd SRNWP Mesoscale Verification Workshop Study meaningful intercomparison of models
Knowledge base l Realized by Forecast Verification Group at the Australian Bureau of Meteorology (http: //www. bom. gov. au/bmrc/wefor/staff/eee/verif_web_page. html) l Proposal: l l SRNWP contributions to this site Coordination of LC with Forecast Verification Group
Workshop l l Postponed, date not fixed Proposed topics: l l l Recent advances Relationship between forecast quality and value Contributions: l Theoretical considerations, critical applications and their requirements, postprocessing of models, piggyback verification, SR EPS verification, customer quality reports, your suggestion here…
Model intercomparison l l l Not so much a technical issue if you know what you want Real problem lies in the multiplicity of quality and value aspects, the questions to be answered. Felt to be a political conundrum.
Summary of questions Ø Ø Ø - does SRNWP still need a Lead Centre for Mesoscale Verification given there are similar international initiatives in which SRNWP members participate? If so, what should be its focus? - should SRNWP coordinate its efforts with the Forecast Verification Group? - does SRNWP support the topic chosen for the 2 nd workshop?