Program. Mixed ages study community A Purpose? learning skill & Act as a tutor Improving their self-learning skill Tutor Tutee *This program can be divided as language, major, and certification tutoring.
Program. Mixed ages study community A The Features? Interest in study Strengthen relation Information exchange
Program. Mixed ages study community A Methods of operation? Proceeds Pt & award according to the ceremony guidelines Presentation of methods Interim progress of progress, team check building.
Program. Mixed ages study community A opinion? My time with the tutor has increased TOIEC score a lot. We can share not only information but also concerns. Majoring in computers (24)
Program. Global studying guardian angel B purpose? Foreign culture Korean culture foreign student(tutor) Dsu student(tutee) “Global experience”
Program. Global studying guardian angel B strengths? Mutual growth Understand each other’s culture and language Get a view of the world
Program. Global studying guardian angel B Methods of operation? Sharing culture Proceeds according to the guidelines Pt & award ceremony Interim check
Program. Dsu buddy program B Methods of operation? Experience Korean Visit some Share their dreams, culture, visit Korean places in busan countries, companies and cultures Try famous food In busan
Program. Dsu buddy program B opinion? I learned how to establish trust in each other. And seeing the other students' study attitude, I grew up one more time. Majoring in English(23)
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