Скачать презентацию Profile of IAQ in Rural Alaskan Homes Leif Скачать презентацию Profile of IAQ in Rural Alaskan Homes Leif


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Profile of IAQ in Rural Alaskan Homes Leif Albertson University of Alaska Fairbanks Bethel, Profile of IAQ in Rural Alaskan Homes Leif Albertson University of Alaska Fairbanks Bethel, Alaska 1

IAQ and Environmental Health Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) n Damp Building-Related Illness (DBRI) n IAQ and Environmental Health Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) n Damp Building-Related Illness (DBRI) n Stachybotrys n Legionellosis n 2

Purpose Go over basic IAQ concepts n Discuss how building characteristics affect IAQ n Purpose Go over basic IAQ concepts n Discuss how building characteristics affect IAQ n Explain why individuals might face unique IAQ situations in rural Alaska n Summarize available information specific to rural Alaska to prioritize IAQ concerns n 3

IAQ Basics People spend a lot of time indoors (maybe 90% in Alaska) n IAQ Basics People spend a lot of time indoors (maybe 90% in Alaska) n People breathe a lot n 4

Aspects of Air Quality n n n n VOCs Tobacco smoke (ETS) Combustion products Aspects of Air Quality n n n n VOCs Tobacco smoke (ETS) Combustion products Lead Radon Dust mites Odors n n n Dust Pollen Pathogens (bacteria, virus) Temperature Humidity Pet dander 5

What affects the air in our homes? Human metabolism n Human activities (cooking, smoking) What affects the air in our homes? Human metabolism n Human activities (cooking, smoking) n Off-gassing (carpets, treated woods, chemicals under sink, etc) n Heating appliances n Co-habitants (roaches, dogs, dust mites) n Bad stuff from outside (smoke, dust, radon) n 6

Ventilation n Passive Ventilation Stack Effect n Wind Effect n n Free and easy Ventilation n Passive Ventilation Stack Effect n Wind Effect n n Free and easy n Often unintentional and unregulated 7

Passive Ventilation: Stack Effect 8 Passive Ventilation: Stack Effect 8

Active Ventilation n Local exhaust (unbalanced) 9 Active Ventilation n Local exhaust (unbalanced) 9

Heat Recovery Ventilation n Example of “balanced ventilation” Energy-efficient Require maintenance 10 Heat Recovery Ventilation n Example of “balanced ventilation” Energy-efficient Require maintenance 10

Humidity n Cold air holds less moisture than warm air • Relative Humidity is Humidity n Cold air holds less moisture than warm air • Relative Humidity is what matters • If moisture is held constant, temperature controls RH • Heating air makes it “drier” 11

Stack Effect, Condensation 12 Stack Effect, Condensation 12

Review n Stack Effect Warm air rises, exits home near ceiling n Cool air Review n Stack Effect Warm air rises, exits home near ceiling n Cool air enters home near floor n n Humidity When air is heated, it can hold more moisture and tends to feel “dry” n When air is cooled, moisture drops out of air, leaves water or frost n Water causes mold, dry air causes illness n 13

Unique Challenges in the Last Frontier Houses in the village are often n n Unique Challenges in the Last Frontier Houses in the village are often n n Small: Homes in Hooper Bay generally range from 300 -700 ft² Crowded: Hooper Bay Avg 4. 97 person/home Hot (65°-81°F) Old n n Dry (often below 30%) Built and maintained in difficult environments Used for a workshop Have reduced access to qualified installation, maintenance and repair personnel 14

What IAQ issues can you spot? 15 What IAQ issues can you spot? 15

Top 4 IAQ Priorities in Rural Alaska n What IAQ problems have the greatest Top 4 IAQ Priorities in Rural Alaska n What IAQ problems have the greatest effect on the health of rural Alaskans? 16

1. Carbon Monoxide Alaska has highest rate of CO deaths in country n Heating 1. Carbon Monoxide Alaska has highest rate of CO deaths in country n Heating appliances / water heaters n Vehicles left running n House fires n 17

Heating Appliances 18 Heating Appliances 18

Water Heaters 19 Water Heaters 19

Pollutants from Heating Appliances CO n CO 2 n NOX n SO 2 n Pollutants from Heating Appliances CO n CO 2 n NOX n SO 2 n Particulates n Odors n Benzene, Toluene, etc n H 2 0 n 20

2. Environmental Tobacco Smoke High rates of smoking Cold climate High occupancy rates Poor 2. Environmental Tobacco Smoke High rates of smoking Cold climate High occupancy rates Poor ventilation = Indoor Air Pollution n Chemicals n Particulates n Asthma, cancer, SIDS…. 21

ETS Stop smoking n Smoke outside n Open the windows (? ) n Turn ETS Stop smoking n Smoke outside n Open the windows (? ) n Turn on the fan (? ) n 22

3. Humidity “The incidence of absenteeism or respiratory infections was found to be lower 3. Humidity “The incidence of absenteeism or respiratory infections was found to be lower among people working or living in environments with midrange versus low or high relative humidities” - A V Arundel, E M Sterling, J H Biggin, and T D Sterling, 1986 23

Humidity 24 Humidity 24

Mold is bad for you…maybe… n A surprisingly contentious topic “Exposure to damp and Mold is bad for you…maybe… n A surprisingly contentious topic “Exposure to damp and moldy environments may cause a variety of health effects, or none at all. ” www. CDC. gov/mold 25

More on Mold…. n n n Not great evidence that mold is bad for More on Mold…. n n n Not great evidence that mold is bad for all people People who are sensitive to mold should avoid it People have been living with mold a long, long time 26

More on mold… n n n Mold problems are moisture problems Oxygen, cellulose, moisture, More on mold… n n n Mold problems are moisture problems Oxygen, cellulose, moisture, heat…. Mold is ubiquitous in rural Alaska n n Thermal stratification Toyo. Stoves 27

Mold is bad for buildings… Bethel firehouse rotting over employees' heads MOISTURE TRAPPED: Replacing Mold is bad for buildings… Bethel firehouse rotting over employees' heads MOISTURE TRAPPED: Replacing structure may cost up to $7 million. By KYLE HOPKINS khopkins@adn. com Published: July 17 th, 2009 09: 13 PM The Bethel fire station is so rotted with water damage that firefighters are banned from staying the night under the fragile roof, city officials said Friday…. 28

4. Pathogens n Alaska has a very high rate of infectious respiratory diseases n 4. Pathogens n Alaska has a very high rate of infectious respiratory diseases n n RSV, tuberculosis, pneumonia, LRTIs, etc. Many generations living in close quarters with limited air flow 29

Priorities n “I am concerned about the air in my home” n Do you Priorities n “I am concerned about the air in my home” n Do you have a functional CO detector? n Does anyone in your home smoke? n Is your house too damp or too dry? n Are sick people ever crowded together? 30

Summary IAQ measurement, standards and remediation strategies increasingly important as communities and individuals try Summary IAQ measurement, standards and remediation strategies increasingly important as communities and individuals try to balance health and energy conservation n Houses are getting tighter, ventilation needs to get better n Residents need education n 31

Thanks Cathy Powers, KUC consortium library n Jennifer Dobson, ANTHC n Nick Horras, Formerly Thanks Cathy Powers, KUC consortium library n Jennifer Dobson, ANTHC n Nick Horras, Formerly AVCP Housing n Rich Seifert, UAF/CES n Ros Singleton, CDC/AIP n 32

Quyana Leif Albertson Bethel, Alaska lflea@uaf. edu (907)543 -4553 Questions? 33 Quyana Leif Albertson Bethel, Alaska lflea@uaf. edu (907)543 -4553 Questions? 33