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Professor’s Manual Basic points for Faculty work Undergraduate degree 2008 -2009
Index Introduction 3 Message from the President 4 1. What is CETYS University? 5 2. Chronology 7 Before going ahead 21 3. The Presidents throughout history 22 4. The Mission of CETYS University 24 5. Academic Reform 30 6. Philosophy and Educational Model 34 6. 1 Philosophy and the Value System 34 6. 2. Educational Model 38 7. The generic profile of the alumnus 43 8. The profile and the duties of the CETYS professor 44 8. 1 The profile 44 8. 2 Faculty and the pedagogical duties before the model 45 8. 3 Academic freedom 48 9. Special aspects in the administration of a course 50 A) Assessment 50 B) Punctuality and attendance 52 10. Faculty Compensation and Evaluation System 54 11. Faculty essential questions 57 12. Supports to the educational process 59 12. 1 Faculty Development Program 59 12. 2 Information Center 63 12. 3 Laboratories 65 12. 4 Faculty Holistic Development 67 12. 5 Educational and vocational advice 68 69 70 General Organizational Chart Directory
Introduction 3 << Back to Index Education is a process through which society prepares its individuals in such a way that it guarantees and it accomplishes the improvement of life in the community. It is a phenomenon that each individual experiments all of his/her existence because of living in society. Given the importance education has as a determining factor in the existence and development in society itself, teaching, understood as the exercise of Education, must be carried out with Quality criteria and be directed toward excellence; it must be considered in terms of those values that assure life in common, and the latter must be founded in the personal development of the individual as such. By itself, education is a human interrelation where the professor’s and student’s personality get enriched. Due to what we previously stated, education, and therefore teaching in particular, is the most transcendental and complex of the human activities. This is the reason we have written this brief manual; in it we pretend to express our institutional experience and all those elements that allow us to achieve, in a joint way, the holistic development of our students. The professor’s activities, and from all of us who work at CETYS, find their reason of being in the student; this means that the entire educational process is directed so he/she can learn, carry out, develop, and acquire a commitment with himself/herself and with the community where he/she lives. CETYS University, July 2008.
Message from the President 4 << Back to Index One of the greatest challenges we set at the time of assuming the In addition to the previous paragraph, the use of information office of President was to carry out the consolidation of the technologies is being strongly and systematically fostered in educational identity of CETYS University in its Mission framework, general and specially the ones from computers, from the and to strengthen the human resource potential in the context of a Blackboard and Internet, as means that help make more efficient new economic, social, political, and cultural positioning in the student’s learning process. world. How to consolidate the identity in the Framework of that Mission? Through the academic reform started in the year 2004 Part of the “hows” is to live in fullness the educational philosophy with its three components: curricular restructuring, this means the focused toward the path of excellence. In my inaugural address as updating and redefinition of syllabi of all the high school, President, I pointed out that: “The daily conditions that motivated undergraduate, and graduate academic programs; by keeping the creation of our university remain alive; once they are sustained Humanistic approach of holistic development, but with education in a series of universal values stated in our Mission, and it is not of centered on the one who learns, and on learning. The redefinition small importance to mention the appropriateness that the values of the professor’s function, more as a facilitator and assistant of have in our path toward excellence. Even though the accumulation education than a person giving classes or conferences, privileges of values by itself is not a sign of excellence, the way we manage the student’s responsibility on his/her own education beyond what to manifest ourselves in different degrees of sublimeness is a the professor does. The third great component of this restructuring function of the priorities that we give to the values each moment of is the change in the administrative structure of the academic area, our lives. ” bringing about a flatter organization with less Directors and more Faculty so the communication professor-student can take place in After more than six years of work, the challenge remains. As the a more efficient way. Delors Committee establishes it, the professor continues to be the main responsible for these tasks in the classroom. Enrique C. Blancas de la Cruz President of the CETYS University System
What is CETYS? << Back to Index CETYS University belongs to: OUI: Inter American Organization of Universities CEED: International Consortium for the Educational and Economic Development WASC: Western Association of School and College (in process of accreditation) One of the most important nuances of CETYS University is internationalization. Due to this is that on its first years of institutional development, it made sure to establish agreements for the exchange of faculty, students, and information among others. It currently has working agreements with around 50 universities world wide: in the United States, Canada, France, Germany, Finland, Italy, Holland, Spain, Sweden, Chile, Cuba, and of course, with some Mexican universities. 6
What is CETYS? 5 << Back to Index CETYS University is a private Institution that operates with the Official Proof of an Academic Record (REVOE in Spanish) CETYS University has the designation of “An Institution with High sheltered in two global agreements: Academic level" (1988), and the category of an Institution of Excellence" (1995) on behalf of the Education Department of Agreement 21414 issued by the Education Department (SEP in Mexico and the State Government of Baja California, respectively. Spanish) at a Federal level and published in the Official Journal on December 26, 1974. This agreement authorizes CETYS As an educational institution aware of the importance to have University to offer any program of Technical levels, High School, relationships with other educational bodies, CETYS University Undergraduate, and Graduate anywhere in the country and under belongs to: any type. IAU: International Association of Universities. Agreement w/n issued by the Education Department and Social UDUAL: Latin American University Association. Welfare (SEBS in Spanish) of the State Government published in ANUIES: National Association for Higher Education Institutions and the Official Journal of the State of Baja California on October 10, Universities. 1983. This agreement grants CETYS University the same FIMPES: Federation of Higher Education of Mexican Private possibilities than the Federation’s 21414, only at a Baja California Institutions. level. ANFEI: National Association of Engineering Schools and Faculties. ANFECA: National Association of Administration and Accounting Therefore, CETYS University can protect the programs it offers on Schools and Faculties. any of the two agreements; as a matter of fact, we currently have CNEIP: National Council for Instruction and Research in some programs recognized by SEBS and others by SEP. Besides Psychology. the general agreement, there is in every case a specific IAUP: International Association of Presidents of Universities. recognition in writing for each undergraduate degree, program, CONAHEC: Consortium for the collaboration on Higher Education and syllabus offered on each Campus. of North America.
Institutional Chronology 7 << Back to Index The Centro de Enseñanza Tecnica y Superior (CETYS) appeared thanks to the vision of a group of entrepreneurs, who before the need to offer to the Baja Californian youth the educational options that would allow them to get prepared for the future founded the Instituto Educativo del Noroeste, A. C. (IENAC), a non profit 1967: On January Dr. Felix Castillo Jimenez (+) is appointed as the second CETYS University President. 1968: The President’s Office building begins operating. organization that sponsors CETYS University. 1970: The fist formal development plan for CETYS University is IENAC is officially established on February 17, and its first prepared and implemented by Dr. Pablo Latapi from the Centro de President was Ignacio A. Guajardo Esquer, Attorney at Law. Estudios Educativos de Mexico, D. F. IENAC appoints Fernando Macias Rendon as the first President of CETYS. 1972: The Tijuana Campus starts operating with High School. Mexicali carries out the first raffle of CETYS University opens its doors in a leased building in downtown Mexicali, offering High School. The first student of CETYS enrolls: Eugenio Lagarde Salmeron. The first day of classes was September 20. 1962: The Industrial Engineering degrees start with options in Mechanics, Chemistry, and Electricity; Public Accountant and Business Administration, and the School of Cultural Extension. 1974: Thanks to the students’ efforts, an auditorium with a capacity of 385 persons is built at the Mexicali Campus. The bachelor’s degrees in Accounting and in Business Administration start at the Tijuana Campus. 1975: The Ensenada Campus starts with High School. Mexicali opens the bachelor’s degrees in Computer Science Engineering and 1963: The first classroom building is inaugurated in September. Planning Engineering, and the High School open system starts. 1966: The first CETYS University and Baja California cohort of 1976: The first classroom building is inaugurated at the Tijuana undergraduate studies finishes; Daniel Martin Campos (+) is the Campus. Mexicali acquires the first computer, an HP 3000. first one with a bachelor’s degree.
Institutional Chronology 8 << Back to Index 1977: The second CETYS University development plan is The bachelor’s degrees in Human Resources Administration, prepared and implemented, and was directed by Oscar Licona Marketing Administration, Industrial and Systems Engineering, Nieto and Joaquin Diaz Martinez. The Mission of CETYS is written. Computer Sciences Engineering, and Executive Bilingual Secretary start. The bachelor’s degrees in Industrial Psychology, 1978: The third President of CETYS University is appointed on Clinical Psychology, and Educational Psychology begin at the January 13: Jesus Alfonso Marin Jimenez. The Technical Tijuana Campus. Undergraduate degrees in Computer Programming, Industrial Supervisor, and Systems Analyst are offered at the Mexicali 1981: The third Self-study or Summary of Institutional Analysis is Campus. carried out at an Institutional level. More sports facilities are built at the Tijuana Campus. The bachelor’s degree in Industrial 1979: The bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering starts at the Ensenada Campus. The bachelor’s the Mexicali Campus, the bachelor’s degree in Administrative degree in Executive Secretary starts in Mexicali. Computer Sciences starts at the Tijuana Campus, and the bachelor’s degrees in Public Accountant and Business 1982: The labs and the parking lot for the Engineering School of Administration start at the Ensenada Campus. the Mexicali Campus are built. The Information Technology Center is inaugurated at the Tijuana Campus. The first classroom is At the Tijuana Campus several buildings are inaugurated: inaugurated at the Ensenada Campus, and the programming administrative, cafeteria, Civic Square, and Sports Facilities. The laboratory begins operations. bachelor’s degree in Planning Engineering is closed. We change the name from School of Cultural Extension to Continuing 1983: The maintenance building is built and a new central Education. computer is purchased at the Mexicali Campus. The library automation begins. The modified high school syllabus comes into 1980: An Administrative Office building, a Classroom building, and the Library get inaugurated at the Mexicali Campus. The latter one was built thanks to the effort and enthusiasm of the students. force from 4 to 6 semesters.
Institutional Chronology 9 << Back to Index 1984: The Graduate degree Programs begin in Mexicali with a specialization in Finances; the bachelor’s degree in Electronic Cybernetics opens, and the Technical Programs get restructured offering Sales and Marketing Technician and Systems Programming and Analysis Technician. The bachelor’s degree in Computer Sciences Engineering starts at the Tijuana Campus, and a new Classroom Building is built. The bachelor’s degree in Computer Systems starts being offered at the Ensenada Campus. 1985: The specialization in Human Resources begins in Mexicali as well as the technical programs in Management and Supervision, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration, and Industrial Maintenance; the buildings 1 and 2 are built at the Student Community Center. The Systems Programming and Analysis Technician Program begins at the Tijuana Campus. Ensenada opens the bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering. 1986: Mr. Hector Sada Quiroga is appointed as President of the Board of IENAC, substituting Ignacio A. Guajardo Esquer. The high school syllabi of the three Campi get modified. Building 3 is finished of the Student Community Center at the Mexicali Campus, and the specializations on Taxes, on Total Quality Control, on Industrial Administration, and on Information Systems start. The first Graduate cohorts of CETYS University get their diplomas: Specialization in Human Resources and Finances. Ensenada begins with the Analysis and Systems Programming Technician and the Management and Supervision Technician programs. Tijuana and Ensenada open the specializations on Finances, Industrial Administration, and Human Resources. 1987: The syllabi of the undergraduate degrees and High School are modified for the three Campi. The agreement IBM-CETYS is signed and the Youth Entrepreneur Program is established. Mexicali starts the specialization in Research and Teaching, Marketing, and Taxes. The building for the administrative offices and cubicles for faculty in the Undergraduate Schools is built as well as one for the new Cafeteria. The Brilliant Minds Scholarship Program starts in the Undergraduate schools, and Tijuana starts the specialization in Information Systems. 1988: Mexicali starts the Certificate Program for High Management for the Maquiladora Industry at a Graduate level, and the Library Committee is born with the object of supporting the growth and the development of the Library. Ensenada starts the Sales and Marketing Technician Program. CETYS University receives on November 21, by Miguel Gonzalez “the personality of Avelar, Secretary of Education of Mexico, Institution of high level of academic quality. ” 1989: The Tijuana Campus starts with the undergraduate degree in Electronic Systems Engineering, and the International Administration Master’s degree Program starts. The category of “Researcher Professor” is established in the faculty’s ladder system, appointing Bernardo Valadez as the first professor in this category.
Institutional Chronology 10 << Back to Index The “Esposos Hermosillo Celada“ Hall is built in Mexicali for multiple use, the bachelor’s degree in Executive Secretary and Bilingual Secretary for Executive are modified and both are substituted by the bachelor’s degree in Bilingual Secretary. The computer lab in Ensenada is upgraded. The fist compact disc is introduced with the information of the best 150 magazines in the communications field. Being this the first Library in the region to introduce this technology. 1990: CETYS University establishes institutional agreements with Hewlett Packard, National Cash Register, Arizona State University, and Kenworth Mexicana through which we start mutual collaboration programs where faculty and students get involved in research projects or practical action linked with society. The Integrating Center for Manufacturing is built in Mexicali. 1991: CETYS University and Cal Poly University in Pomona sign an agreement on April 10, 1991. CETYS connects in the cities of Mexicali and Tijuana to the INTERNET & BITNET international networks through the agreements with Arizona State University (ASU) and San Diego State University (SDSU), and gets affiliated to the BESTNET international program through SDSU. The Physics, Chemistry, and Biology Labs complete their equipping in Ensenada; the linkage area starts with a training program for the Water Company in Ensenada focused on the quality of the service provided and in the administrative efficiency. The Master’s degree in Taxes and Corporate Finances starts in Mexicali; new High School syllabus that disappears the specialized baccalaureate and offers the General Baccalaureate. The building for Laboratories, Graduate Spaces, and Main Hall is built at the Tijuana Campus; this opens a new stage in Campus development. Likewise, it starts the Specialization in Prevention and Handling of Minor Abuse with the collaboration of the Family Stress Center of Chula Vista, California. 1992: Phase II of the 2000 CETYS plan and the High School Development Program starts in Mexicali, Tijuana, & Ensenada the (PRODESPRE in Spanish). The technical programs are modified by the Information Technology Technician and the Sales and Marketing Technician programs to a four-month plan in Mexicali. The general agreement between CETYS University and ASU (Arizona State University) is signed. Tijuana & Ensenada start applying the new High School syllabus.
Institutional Chronology 11 << Back to Index Mexicali concludes the curricular revision general process in the Basketball and Soccer courts are built in Ensenada, and school of Engineering, creating the Master’s degree in Industrial construction is initiated for the building of Undergraduate Schools; Engineering, in Manufacturing Systems and Processes, and in the infrastructure for the CETYS 2000 communication network is Network Technologies and Information Systems that start on installed, and the Master’s degree in Corporate Finances starts. August of 1992; also the Undergraduate programs of: Industrial Engineering with concentrations in Manufacturing Administration 1993: In August Enrique C. Blancas de la Cruz is appointed as and in Plant Design Processes, Mechanical Engineer with President of the CETYS University Mexicali Campus. In concentrations in Design and Manufacturing, bachelor’s degree in September Angel Montañez Aguilar is appointed as Educational Computer Sciences, bachelor’s degree in Information Systems, Director at a State wide level. There is also a restructuring of the and bachelor’s degree in Electronic Cybernetics Engineering with Administrative Department and Institutional Advancement. concentrations in Networks and Teleprocesses, and in Process Control. The Library changes its name to Information Center, defining it as such as a promoting and facilitating unit of the collective access As far as the Graduate Degrees, there was a restructuring at the and use of information in all its formats: traditional and modern. specialization level ending up with the same names than the ones on the Master’s degrees, and granting the corresponding diploma The CETYS University Self-study takes place at an Institutional when finishing the first 8 modules of the 12 that make up the level, and the preparation for the 2000 CETYS Plan second stage Master’s degree. These graduate programs are integrated into the starts. We get connected to the international network INTERNET schools, and as such the Graduate Department disappears and at the same time that we install the 2000 CETYS network. Faculty the schools become faculties. of the three campi conclude the Teaching Certificate Program. The Library building and the new parking lots are built in Tijuana; the bachelor’s degree programs of International Business and the Master’s degree in Group Behavior start in Tijuana; the exchange student program with San Diego State University (SDSU) and Fresno State College starts; and a VACS 3100 computer system is acquired for the telecommunications program (BESTNET & INTERNET). The Advancement Center for Technology (CAT in Spanish) building is finished at the Mexicali Campus, building that houses the computer and telecommunication equipment for supporting
Institutional Chronology 12 << Back to Index faculty, students, and researchers in their corresponding teaching, research, linkage, and learning tasks. The agreements CETYS-COLEF (Colegio de la Frontera Norte), and CETYS-CICESE (Centro de Investigacion Cientifica y Educacion Superior de Ensenada) are signed. The GYMNASIUM is built which is another outcome of the effort of students, alumni, faculty, service and administrative personnel, and donor adviser in general. The introduction of new updated programs in the undergraduate degrees of the faculties of Accounting and Administration starts: Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, Bachelor’s degree in Public Accounting, Bachelor’s degree in Marketing, and Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Relations; all of them with the focus on globalization, internationalization, and complying with the Mission of CETYS. The construction of the new undergraduate and graduate building is concluded in Ensenada, and starts operating. The Master’s degree in Finances starts in Tijuana. The Humanities Department starts formally operating, and due to this there is a definite boost to the Humanism Institutional Program. 1994: The Bachelor’s degree in Computer Systems Engineering (August) starts in Ensenada, and the Master’s degree in Corporate Finances and Taxes; the first Gopher server is installed and the education at a distance pilot project starts at the Ensenada Campus. The perimetrical fence of the Campus is installed. The MEXUS program officially starts in Tijuana in collaboration with SDSU (San Diego State University) and Southwestern College for selected students in the Bachelor’s degree in International Business. The Intercultural Center for Entrepreneurial Development starts; it is a research and support body for companies specially focused on the cultural problems of the business international negotiations. This center is the joint initiative of CSU Dominguez Hills & CETYS University, a fruit of the agreement between both institutions. The Secretary of Communications inaugurates the Frame Relay System for the transmission of data and images in Tijuana. Finally, the student exchange between CETYS University & CSU Dominguez Hills begins. 1995: On October 27, CETYS University receives by the Governor of the Sate Baja California, Ernesto Ruffo Appel, “the granting of the Institution of Excellence category. ” The CETYS 2000 plan gets approved in its second phase in February: CETYS University towards the XXI Century. In June, Jesus Alfonso Marin Jimenez announces his retirement from CETYS University at the beginning of 1996, starting with the selection process of the person that will succeed him in the position of President. CETYS University, by agreement of the Electoral State Committee, designs and applies the system that permitted an efficient count of the election results of Baja California in August, 1995. This system called PREP (Preliminary Electoral Results Program) offered to the world the election results by uploading them in INTERNET.
Institutional Chronology 13 << Back to Index The Mosaic & Netscape Systems get installed in the CETYS 2000 network that allows the capturing of information in graphic ways through Internet; high speed Internet access is also offered from home or office. The academic programs are updated and modified in the undergraduate degrees of the bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and Public Accounting in Mexicali, Tijuana, & Ensenada, and in Mexicali the bachelor’s degree in Corporate Information Technology in Engineering (9 semesters) offered in the three cities. The academic programs are updated and modified in the bachelor’s degree in International Business that existed in Tijuana; once modified, it is offered starting on August, 1995, in Mexicali, Tijuana, & Ensenada. Two new full-time faculty assessment systems are institutionalized: one for Undergraduate degrees and the other one for Higher Secondary Education. The faculty functions and compensation system gets modified including the relevant aspects proposed in the 2000 CETYS plan. The advancement of the internationalization of CETYS University process continues through two important student exchange projects in North America (RAMP & CREPUQ in Spanish) where 20 students from the three Campi of CETYS University participated. Among the new Universities in the USA with which we will carry out exchange programs are the University of Pittsburgh & the University of Arizona. Among the Canadian Universities are Mc Gill, Concordia, Calgary, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, & Bishop's. The Master’s degree in Industrial Engineering starts in Ensenada, and the exchange student programs start operating with Cal State University in Dominguez Hills (CSU Dominguez Hills), and with Cal Poly Pomona; started offering education courses at a distance via Internet from ITESM (Technological Institute and Superior Studies of Monterrey) faculty, from ITESO (Western Technological Institute of Superior Studies) from Guadalajara, and from CETYS University. Rodrigo Gutierrez is appointed as Director of the Tijuana Campus substituting Oscar Licona Nieto. The syllabi from the undergraduate degrees of Computer Science Engineering, Industrial and Systems Engineering, and Electronic Systems Engineering get modified and they start offering them in August with a duration of 9 semesters. The academic programs for the bachelor’s degrees in Educational Psychology and Clinical Psychology are updated, and the bachelor’s degree in Industrial Psychology is substituted by the bachelor’s degree in Organizational Psychology. 1996: On January 19, the Board of Trustees of IENAC in their meeting in Ensenada appoints Enrique Carrillo Barrios-Gomez as the fourth President of CETYS University succeeding Jesus Alfonso Marin Jimenez, who on March 8, substitutes Mr. Marin as President. That same year, Dr. Fernando Leon Garcia is appointed as Vice President of Academic Affairs. The first distinguished chair or of excellence is given and conveyed by Dr. Barkev Kibarian by Internet using CETYS Radio and Power Point presentations at a State wide level in the summer; these were later edited and uploaded in the Web with free access to the entire public.
Institutional Chronology 14 << Back to Index The first Doctoral degree offered at CETYS University starts in Tijuana: Doctoral degree in Psychology that it also includes lateral Master’s degree programs and Specialization in Psychology. The undergraduate degree in Digital Graphics Design in Engineering starts, the Specialization in Computer Systems Advanced Programming, and the Master’s degree in Criminology. The first cohort of International Baccalaureate enters. The Master’s degree in Administration with International and Finance concentrations starts in Ensenada; the first cohort of Master’s degree in Taxes complete their studies; the Humanities Department is created to foster the boost of Humanism and the Mission of CETYS; the international programs get strengthen with the start of operations of North America Exchange Program (PIANO in Spanish) as well as the exchange student with Concordia University in Canada, and with San Diego State University; the latter one through the MEXUS program. We also start relationships with the University of Southern California (USC), Los Angeles Campus. The Civic Plaza is built in Mexicali (sponsored by alumni), and the first phase of the gym; the Center for the advancement of Technology (CAT in Spanish) building begins operating; the education at a distance program is officially formed as a support to faculty development and staff personnel training inside and outside of the Institution. The Electric Research Institute (IIE in Spanish) donated to CETYS University, Mexicali Campus, the lab located in Cerro Prieto, and the Energy and Environment Service and Study Center (CESEMA in Spanish) was formed through it. 1997: Carlos Postlethwaite Duhagon is appointed as new President of the Board of Trustees of IENAC, substituting Hector Sada Quiroga. The Inter Campus Assessment System is designed and implemented. CETYS Radio is heard world wide through Internet. The trilateral agreement of the three C’s is signed (Concordia University from Canada, California State University System from the United States, and CETYS University from Mexico) for collaboration in Doctoral degree development programs, education supported by technology, and internship programs for students at the companies. CETYS University incorporates to the CONAHEC (Consortium for North American Higher Education Collaboration) by being one of only four private Universities represented in Mexico. CETYS University participates in the ALFA program that is an exchange program with Europe, and in the GOOD NEIGHBOR program of student internships in companies in the United States. The participation of CETYS University in the RAMP program for the undergraduate degrees in Administration gets expanded. The Student Center that will provide the Cafeteria and Student Affair services begins construction in Ensenada. The Didactical Department is formed as a support of professorship improvement. The first cohort of the Master’s degree in Industrial Engineering concludes studies. For the first time the Spanish summer program is offered foreign students, and youth from the Ecole Polytechnique of Montreal and the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign attended. The bilingual baccalaureate starts in Mexicali and Ensenada. CETEME is formed in Mexicali, and a new boost stage for the use of faculty presentation technology started. The Bachelor’s degree in Manufacturing Engineering gets designed.
Institutional Chronology The CETYS High School, Tijuana Campus, is accepted as DEFINITIVE MEMBER of the International Baccalaureate organization, appointing Alberto Alvarez as program Coordinator in Tijuana. The Specialization in Advanced Programming in Computer Systems begins. 1998: The video-conference system that connects the three Campi of CETYS among them is inaugurated, and with the rest of the Universities world wide that have video-conference system connected to Internet; in the inauguration the three CETYS Campi, San Diego State University from California, and the University of Concordia in Canada participated connected in real time. The International Honorific Society “PHI BETA DELTA” grants CETYS a membership on the Delta Rho Chapter. The Doctoral degrees in Engineering and Administration start in the three Campi. The construction of the Student Center and the Maintenance and Physical Plant building comes to conclusion in Ensenada. A beach volleyball court and a new parking lot were built. The foreigner summer camp continues, and the summer program with the Sweetwater School District for High School students starts. 1999: FIMPES carries out an institution evaluation of CETYS, granting the accreditation with no condition or observation. Miguel Angel Salas Marron is appointed as Director of the Tijuana Campus in March, substituting Rodrigo Gutierrez. The first cohort of the Doctoral degree in Psychology finishes studies, and the first Doctoral degree granted at CETYS was for Jose Miguel Guzman Perez. 15 Also the first high school cohort of International Baccalaureate program finishes its studies. 2000: Starting from October 7, Enrique Carlos Blancas de la Cruz is appointed as the fifth President of the CETYS University System; at an institutional level the plan that defines the development vision of CETYS University during the next 10 years is prepared, its opportunity areas, its niches, the areas of knowledge, and the growth rhythm that CETYS will have; all of this integrated forms the 2010 CETYS PLAN. The curricular revision and updating process of the 15 undergraduate degrees that CETYS offers was concluded at a State wide level as well as the design of two new undergraduate degrees: Bachelor’s degree in Graphics Design and Bachelor’s degree in Information Technologies. Francisco Villalba Rosario is appointed as Director of CETYS University Ensenada Campus. The first cohort of Bilingual High School finishes in Ensenada and Mexicali. The undergraduate degree of Manufacturing Technician starts in Mexicali as well as the Visiting Student Program with San Diego State University, and the murals of the library and the auditorium get inaugurated. The Language and Extension Center was built in Mexicali. This campus was the host of the XXVIII Meeting of Directors of the FIMPES Computer Center, and of the XXXVII Annual National Assembly of FIMPES.
Institutional Chronology 16 << Back to Index The Digital Graphics Design Computer Lab was equipped in Tijuana. The stadium “Margarita Astiazaran de Fimbres” was inaugurated in April, with an approximate capacity of 3200 persons. 2001: The undergraduate degree of Bachelor’s degree in Law and Bachelor’s degree in International Public Accounting start in Mexicali and Tijuana. In addition, in the latter one, the undergraduate degree in Graphics Design is opened. The undergraduate degree in Graphics Design starts in Ensenada, the undergraduate degree in Mechanical Engineering, and the Bachelor’s degree in Marketing Administration; these last two as a type of academic program. The Master’s degree in Family Therapy starts in Tijuana. The construction of the International Business Entrepreneurial Development Center is concluded in Mexicali (CEDENI in Spanish), and it is inaugurated on May 28. The fourth parking lot section is built as well as a water treatment plant is installed. An industrial engineering lab is built in Mexicali; a wireless network and the equipping of the Information Technology and Digital Graphics Design and Creativity Center labs in Tijuana; a Manufacturing lab network in Ensenada. The Tijuana Campus was the host of the 69 Assembly of the National Council for Education and Research in Psychology (CNEIP in Spanish); noted intellectuals in this discipline attended. 2001 records the highest level of foreign student that CETYS has ever had: 316 students from different Northern States and from the center of Mexico. 2002: The festivities of the XL anniversary of the foundation of CETYS conclude with the presentation of the book: CETYS: 40 years of history. The work is the first editorial effort for describing the evolutionary path and the maturity degree of the institution. We achieve the acceptance of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) to start the international accreditation process of CETYS. After 14 years went by, the work administration of Alejandro Chapluk Pabloff as head of the IENAC Chapter in Ensenada concludes. His place is taken by Jorge Camargo Villa. The new Center for Applied Didactics and Technology (DAT in Spanish) starts construction in Ensenada with the sponsorship of Don Luis Fimbres Moreno and his family. In the Tijuana chapter the Integral Wellbeing Center “Jose Vega de Lamadrid” is built. Likewise, the walkway “Leave your footprint” concludes the first phase. The formal revision and evaluation process for the High School syllabi starts which was an effort coordinated by the High School Development Integration Committee (CIDEP in Spanish). The President signed academic exchange agreements with the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, in Madrid, and the Universidad de Salamanca. 2003: The Kenworth building was built in the Mexicali Chapter, and it offers high suitability physical spaces that are basic for the education process centered on the one who is learning. The academic reform of all the syllabi from undergraduate and graduate degrees starts. A working agreement is signed with Apollo International to strengthen the project.
Institutional Chronology 17 << Back to Index The Master’s degree in Education is approved as well as offering for the second time the Doctoral degree in Administration. The evaluation to the Humanism Boost Program concludes. As a result a so called CETYS System of Values project is generated, and whose purpose is to redefine and give greater coherence to the institutional philosophy. The academic program accreditation processes are accelerated with different national organizations, among them CACECA, CACEI, and CNEIP. The first two for achieving the accreditations for engineering and administration and business programs, and the third one to get the reaccreditation once the validity of the first accreditation has ended. As far as the accreditation issued by the Federation of Higher Education of Private Institutions (FIMPES in Spanish), at the end of the year the internal organization works started carrying out the corresponding self-study. The Applied Didactical Center (DAT in Spanish) is inaugurated at the Ensenada Campus; it received contributions from regional companies that are members of IENAC, and in particular from Don Luis Fimbres Moreno. The Integral Wellbeing Center “Jose Fernando Vega de Lamadrid” is inaugurated at the Tijuana Campus, and its object is to foster the health culture in students, faculty, and personnel of the campus. The equipment and the facilities of the Multimedia Lab get renewed at the Tijuana Campus; likewise, a new Technology Center is formed. 2004: The academic reform of CETYS becomes operational, and it consists of verifying and modifying processes in three scenarios: curricular development, faculty development, and academicadministrative structure. One of the main results of the reform is the redesign of all the current academic programs, including High School and Graduate School. The first actions to disseminate the value system of CETYS University are carried out in the different realms of the university community. The core values of the system are: freedom, truth, beauty, good, justice, and spirituality. The self-study work to achieve the FIMPES reaccreditation intensifies. The effort involves faculty and administrative staff of the three campi. Likewise, the WASC relationship consolidates through different actions focused on being considered the first Latin American University eligible by that system for an international accreditation. The undergraduate degrees of the School of Psychology (Clinical, Educational, and Organizational) are achieved by CNEIP as well as the Business Administration of the Tijuana Campus. The rest of the academic programs are in the process of self-study. Taking advantage of the academic reform benefits, the curricular design of some new undergraduate degrees for Engineering, Psychology, and Social Sciences and Humanities begins. The Economic Development Institute (IDE in Spanish) is created in the graduate area in agreement with the University of Oklahoma and with the participation and support of the Federal and State Governments.
Institutional Chronology 18 << Back to Index The Undergraduate degree General Exam on behalf of CENEVAL is applied in a compulsory way to the last semester students of each one of the campi. The Raffle project restarts with the purpose of retaking this activity that would allow CETYS to have an alternative funding source that will be set aside for granting scholarships. In an effort that is part of the 2010 CETYS Plan, we achieve accreditation of the academic programs of Business Administration at the Mexicali Campus, Public Accountant, and International Business at the Tijuana Campus. The accrediting body is CACECA. Likewise, CACEI accredits the bachelor’s degrees in: Industrial Engineering and Mechanical Engineering in Mexicali. An agreement with the IBM Company and the State Government is signed and has as its purpose the development of a Technology Excellence Center based on open standards at the Mexicali Campus. On the Spring of this year, CETYS University becomes the first Latin American University to become eligible to start the WASC accreditation process. The inauguration of the Football Stadium of the Zorros from CETYS was carried out at the Mexicali Campus thanks to the contributions of sponsors and alumni. For this year, the institution’s educational offer diversified in undergraduate and graduate programs with a total of 45 programs. Coupled to it, the student population grew around 15% mainly in High Schools and Graduate School. The Technology Centers were remodeled at the Tijuana Campus as well as the CAT building was equipped to offer the design and advance computer labs at the Mexicali Campus. The Marketing Department is restructured at a system level hoping to optimize the resources and experiences in the area to correctly implement the Marketing Institutional System. 2005: Collaboration Agreement with CITY University, of Seattle Washington, in which a double diploma program was officially put on wheels starting for students in the area of Administration and Business both in undergraduate and graduate levels. The internationalization nuance keeps strengthening due to the increase in the number of exchange students: from 102 to 118; in addition, five agreements with foreign universities are added which adds up to a total of 54. The Information Center (Library) of CETYS University, Mexicali Campus, officially changed its name to the “Norberto Corella Gil Samaniego Information Center” as recognition to the vision, devotion, and valuable work of one of the main forgers of this educational institution. The inauguration of the CETYS University – IBM of Mexico Center for Technological Excellence in Open Standards (CETEA in Spanish) was carried out in Mexicali with the assistance of Jose Decurnex Sarasola, President of IBM Mexico, Eugenio Elorduy Walther, Governor of the State of Baja California, and Enrique Blancas de la Cruz, President of the CETYS University System. The football Stadium is inaugurated, and the undergraduate classrooms get equipped with multimedia technology.
Institutional Chronology 19 << Back to Index 2005: The construction of the building of Engineering and the Laboratory started with a strong investment in Tijuana. Training is given for the “International Economic Forum” project at the Ensenada Campus for the last year of High School. This activity involves the CETYS High School with High School students from the San Diego, California Area, for a joint economic learning project. 2006: On September 20, CETYS started celebrating its 45 th anniversary, and the President Enrique Blancas de la Cruz giving the First Distinguished Chair. The President signed Collaboration Agreements with his counterpart of the University of South Florida (USF), Dr. Judy Genshaft, and with California State University Dominguez Hills President, James E. Lyons. FIMPES approved the Accreditation Judgment Lisa y Llana for CETYS University. Its validity will be from April of 2006 to April of 2013. On the other hand, the WASC Accreditation advances were focused in the institutional capacity stage. The following buildings were inaugurated: the Engineering labs at the Tijuana Campus and the multiple use Building Halls for multiple uses Esposos Heriberto Amarillas Heras Clara Durazo de Amarillas at the Mexicali Campus; the total remodeling of the Civic Plaza; the construction of an additional parking lot section at the Tijuana Campus, and the extension of the Student Center at the Tijuana Campus. As far as the creation of new educational programs it stands out the creation of the Doctoral degree in Education and Values, and the Bachelor’s degree in Child Psychology that started at the Tijuana Campus. It is also worth mentioning that there have been successes replicated from one campus to the other by opening programs in both levels, such is the case with the Bachelor’s degree in Mecatronics Engineering in Tijuana and the Master’s degree in the Environment and Sustainable Development. A total of 129 students participated through international exchanges. The Administration and Marketing Conference “Celulas 2006” and the 1 st International Social Gerontology of Northwestern Mexico Conference were carried out at the Mexicali Campus. We also received the Electronic Cybernetic Engineering and Mechanical Engineering Accreditation by the Engineering Accreditation Teaching Board (CACEI in Spanish). The L FIMPES Annual National Conference was carried out at the Tijuana Campus with the attendance of close to 100 presidents from the country. At the same campus, students celebrated the XXVI anniversary of the School of Psychology; likewise, we received the accreditations in the Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering and Systems, Business Administration, International Public Accounting, International Businesses, and Clinical, Educational, and Organizational Psychology. Students from the Ensenada Campus organize the Second Entrepreneur Conference Visions 2006.
Institutional Chronology 20 << Back to Index 2007: The WASC Evaluation Committee carried out a capacity verification visit to give way to the next stage of the international accreditation process. The first stone of the Graduate Facility building was placed at the Ensenada Campus in February, and four months later the Esposos Guevara Escamilla Hall was inaugurated; it represented and investment of 70 thousand dollars. In addition, the Community Library (Digital Information Center and Bibliographical Collection) is the infrastructure project of greater importance in the last years not only because of the investment amount that surpasses one million dollars, but by the impact it will have on the student life. The Master’s degree in Aerospace Engineering Sciences and the Master’s degree in Semiconductors and Microelectronics were offered for the first time at the Mexicali Campus. On the other hand, the CETYSEndeavor Entrepreneur Center was inaugurated by offering the Baja Californian entrepreneur leadership for those that look for ways to excel in their companies day by day. The construction of the Jose Fimbres Moreno Graduate building started at the Tijuana Campus. As far as accreditation matters, the Accreditation Board on Teaching Accounting and Administration (CACECA in Spanish) accredited the Bachelor’s degree in Marketing Administration.
Before going forward 21 << Back to Index For you to be duly hired in the institution, it is necessary that you had submitted the stated documents to the Human Resources Department. Verify such situation and also match the document you have received from us. If some of them have not been submitted to you, go to your area coordinator or department director so he/she can take care of it right away. Documents that you must submit to the institution: • Résumé in the form that CETYS University has it set up. • A Copy of the birth certificate. • A copy of the professional certificate or title. • Two pocket size photographs. • The permit from the State Department to work in the Institution in case of being a foreigner. • Certified copies or transcripts of all the studies that were reported in his/her résumé. The latter one is very important so he/she can be assigned the proper category according to his/her education and experience level. Documents that the institution submits: • The Educational Model of CETYS University. • Internal organization. • Student Rules and Regulations. • Subject program to be taught and syllabus. • Current Official School Calendar. • Student Affairs Calendar. • Library Bulleting. • Calendar of payment fees. • Official Proof of Academic Records. • Rules and Regulations for Scholarship holders, if some of them are going to work with it. • The Evaluation System.
Presidents throughout history 22 << Back to Index CETYS recognizes the human person as the beginning and the end of all societies, and therefore, of his own activity. It conceives the human as being at the same time physical and spiritual, gifted of a body and a natural reasoning that transcends him. . . Mission CETYS Today. The process In the course of its 45 years, CETYS University has had five presidents; each one has lived a singular moment in the institutional development, from the construction of one building up to the opening of undergraduate degrees and the search of funds for specific purposes. The appointment of the President of CETYS University is done through a process where the candidates submit applications and their résumé to a special committee, and it is submitted for an evaluation. Once the candidates go through this process, the committee analyzes the results and gives them in a file form to IENAC, whose members have the responsibility of analyzing, debating, and discussing at close doors who will be the new president. Who have been the presidents? February 17, 1961, is the date that IENAC is officially formed, and Fernando Macias Rendon is appointed as the first president; he was one of the founders and an enthusiastic collaborator in the construction of CETYS at Reforma Avenue. In his administration the first buildings of the current CETYS Mexicali Campus were built; he was in charge of inaugurating the high school building, and he remained in that position until December of 1966. Dr. Felix Castillo Jimenez (+) was appointed as the second president on January of 1967. It was during his period that the President’s Office started working; the first CETYS University Development Plan was prepared directed by Dr. Latapi of the Centro de Estudios Educativos de Mexico, D. F. ; the high school activities started in Tijuana and Ensenada on 1972 and 1975 respectively. He remained in that position until December of 1977.
Presidents throughout history 23 << Back to Index Jesus Alfonso Marin Jimenez is appointed as president on January 13, 1978; he served as president up to 1996. During these years, the growth of CETYS University is huge because the administrative buildings, classrooms, administrative offices, and library buildings were inaugurated in 1980. On November 1988, CETYS University receives the “Institution with the Status of High Level of Academic Quality” on behalf of Miguel Gonzalez Avelar, Secretary of Education of Mexico at that time, and in 1990 there were institutional agreements set up with Hewlett Packard, National Cash Register, Arizona State University, and Kenworth Mexicana with whom we have carried out collaboration programs between faculty and students. Enrique Carrillo Barrios- Gomez was appointed as president on January 19, 1996; he served in that position up to October of 2000. The Humanities Department was created in this period, the Technology Advancement Center (CAT in Spanish) building starts operating in the Mexicali Campus, the Center for Studies and Services for Environment and Energy (CESEMA in Spanish ) is formed, Radio CETYS is aired world wide via Internet, the Student Center is built at the Ensenada Campus, and the first cohort of international high school students enters. Enrique Carlos Blancas de la Cruz, current CETYS University President, is appointed as president of CETYS University on October of 2000. As he starts in office, the 2010 CETYS Plan has been presented that defines the Institution’s development vision during the next 10 years, the Language and Extension building is built in Mexicali, the sports stadium “Margarita Astiazaran de Fimbres” and the Engineering Lab building are built in Tijuana, the construction and inauguration of the International Entrepreneurial Development Center (CEDENI in Spanish) “Rodolfo Nelson Barbara, ” the Esposos Amarillas Hall in Mexicali, and the Technology and Applied Didactics Center (DAT in Spanish ) in Ensenada. Likewise, the academic reform of CETYS is taught and designed starting on the year 2004, at the same time that the creation of the system of values. One of the most important tasks that he is involved with is the international accreditation process through the WASC agency. Mr. Blancas started working in CETYS since 1967.
The Mission of CETYS 24 << Back to Index The Mission of CETYS is the document that guides all the activities and programs carried out in the Institution; we see in it the reflection of the normative principles and the Educational Philosophy of CETYS. Next, it is presented as it was approved by IENAC in 1977: The purpose of Centro de Enseñanza Tecnica y Superior (Center for Higher and Technical Education) is to contribute to the education of persons with the moral and intellectual capacity to participate in an important way in the economic, social, and cultural development of the country. , CETYS University tries consequently, to create an indestructible conscience in its students those values that have been traditionally considered as basic for man to live in society in a pacific way, and to satisfy the needs that his laborious capacity allows him. Consequently, CETYS University systematically promotes: The development of character: To foster in the student the assimilation of norms of conduct and the development habits geared on achieving his/her realization as a person by the adequate use of his/her freedom and the harmonic functioning and truly human of the Social Community. The alumnus of CETYS University should have the conviction that duty is to be fulfilled, that truth is not one person’s heritage, but it must be searched by all; that goodness is a natural attribute of all living being, and that man’s intelligence must not serve to alter him fundamentally; even though the intellectual capacity and knowledge are essential, the person achieves very little in his/her function in society without tenacity in his/her purposes. Courage and boldness are also determining factors in the attainment of the goals that the individual imposes on himself/herself. That the idea of freedom must be understood by the greater number of people so the realization concept can exist. That to earn the community’s respect must be the goal of every individual, but this is not achieved without first earning the respect of oneself through honesty in giving and receiving. The general cultural development: To train the student toward the enrichment of his/her own personality based on his/her creativity and the habit of continuous learning by giving wellbeing and useful guidance to his/her counterparts.
The Mission of CETYS 25 << Back to Index The scientific development: To train the student to understand in an objective way the world that surrounds him/her, and is directed in a practical life so he/she can find objective solutions to the problems that are raised as man and as a professional in his/her economic, political, and social surroundings. CETYS University justifies its reason of being in the attainment of excellence on the basis of values previously mentioned, and through three basic functions: teaching, research, and the extension of culture. Teaching: CETYS University develops its education programs in the Technical, Secondary, Undergraduate, Continuous Education, and Graduate educational levels. For its education activity performance, it is the purpose of CETYS University of achieving the preparation in an excellent way of all the staff members in their specialization area, with a high sense of excelling, and that they are not only convince of the social principles previously stated, but also of the ability of conveying them to all their students. Research: At CETYS University research is directed to the studies of their own educational problems as well as detecting the needs of human resources that the Community demands, so it can establish the educational options that help meet them. Faculty research in specific fields of the specialization will be fostered through specific special programs for each project. Extension of culture: CETYS University is looking, within the framework of its possibilities, to spread, conserve, and systematically promote: v The cultural and artistic expressions that lift the human being. v The scientific knowledge. v The bibliographical collection, laboratories, and everything that allows the preservation and improvement of the received and achieved cultural heritage.
Mission of CETYS 26 << Back to Index FACULTY BEFORE THE MISSION OF CETYS The professor must do several simple things before the Mission: a. Read it with great care and interest. b. Understand that the Mission is built from the human person, and consequently, the recognition of some essential values becomes vital: freedom, justice, truth, goodness, and beauty. c. Because of having as its end the development of persons, faculty must recognize that the education at CETYS is geared to make its students grow in an intellectual, moral, and effective way. It is obvious that by accepting these postulates, he/she commits on working dependent on them.
Mission of CETYS 27 << Back to Index CODE OF HONOR The members of the Centro de Enseñanza Tecnica y Superior (Center for Higher and Technical Education), CETYS University, made up of students, faculty, and staff members are firmly committed with the mission of our institution of “contributing to the development of persons with the necessary moral and intellectual capacity to participate in an important way in the economic, social, and cultural development of the country. CETYS University tries, accordingly, to keep indestructible in the conscience of its students those values that have been traditionally considered as basics so man can live in society in a pacific way and to satisfy the needs that his labor capacity allows him. ” Consequently, we consider it important to have a Code of Honor that inspires and reflects the behavior ideals of our decisions and daily actions, and that at the same time constitutes a frame of reference and identification for those of use that are part of our institution. Based on its mission, CETYS University systematically promotes among its students the development of character, the development of culture, the scientific development, and the fulfillment of ethical demands aimed at reaching the realization of his/her own life and career project which are guided by the following principles: • The central character of the educational process is the student, and because of this he/she is the first responsible for his/her education. • Every student must be guided by standards of conduct that make him/her a better person to be good and to achieve the generation of social wellbeing. • Respect for moral demands that the members of the CETYS University community recognize as fundamental values in our institution: Justice, freedom, search for the truth, beauty, good, and spirituality. We aspire for each one of the students of our educational academic community, in an autonomous way, to assume the commitment of all their acts both inside and outside of the institution, and to practice these fundamental values with the purpose of favoring the enrichment of human coexistence of our institution and as such to contribute to the ethical development of the community that we all make up. By code of honor we understand the set of actions of well being and well doing that take the person to live with dignity. Honorability is one of the fundamental goods of social life, and the experience of the values they belong to are a necessary condition for the sane and pacific coexistence of the individual with himself and with others. By courage we understand any quality that perfects the person that posses it. The values are fundamental for the personal life because they define the quality of the existence, its width, and its depth. They work as referents or guidelines that guide our behavior and contribute to the improvement of society. We specifically aspire for the students to accept the mission of CETYS University and that they live in accordance with the System of Values which is fundamental for the Institution, and with its related values by assuming the following commitments:
Mission of CETYS 28 << Back to Index Freedom: Capacity of the will to choose. To foster the assimilation of rules of conduct and habits geared to achieve his/her realization as a person by the proper use of liberty and the truly human functioning of the community. It allows the development of the moral, social, intellectual, emotional, and transcendent dimensions. Justice: Principle of social action that favors the human coexistence where each person is granted its own share. It contributes to develop persons with moral capacity to participate in an important manner in the improvement of the country. It allows the social, moral, biophysics, and economic dimensions. Truth: Consistency of thought, of words with actions, between an assertion and an event, and it guides the intelligence and the conscience of a person. It contributes to develop persons with intellectual capacity to participate in an important way with the country’s improvement. It allows fostering systematically the general cultural development and the scientific development. It allows the development of moral, intellectual, and transcendent dimensions. Beauty: Physical or artistic harmony that inspires human qualities such as pleasure and admiration. It lies on conceiving the person as a unique and unrepeatable being that expresses his/her spirituality in very wide manners. The value of beauty is founded in the set of qualities that tend to look for the total harmony of life. It allows the development of biophysics, moral, emotional, and transcendent dimensions.
Mission of CETYS 29 << Back to Index Good: Determination of the will to act according to duty. It is considered as the supreme value of moral. Goodness is the natural attribute of every living being. Its search allows the person the assimilation of traditionally considered values as basic for a full development of the human being. It allows the development of the emotional, transcendent, moral, social, and economic working dimensions. Spirituality: It is possible to talk about a transcendent spirituality, stricto sensu, and of a sui generis spirituality inherent-transcendent. The first one belongs to the Absolute Reality realm, and it could only be reached and to have access through the philosophical reasoning or the act of faith. The second one is the one immersed in history, more specifically embodied in man, but at the same time linked and sharing in a certain degree from the first one. Both have in common: first, that the evidence of its existence is possible thanks to the inference made by reasoning starting from other realities or verifiable signs; second, it is understood that the conceptual plane as being opposite to the physical, or at least as overcoming the physical. If we aspire to be upright and totally human, we cannot neglect the development nor the fructification in actions of such spirituality which is inherent in us as well as other dimensions are inherent in us; in the same token, we cannot be a true believer (excluding the professed religious faith) without some kind or degree of fellowship with the inspiring Force of such faith. On the other hand, being the embodied spirituality in man a sign of super natural Force, it is also constituted as a spontaneous threshold of it. Consequently, we as believers cannot disregard the cultivation of both spiritualities because one and the other are a reflection and at the same time a demand of our transcendent dimension. Man discovers himself with immersion that familiarizes him/her with the physical world, but also as a rise that joins him/her with the spiritual world.
Academic Reform 30 << Back to Index WHAT IS IT? A President’s commitment that starting operating in the year 2004 and aims to holistically verify three key aspects of the academic life of CETYS University: the faculty role, the academic structure, and the curricular development. In a specific way, the reform has been centralizing the design and the curricular evaluation, standardizing and systematizing the educational model centered on learning in the methodological aspect, and diversifying the academic offer of CETYS by offering the current programs and some others that the project generates in the way that would allow us to serve a student profile which goes beyond the traditional. Academic Reform Curricular Development (redesign) Faculty’s Duty New offer and Academic Structure. August 2004 Academic Structure
Academic Reform 31 << Back to Index WHAT DOES THE REFORM OBEY? The need that the institution has to respond in a more rapid way to the challenges of its environment and to maintain more sensitive to the needs and preferences of its market which require the modification of our way of thinking and acting. As we draw a conclusion, the academic opinion leaders point out that the university must be characterized by a greater flexibility which should transcend to the different parts of the university operation, but in terms of programs it includes, among other aspects, a lesser length, greater transparency, and easiness to achieve equivalencies with other foreign institutions; thus, in the case of links with foreign institutions, more opportunities to get the double diploma. The basic principles of the reform and of the redesigns of their academic programs are: 1. The changes have as a foundation the educational philosophy of CETYS. The Mission is still valid and valuable in the search of the humanistic model of university education. The changes are centered on the hows, not on the whys. 2. The changes necessarily point at what we must do, not at what we are doing. 3. Internationalization must be understood as a differentiation nuance in the way of carrying out education. It must go beyond mobility and student exchange. 4. The reform in general, and the curricular development in particular, is fostered by a team centralized in the President’s Office. The traditional way of restructuring syllabi by incorporating the greater amount of faculty does not work for this reform because of the expected answering speed. The first redesigned academic programs became effective on August of 2004; therefore, CETYS has new programs and syllabi for the undergraduate degrees in Engineering, Administration and Business, and Psychology. The undergraduate degrees in Graphical Design and Digital Graphical Design started with new syllabi on August of 2005. The undergraduate degree in Law starts new syllabi in August of 2008. On the other hand, the reform also has allowed the design of new programs in the areas of Engineering, Psychology, and Humanities. We have diversified the academic offer of CETYS by offering the current programs and some others that the project generates in a way that would allow us to serve a student profile that goes beyond the traditional.
Academic Reform 32 << Back to Index The main criteria for redesigning current plans or opening new academic degrees are the following: • All the academic degrees will have a length of a maximum of 8 semesters; this is different from the 9 semesters that we have on the 2000 plans. The average study time will be of 4 years. • All the syllabi must comply with a minimum of 300 credits and 2400 eyewitness hours (activity coordinated by a member of faculty) that the authority indicates, but they should not extend beyond 10% from these quantities. This represents a reduction of what we currently have in all cases, but it is not significant. • The design of the syllabus must have three parts: a general education axis with a percentage of around 20% of the total subjects. An education axis in the field of knowledge that includes the central part of the process and that is understood as the set of subjects that are characteristic to the undergraduate degrees in Engineering, Administration, or Social Sciences and Humanities; with a 35 to 40%. A specific education axis for each academic degree with a 35 or 40% depending of the academic program dealing with. • All the undergraduate degrees will have a total of up to 42 subjects (two cultural ones of two hours each that are optional) with 4 hours per week. They will work on 5 subjects per semester with 20 hours per week. • The syllabi should be flexible. The ordering of subjects will be the minimum ones. The curricular administration must answer to the fact that a student could finish his/her academic degree before the 4 years. • The elements that made up the co-curricular part of the previous syllabi are now joined into the development of the syllabus. Such is the case of the social service and the professional internships. Both are linked at least to two subjects. The respective colleges will decide what are the subjects linked to. • There will only be a format used for the design of the syllabi. Through the Apollo-CETYS project, we must reach one format that will be standardized for all the syllabi. On all the cases, the responsible for the design will be the so called CDM (Curricular Development Manager) with the coordination of the SME), and both coordinated by the school Directors and under the supervision of the Curricular Development Director. • All the subjects will be scheduled for 64 eyewitness hours, and other ones for activities outside the classroom. This must be entered both in the Syllabus as well as in the Professor’s Program.
Academic Reform 33 << Back to Index • As part of the educational boost centered on learning, faculty will be supervised so they do not develop their work using traditional methods (dictation, presentation by him or her, or permanent presentation by the students). In case a professor has problems to carry out certain learning situations, he/she must be offered training on this matter. • A set of subjects from the undergraduate axis and/or a specific one should be redesigned to study and be credited in the labor field. This circumstance is linked to the professional internships. • The social service should be linked at least to one subject of the general education axis, so these subjects must be scheduled starting from the sixth semester. • Awarding the degree will be automatic and it will be given once the student studies and passes all the subjects of his/her syllabus. It is understood that an approval condition is when the social service, the professional practices, English, and the CENEVAL exam have been approved.
Philosophy and educational model 34 << Back to Index Philosophy and the system of values CETYS officially starts its humanistic development in its educational processes starting on 1977, year when its Mission is written. The preceding means a transcendental step in the search of its identity as an educational institution, and therefore, of its philosophy. It states its clearly humanistic calling because it is the person, not the professional, the priority of the educational process. It is also worth emphasizing the confirmation of the social sense that education has: to contribute, through their alumni, to the improvement of society. On the other hand, a generic profile for professionals is outlined and its components are, next to an intellectual capacity, “… those values that have been traditionally considered as basic so man can live in society in a pacific way and to satisfy the needs that his labor capacity allows him. ” The evolution of the philosophical approach of the Mission is visible. The conviction of the need of a greater precision of the educational philosophy or the Mission and of the institutional objectives is retaken in the 1982 -85 Development Plan, and stipulated in what is now called “Statement of Principals of CETYS. ” The points worthy to highlight are several. First of all, there is a very significant addition to the Mission: as far as a fundamental ingredient in the development of the person, the moral capacity is incorporated that wishes to create not only highly trained professionals, but also valuable men and women. According to the last paragraph, an educational model is established and is supported by the definition of Principles and Mission. Such model emphasizes the valuable, scientific, and cultural education under the guidance of two principles: educational quality and the permanent search of excellence. In 1991 the master axis of the institutional philosophy made up by the Mission is subject to an analysis with a holistic updating in mind. This represented a very significant advancement because it adds an explanation to the text of the Mission and principles where fundamental concepts are tackled, and which we declare next.
Philosophy and educational model 35 << Back to Index For the first time a conception of the human person is outlined, at least in a holistic and systematized way. The duality of matter and spirit make up the significant substratum of the person according the Judeo-Christian tradition. On this base the person’s fundamental dimensions are explicit: rationality as a defining factor of his/her specific nature that makes him/her transcend over the purely physical or corporeal; individuality that makes of the human being a unique person, unrepeatable, and irreplaceable; the inherent sociability that not only it doesn’t oppose the individual but it is an essential condition so that he/she can achieve his/her realization; this means that the social and individual are mutually included, they need themselves, and complement themselves. Freedom, considered as a fundamental value, is the most proper means that the human being has for his realization, and having as limits only that which his/her own nature imposes on himself/herself, the search of common good, and justice. Out of the person’s dignity are all the human rights which are inalienable and should be respected; leveled to the rights, we have the obligations that demand fulfillment. We need to highlight the concept of education that is understood as an unending process of perfecting the individual in all his/her dimensions. It is then the task of making us more humans. This is not possible without the contribution of other persons. In this process, the true actor is the student as far as the subject and bearer of education. The educator, as a consequence, is at the service of the former and he/she exerts a subsidiary role: complementary, not additional, and aimed at the student’s autonomy and self-sufficiency. In harmony with the previous paragraphs, CETYS redefines itself in the light of its Mission, reassumes its calling, and clarifies its role and commitment before the challenges and opportunities that the world poses in the dawn of the present century and the millennium. As far as a university, it wishes to be a civilizing agent, responsible and committed through its basic functions that should inspire and be directed at the following guidelines: Excellence as a life style and action. b) Priority of Ethics over Technology, the latter serving the human being. c) Respect for the person’s dignity and to human rights. d) Assertion of liberty as a principle that supports order and the social dynamics as well as solidarity as an answer to social problems. e) To professionally build a quality human civilization where having is at the service of the person. f) Guide informal education and the mass media to the person’s service and to social coexistence. g) Priority on reflection over information. a)
Philosophy and educational model 36 << Back to Index On the year 2003, the President draws attention to the fact that the Mission’s document considers more than 24 value qualities, and that is necessary to redefine the identity of CETYS starting from that Mission. That is why a work team takes the task of preparing a system of values for CETYS; understanding it according to Milton Rokeach as … “a permanent organization of believes regarding different ways of behavior throughout a scale that establishes the relative importance of each one of them. ” The need to have a system, according with Ana Hirsch, * lies in 4 very specific areas: • They structure a vision of the world, the sense, and the life projects; • They allow taking a position before any situation or social event. . . (. . ) they act as the central part of the moral, aesthetics, emotional, and cognitive conscience. • They are a basic moderator of human relationships because they turn into a judgment criteria, preference, and a choice; • They contribute to the development of identity, integration, and social adaptation. If it is true that our Mission can respond to these approaches an a very generic way, it is also true that we need to make an effort to specify which one of those scores of value qualities are the ones that we must translate into programs, projects, and working strategies to be developed in short, medium, and long term. The system of values of CETYS is made up of the following: freedom, justice, spirituality, beauty, good, and truth. Its relationship with the value qualities can be seen in the following slide. We need to emphasize that both the alumnus profile as well as the syllabi, include activities and learning for their living experience. Lastly, it is necessary to clarify that the entire educational philosophy of an institution has a vital part, immovable, that points out the private seal, and at the same time it has another dynamic part that requires being in harmony with time and the circumstances that it happens to live. This is the vital process of any institution that wants to be faithful to itself and to its principles. In its turn, this creates commitments because we can’t be coherent with this development effort if one self doesn’t develop from day to day, and the task remains undone if we have not conveyed to our students the social vision that their development must have. *ROKEACH Milton, The nature of Human Values, Ana Hirsch, Education & Values. Volume III Hirsch, Ana, Education & Values, Volume III. Publ. Co. Gernika. P. p. 181 -182
Philosophy and educational model 37 << Back to Index A system as a nucleus Solidarity Creativity Sincerity Democracy Intelligence Responsibility Spirit of service Freedom Subsidiarity Justice Commitment Truth Honesty Tenacity Excellence Search for the Truth Order Loyalty Beauty Good Spirituality Tolerance Respect for life Perseverance Courage Search for the Common Good Critical spirit Hard-working Boldness Nationalism Respect To foster one of the values is to strengthen the others
Educational Model << Back to Index Constituido por tres componentes esenciales: principios filosóficos, principios pedagógicos The academic reform is supported in the educational model of CETYS. Nonetheless, at the time it starts operating, the nuances and the pedagogical principles are redefined. PHILOSOPHICAL PRINCIPLES They determine the kind of person we want to develop; in this case education is dimensioned as a process clearly intentioned towards the holistic development and it is expressed and detailed in the Mission of CETYS. THE 4 PEDAGOGICAL PRINCIPLES OF THE INSTITUTIONAL EDUCATIONAL MODEL* They define the way the educational process is carried out: *Summary of a document prepared by faculty from the undergraduate degree schools of the Mexicali Campus. 38
Educational Model. 4 PEDAGOGICAL PRINCIPLES 39 << Back to Index 1 2 Observable behaviors in the student: Learn to learn Ability that the student shows to identify and manage cognitive strategies and cognitive goals that take him/her to the acquisition of new knowledge, skills, and competencies in an autonomous, independent, and self-regulatory manner. • Identifies and manages his/her learning processes (cognitive goal level) • Uses proper strategies on every situation. • Designs and carries out his/her own working plan by fitting it to every situation • Captures the demands of the task and consequently responds to them. • Examines and values his/her own realizations by identifying good decisions and correcting mistakes. • Makes inferences and generates deductions. • Transfers contents and ideas from one realm to another. Observable behaviors in the student: Learn to do (abilities and skills) Behavior that the student carries out for acquiring and developing functional competencies based on the application and the abstraction of achieved knowledge for the establishment and solution of problems of every nature, be it in a group or an in individual way. • • • Shows interest to find application to knowledge. Applies knowledge through a lab practice or a project. Identifies and formulates problems. Identifies and builds solutions to problems by gathering the proper tools. Generates applications of concepts outside of their natural realm. Creates and deducts solution alternatives for problems of diverse nature. Carries out procedures and methodologies in a proper way. Uses instruments in a proper manner. Builds, rebuilds, and communicates knowledge with his/her own words. Establishes relations among the areas of knowledge. Identifies, describes, and applies methods and procedures for the creation of new knowledge or new lines of research. • Carries out documented and field research where he/she brings forth objective and rational conclusions. • Compares and evaluates areas of knowledge.
Educational Model. 4 PEDAGOGICAL PRINCIPLES 40 << Back to Index 3 4 Learn to coexist Permanent and observable behavior in the student in a group or community context where tolerance, equity, and justice must come forth in a framework of reciprocal understanding to reach the goals through common projects where interdependence must be a fundamental characteristic trait. Observable behaviors in the student: Learn to be Observable behaviors in the student: Permanent search of the student on his/her interaction with the environment to discover himself/herself as a person by building his/her individuality and by developing his/her autonomy through the reflection and the identification of his/her values which have to be in harmony with the world that surrounds him/her. • • Shows disposition for team work inside and outside of the academic realm. Expresses with liberty his/her opinions. Shows openness to criticism. Gives feedback, broadens, or replies with knowledge and respect. Reaches agreements and establishes consensus. Respects agreements and established consensus. Shows solidarity and commitment towards the achievement of common goals. • Tries to maintain the integrity of the team. • Identifies the basic elements of the working team. • • • Shows a critical and autonomous thinking. Shows congruence between what he/she says with what he/she does. Makes proper judgments. Shows sensibility to art in its different forms. Is aware of the significance of his/her acts. Looks for the balance in all of the aspects of his/her person (body, mind, and spirit). Identifies his/her scale of values. Identifies values and counter values in persons. Takes decisions in the personal realm and assumes responsibilities. Shows sensitiveness before the favorable and unfavorable situations of his/her fellow human beings. Shows disposition towards community work.
Educational Model. 4 NUANCES 41 << Back to Index NUANCES IN THE UNDERGRADUATE DEGREE SYLLABI These are the distinctive elements that the institution wishes to foster in a stronger way in a specific period of time, and its central reference point are both the institutional philosophy as well as the pedagogical principles. More than any other place, the nuances must be clearly seen in the design of the syllabi. ENTREPRENEURIAL SOCIAL & LABOR CONTINUOUS SPIRIT LINKAGE IMPROVEMENT INTERNATIONALIZATION The most important educational nuance of CETYS is, without a doubt, the humanistic development. From the Mission up to the educational model and the system of values, humanism is recognized as the governing factor. This is why for practical purposes we do not include it as part of these nuances because they tend to be more operational. We neither include in the fist plane the research culture, the information culture, and the development of thinking skills because we consider them as being clearly pointed out in the generic profile of the alumnus.
Educational Model 42 << Back to Index NUANCES IN THE UNDERGRADUATE DEGREE SYLLABI 1. Entrepreneurial spirit. Throughout the development, we want the student to be able to design, organize, and direct projects where he/she can bring creativity, inventive, and innovation capacity to the point where he/she can take decisions and to undertakes tasks, actions, and programs with the required success. 2. Social and working linkage. It is the development of the entrepreneurial spirit placed at the service of its linkage with the outside world. Working linkage through two or more specific subjects will allow him/her to know the market labor force, understand its dynamics, and strengthen his/her confidence and sense of responsibility. Social linkage will keep his/her social values, in particular justice and good, also linked to two subjects identified as humanistic. It also strengthens learning to coexist and learning to be. 3. Continuous improvement. It is an attitude, a norm, a commitment, and a life style. Always trying to do things better, evaluate, and give feedback on what is done to keep being better always. 4. Internationalization. Is a nuance that gets consolidated with these new syllabi. By consolidate we understand to keep doing what we are already doing and to increase the path of internationalization toward other actions. One guideline gives this nuance consistency: there cannot be an alumnus from CETYS if he/she did not have an international experience; be it of any kind: subjects taught in English, exchanges, summer visits, double diplomas, etc.
Alumnus’ Profile 43 << Back to Index In education the fundamental central character, subject and recipient of the process, is the person himself/herself; in this case, our student. The educator is at the service of the student and must look for ways so that the latter can develop himself/herself in the exercise of his/her own freedom. Mission CETYS Today. The profile that comes out of the academic reform is added to the general knowledge area by trying to be consistent with the compulsory subjects; in addition, we compressed the intellectual qualities and introduced 5 values in the value quality area. General knowledge Values to foster Thinking skills and abilities Basic Math FREEDOM Globalization & cultures JUSTICIE Capacity to identify, propose, and solve problems Capacity to communicate in an oral and written way in Spanish and in English Capacity to work as a team based on cooperation and collaboration Capacity to take decisions by assuming an intelligent and human leadership Development of an entrepreneurial spirit based on creativity, innovation, and initiative Critical issues of the contemporary TRUTH world BEAUTY Sustainability and environment Economic thinking Scientific thinking GOOD SPIRITUALITY Historical development of humanity We can consider this profile as summarized. For example, in case of values, is possible to add the virtues and qualities that stem from the system of values such as: honesty, responsibility, respect, etc. The same situation applies to the abilities and skills.
Profile & duties of the CETYS professor 44 << Back to Index The style and unique culture of CETYS are distinguished by the search of a harmonic development between the scientifictechnical and the value-cultural with levels of excellence always at the service of the person and society. The Mission of CETYS Profile For the faculty performance activities, it is the purpose of CETYS University to have the professor that combines the following fundamental elements: v Institutional Commitment: A coherent acceptance and experience by the professor of the philosophy and humanism that the Mission and the Vision of CETYS embraces. v Character & Development: Qualities or personal characteristics of the professor founded in moral principles and that are coherent with the institution’s philosophy. v Responsibility & Commitment: Total disposition from the professor to behave with responsibility and integrity in all his/her functions. v Knowledge: Accumulation of general information and in the specialization area. v Ability & Teaching Skill: Group of knowledge and skills that a professor has to properly and efficiently carry out the educational process that the CETYS education requires: Knowledge: pedagogical, educational psychology, and curricular design.
Profile & duties of the CETYS professor 45 << Back to Index SKILLS FOR: I. III. IV. V. VI. Awakening the motivation towards study. Communicating appropriately. Leading group of students. Guiding students. Promoting educational activities that foster humanism and culture in general. Carry out activities that link acquired learning by his/her students in the classroom with real situations of company and surrounding organizations. VII. Administering courses. VIII. Innovating in teaching. IX. Facilitate learning so the student learns to learn. X. Carrying out and promoting research. XI. Promoting culture and quality. XII. Using the modern means and tools of information technology to improve the level of learning of the students; it is essential the handling of the “blackboard” information technology platform if the professor is going to give classes to students studying any of the first 5 semesters of their undergraduate degree. Curriculum: The following factors are specifically considered: I. Academic degree. II. Academic degree in education. III. English IV. Professional experience. V. Teaching experience. VI. Carried out research. VII. Publications. VIII. Didactical update. IX. Update in his/her specialization. X. Academic awards.
Profile & duties of the CETYS professor 46 << Back to Index CETYS’ calling, understood as the way to reach its own Mission, boils down to the actions and the teaching processes, research, and the extension of culture through which it wants to develop persons of character with a solid culture and a scientific quality education. . Mission CETYS Today Faculty and their pedagogical duties before the educational model Like we can see in the previous chapters, the educational practice lived in the classrooms of CETYS University is supported in two big aspects. The first one is of a philosophical nature: the MISSION; the institution’s development purpose is expressed in it. The second one, of pedagogical nature, is its educational model which it is conceived starting from five principles: learn knowledge, learn skills and abilities, learn to learn, learn to coexist, and learn to be well. These model principles take us to revaluate learning as the nodal part of education development, and this doesn’t mean, whatsoever, that the CETYS’ faculty loses legitimacy or working spaces in the classroom. As a matter of fact, to center an educational process in learning implies a better and bigger holistic preparation on behalf of the professor as one can see in the following statements: The CETYS humanistic development rests in three essential values: a. to demand itself the better knowledge – the most solid one and the frontier knowledge- b. generate-empower in the student the best skills; c. to carry out the latter with the greatest possible fondness, affection, and passion. The substantial value of the educational process is in learning.
Faculty and their pedagogical duties 47 << Back to Index There is a Master’s degree Syllabus prepared by a group of expert faculty that has 4 essential ingredients: learning outcomes, thematic units, learning strategies for both inside and outside of classroom, and evaluation resources and instruments. Faculty from CETYS must be prepared to recognize, understand, and apply the syllabus that is submitted to him/her. The learning outcomes cannot change as well as thematic units. The strategies can be applied or he/she can come up with some of his/her own that promote the educational model centered in the one who learns. By the same token, and by the inherent conditions of the evaluation programs, at the end of the semester he/she must submit to his/her coordinator a report of the changes he/she made to his/her syllabus. • The Syllabi that we allude to explicitly handle empowerment of certain skills: of critical thinking, of relationship, of summary of observation, of analysis, of search, and the creation of new knowledge. In addition, it points out in a clear way the manners, resources, and activities through which such skills will be developed. In summary, the syllabi try to empower three aspects of human learning: knowledge, skills and abilities, and the attitudes and values. • The CETYS professor should not lose sight that in the classroom, order, discipline, punctuality, and honesty are important values, but he/she should not forget to create surroundings so that dialogue, discussion, openness, and tolerance can be fostered. • Given the curricular structure, the professor must locate the subject both in a vertical plane (sense and reason must be a subject within its area) as well as a horizontal one (the role of the subject in the context with other areas). • In the academic relationship of the professor with the student two things are fundamental: knowledge and the way the student appropriates that knowledge. In this sense, the professor must be aware that the subjects must end with products; this means that the student must have information, must know where to look for more information, and must know how to apply it. This is the perspective that the syllabi are oriented to. • As we saw in previous pages, the student’s profile is an integrator. In that dimension, the demand for the professor is to design a working methodology where we can see more than one pedagogical resource. • Finally, as part of the activities of a humanistic faculty, is necessary to emphasize that in education there is no revenges, there are lessons and second opportunities to be better.
Academic freedom << Back to Index The purpose of this document is to define the position of CETYS University regarding the academic freedom of Faculty, Researchers, and Academic Staff. All the norms pointed out stem from three fundamental documents in the Institution: The Mission of CETYS, The General Statute of the CETYS University System, and The Educational Model of CETYS; this is why all the activities carried out by Faculty, Researchers, and Academic Staff are dependent to the principles, ideas, and aspirations pointed out in them. It is very important for CETYS to define, publish, and promote its position regarding academic freedom and the procedures to apply it, and to establish that everything related to them is carried out under the search of the common good under the ideas established in the Mission of CETYS about the creation of social wellbeing and not to promote the personal interests of Faculty, Researchers, and Academic Staff; we’re not also looking for the benefit of the institution as such. The search for the common good implies academic and research freedom, and its free exposition in the search for truth. Academic freedom is essential for these purposes, freedom in research is fundamental for the search for truth, and academic freedom is fundamental regarding the learning-teaching process for protecting the rights of the professor and the student. 48
Academic freedom << Back to Index The principles of Academic Freedom: • Faculty has the liberty to do research and to publish the results of their research as long they carry out with the proper results their teaching and institution collaboration academic obligations. In all the cases the research projects must be according to the Guiding Plan and to the Research Institutional Plan. The research that generates profits should be based in an understanding or agreement between the researcher and the CETYS’ authorities. • Faculty has the right to be free in the classroom to discuss the topics included in the official syllabus, but they should be very careful not to include in their class material or controversial topics which do not have anything to do with his/her subject. The limitations to academic freedom due to handling religious or political topics should be clearly defined in writing at the time of their hiring or before the start of the corresponding course. • Faculty, Researchers, and Staff are citizens that are members of an occupation dedicated to education, research, or the Academic Management. When they talk or write like citizens they should not be censured by the institution, but they should be aware that their special position in the community imposes special responsibilities and obligations. They should bear in mind that the public could judge their occupation and/or research by their opinions; therefore, they must always be precise, carry out their profession in moderation, show respect by other’s opinions, and to do all the efforts to point out and be clear that they are not talking on behalf of CETYS. 49
Essential aspects in managing a course 50 << Back to Index CETYS will be more CETYS while better persons contribute to develop individuals so it can better comply with the society that it serves; the best strategy is to make itself an institution able to reach every day in a better way its purposes in the achievement of its Mission CETYS Today A. ASSESSMENT In the school calendar there are certain periods to report grades to the Student Services; they represent a minimum limit to apply a course evaluation. We mean by this that the professor has the total freedom to apply all the exams or other assessment methods such as essays, research, reports, etcetera that he/she deems necessary during the semester having in mind the application of a permanent evaluation that must lead to an opportune feedback directed to the educational excellence achievement. The total responsibility of the grade falls on the professor. It is recommended that the grade is not considered as a simple numeric data, but it is requested that the total academic activity of the student regarding the class is analyzed. This criteria must prevail above all when determining the final grade; where as a matter of fact, what must be decided is whether the student acquired and exercised the required skills and abilities to continue with the following course, or if the student must repeat the subject in question. • • In regards to assessment we must consider the following aspects: The official grading scale is of 50 failing and 70 to 100 approved. The professor can use the scale that he/she deems convenient for his/her personal records, but at the time of reporting grades he/she should use the institutional official scales. The periods for reporting grades to Student Services are intermediate, final (in the Undergraduate level case the final exam is called semester exam, in Graduate level is four-month exam; in addition, in this last level it is the only type of evaluation there is), and extemporary exams (only for Undergraduate level). In the intermediate period we try to evaluate what up to that moment has been given by using the assessment criteria before mentioned. This period does not necessarily imply that an exam must be applied. Here, the only thing asked for is the assignment of a grade with a realistic base.
Essential aspects in managing a course 51 << Back to Index Semester Evaluation A final exam should be taken. Under no circumstance the student will be exempt from taking the exam. The student who has not exceeded the following limit of absences, in weekly class hours, will have the right to take it: HOURS PER WEEK PROGRAM 2 3 4 5 UNDERGRADUATE (18%) 6 9 12 GRADUATE (20%) - - - 15 9 The extemporary exam period is subject to the following: • The exam should be in writing. • It must include all the topics of the subject. • The students that can take it will be the ones that have attended at least 60% of the classes if they are undergraduate degree students. • There will be no authorization of extemporary exams for those subjects that due to their nature they require of special essays or some other type of requirements according to the rules and regulations. • There is a maximum of two times to take an extemporary exam of the same subject in the undergraduate degree level. • More detailed information about the extemporary exams can be found in the corresponding student rules and regulations. In case there is a mistake in assigning a grade, it could be modified by the professor within the next three working days from the day that the grade was published by Student Services. On the other hand, when a student is caught cheating on any type of exam, the situation must be reported to the corresponding School Director so it can go on record in the student’s file, and that will be considered a failed subject. (According to the rules and regulations, when a student accumulates 3 reports of this kind he/she will be discharged from the Institution).
Essential aspects in managing a course 52 << Back to Index Punctuality & attendance CETYS University considers that punctuality and attendance are fundamental elements for the good performance of all its faculty, administrative, and service activities because its absence brings forth negative situations to the value and intellectual qualities assigned in the Mission of CETYS University and in the Alumnus Profile. In the particular case of the classes, it is of the outmost importance because the loss of time in a limited activity for short periods of time, the disturbances started by the students that prevent the correct development of a class in the neighboring classrooms, and the lack of commitment acquired by CETYS University before the community means that we are falling back in our educational task. For CETYS University unpunctuality is not only the late initiation of a class, but it is also considered as lack of punctuality when a class ends early. Regarding attendance it is worth mentioning the following: • • • In case that for some reason the professor cannot be present to give a class, he/she should send a substitute as long as the Department Director agrees both with the substitute and the frequency of the absences. If the professor has the extremely urgent and unavoidable need of being absent due to a long trip or illness, he/she should communicate it as soon as possible to the Department Director so he/she can take the measures that he/she deems convenient. When the professor hasn’t gotten a substitute or has not informed of his/her absence, he/she will be able, as a last resource, to replace the lost classes as long as the group of students agrees on the day and time when the replacement will be carried out. Once the classes have been replaced he/she should notify it to the Department Director so he/she cancel the absences from the professor. Regarding the student’s punctuality and attendance, CETYS University submits a provisional list before starting classes. If for some reason the professor doesn’t have that list, he/she should pick it up in the Director of his/her School before the first class. Later on he/she will be given the definite list.
Essential aspects in managing a course 53 << Back to Index The professor should update the list to verify the student’s attendance at the start of each and every one of the classes, and the following rules shall be observed: a) Delays are no different than absences, this means that if the student is present at the time the attendance list is taken, he/she is present; if he/she is not there, he/she is absent. The strictness of this rule is conditioned to the professor’s criterion as far as if the delay occurred in the time taken for the attendance list, if it happens eventually, or if it is successively repeated. b) Regarding the absences, the professor should apply the rule in the following way: “The absences will not be able to be nullified for any reason. ” Lastly, it is important to highlight that the student will only wait 15 minutes for the professor’s arrival; when that time went by the student will be able to leave, and the professor shall not give an official class nor will give an absence to the students that had left. FINALLY, IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO EMPHASIZE THE FOLLOWING: the top right part of the list points out the period that they have to be submitted to Student Services. If the professor doesn’t submit them during such period, it will also be considered as a lack of punctuality and attendance. In addition, it affects on submitting late the report cards to the parents.
Faculty Evaluation and Compensation System << Back to Index CETYS shares, accepts, and clearly explains the authentic values of the community that gave it its being and which it serves. This is why CETYS is defined as a Mexican Institution. On the other hand, by being a university it has the demand to share with other cultures: to give and to receive will allow it to carry out a better synthesis in a universal and wider perspective. The Mission CETYS Today This system is formed starting from a work done by faculty and administrative staff coordinated by the Educational Department, and it is made up by three subsystems: FACULTY ASSESSMENT INSTITUTIONAL TASK ASSESSMENT PROFESIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT I. Faculty Assessment Subsystem: is the one with which the tasks of the full time faculty, part time professors, and adjunct professors get evaluated. With this subsystem they can get up to 60 points which equal 60% for the full time faculty and part time professors, and for the adjunct professors is equal to 100%. • Institutional Task Subsystem: is the one with which the full time faculty and part time professors get evaluated in academic – administrative activities stemmed from the 2010 Plan. With this subsystem they can get up to 20 points. • Professional Development Subsystem: is the one with which the academic – professional development of the full time faculty and part time faculty get evaluated according to the Faculty Holistic Development Strengthening Program that is derived from the 2010 Plan. With this subsystem they can get up to 20 points. 54
Faculty Evaluation and Compensation System << Back to Index Next, each one of the subsystems is described: l. Faculty Assessment Subsystem This is the most important subsystem because it touches those aspects referred to the work in the classroom; this means the task of teaching, and is made up of the following factors: Course planning Learning facilitation Evaluation 55
Faculty Evaluation and Compensation System 56 << Back to Index II. Institutional Tasks Subsystem This subsystem implies a semester evaluation of the full time faculty activities and part time professor by mutual consent with the Department Director trying to cover at least one of the following factors: • • Projects and strategic plans. Design and development of new educational services. Organization of academic events. Continuous improvement process and projects. Resource funding. Certification and accreditation. Support in functional areas. Institution representation. III. Professional Development Subsystem This subsystem implies a semester planning of the full time faculty and part time professor by mutual consent with the Department Director trying to cover at least one of the following factors: • • • Academic degree. Continuous faculty development. Professional and faculty research. Continuous professional development. Command of the English language. Publications in the professional and teaching realm.
Faculty essential questions << Back to Index What are those simple questions that a professional makes when he/she for the first time joins CETYS to teach a class in some of the undergraduate degrees being offered? Next, we let you know the 15 questions we consider the most frequent ones. If you have read this Professor’s Manual topic by topic, you would surely have answers for several of them; other answers you will find in the remaining of this text. We ask you to write the answers, and if you don’t know some of them go to the Department Director that has hired you and ask him/her to give you an answer. (1) When and where must I submit my documentation for hiring purposes? (2) When and where can I get paid? (3) How can I have access to Internet and to an E-mail address? (4) What is the structure and format of my syllabus? (5) What do I need for consulting, revising, and requesting books from the library? (6) What can I do to request audiovisual equipment, copy service, and support material for my course? (7) What can I do to fill the partial and final report card? What are the minimum approval grade and the maximum one? 57
Faculty essential questions << Back to Index (8) What do I need to do to get or to request supports for activities with my students such as visiting companies, study visits, essay presentations, etc? What kind of supports can I ask for? (9) When and where must I submit the partial grades and the final report card of my courses? Can I change grades? Am I involved in the extemporary exams? (10) What do I need to do when I cannot give a class at the Campus? How many times am I allowed to be absent? (11) Do I have the right to know my performance evaluation? What do I need to do to know it? (12) How can I apply the rules and regulations regarding cases of cheating, indiscipline, and constant absenteeism from students? (13) How can I improve my methods and working skills in the classroom? Who can give me and advice regarding this? (14) Where and under what circumstances can I give advice to the students that request it? (15) In what academia events can I participate? How many meetings do I have to attend throughout a semester? (16) Am I obligated to use the Blackboard educational platform in all of my subjects? Who can provide training in the handling of this tool? 58
Supports to the educational process 59 << Back to Index CETYS reasserts primacy of Ethics over Technology: Technology at man’s and society’s service. Faculty Development Program. With the purpose of fostering faculty’s holistic improvement, CETYS University has a Faculty Development and Holistic Education Program whose development areas are: A. Faculty training B. Professional development and updating C. Human and cultural development D. Health and sports The general program detailed below tries to serve as a guide so each one of the Campus can pick and prepare a specific faculty holistic development program. A. FACULTY TRAINING. It is understood as the set of actions that take a CETYS professor to understand, to improve, and to commit to his/her educational practice. Given the institution’s educational model, all the effort from the area should be headed towards the comprehension and development of skills in the learning centered model. The array of actions is the following: • Induction to philosophy and the CETYS educational model. This course is carried out at the beginning of each semester, especially for newly admitted professors of undergraduate degree level. As an institutional action, the presence of newly admitted professors is compulsory. • Curricular Redesign Project. Training in the standardized and centralized syllabi. This is a program that has as its purpose to systematize work in the design and operation of the syllabi on each one of the undergraduate degree levels. This implies training to a special faculty team so they can reproduce work with the rest of the undergraduate degree faculty.
Supports to the educational process 60 << Back to Index 3. Certificate Program on Education Centered on Learning. This program is offered to all the undergraduate degree level faculty of the three campi. There is a group in Mexicali, another one in Tijuana, and one more in Ensenada. Its purpose is to train faculty to face the changes that the institution’s academic reform brings. 4. Master’s degree in education. This program started in the year 2004. It focuses in the educational paradigm centered on learning even though the name implies general type master’s degree. The Graduate Department has sought the program to be self-financing and it has opened spaces for institution faculty and other institutions in the region. At this time, there around 20 students that are part of the faculty of CETYS. 5. Doctoral degree in Education and Values. This program started in 2006 and it focuses in preparing faculty so he/she can deepen in this important field, both in the knowledge and the research field; in both cases according to the philosophy and the educational model of CETYS. In the first cohort the possibility opened that half of the group could be professors of CETYS, mainly as full time and part time faculty, and the idea is to keep this percentage in future cohorts. 6. Boost program for the Use of Education Applied Technology. As part of one of the nuances education centered in learning, it is needed that we as faculty enter into a systematic training process in the education applied technology. There are four courses that could be fostered in this program: use of blackboard, word, power point, and excel. 7. Short courses. These development strategies are necessary as long as they are linked to the results of the application of Faculty Compensation and Evaluation System (SERP in Spanish). Given the intention of operating the educational model of CETYS, we recommend courses in: planning a course, how to create learning situations, techniques and education resources centered in the one who learns, and alternate evaluation ways.
Supports to the educational process 61 << Back to Index B. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND UPTDATING. It is understood as the set of actions that take a CETYS professor to improve, increase, and update in the area of knowledge where he/she was trained. Given the quality standards that the institution has set, is necessary that every time more faculty that give classes in the undergraduate degree levels of CETYS have a better degree of level than the one they are working in; in addition, that they direct part of their working effort to the research and of publication fields. CETYS has several academic programs that faculty can study: 1. Master’s degree in the Administration & Business area. 2. Master’s degree in the Engineering area. 3. Master’s degree in the area of Psychology. 4. Doctoral degree in Administration. 5. Doctoral degree in Engineering. 6. Doctoral degree in Psychology. The evaluation of personal projects to study a master’s degree or a doctoral degree outside the country. This is an important action that has effects not only in quality increase of the academic programs offered, but in the evaluation standards requested by the accrediting bodies such as FIMPES, ANUIES, and WASC. Also, insofar as the possibility of each Campus it is recommended to promote this option. Evaluation on research projects by participating in national and international conferences and to publish written work. This action is part of the faculty constant updating. A criterion that must be followed so a CETYS professor can be allowed to attend a conference or symposium is that he/she takes an essay to present it in this kind of event, and that at a given time it could be published.
Supports to the educational process 62 << Back to Index C. HUMAN AND CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT This is a fundamental area in complying with the institution’s educational philosophy. It refers to the faculty’s field of values and the spiritual and emotional development. Although the previous circles serve the cognitive part and the didactical abilities, the human and cultural development focuses towards the emotional part of the persons. 1. Awareness-raising and recognition workshops of the system of values of CETYS. On December of 2003 the design phase of the value system of CETYS was concluded. The responsible team of the Humanism Boost Program prepared a strategy so that the internal public of CETYS know and get committed with the system; it was approved by the President, and it’s been going on since 2004. 2. Stimulus of handling the English language, as part of integration to the development nuances of CETYS. D. FOSTERING HEALTH AND SPORTS This is an axle that completes the holistic education of a person. To take care of the body is considered essential for the development of the other faculties (cognitive and emotional).
Supports to the educational process 63 << Back to Index Information Center In addition to the traditional services of accessing the bibliographical collection, magazines, and banks of information, the information center offers support to the professor on the use and loan of equipment for the support of his/her classes providing the professor with operation manuals and advice for the use of the following equipment: Use of data base. Slide Projector. Microcomputer. Videocassettes. Projector. 16 mm movie projector. Video camera. Tables for projector. Photo camera. 8 mm movie camera. Television. Controller slide projectors. Amplifier system. Projector for a computer. Speaker Also faculty and the students have the availability of a big collection of movie videos, short courses, documentaries, short movies, and conferences about specialized topics, cultural, and of general interest; likewise, it has the reception and recording or programs, courses, and conferences broadcasted via satellite and seen through the satellite disk from CETYS University, Mexicali Campus.
Supports to the educational process 64 << Back to Index The services that the Information Center offers are: • ID card of the Information Center. • User’s guidance. • On-line and manual catalog. • Access to the catalog from your house. • Access to other national and international Libraries via Internet. • Consulting room. • Reading room. • Loan in the reading room. • Reserve Loan. • Take home book loan. • Interlibrary loan. • Newspaper and journal services. • Information banks (CD ROM) within the following topics: Computer, Business, Multi-disciplinary. • Study cubicles. • Counseling cubicles. • Audiovisual hall. • Photocopy service. • Counseling and inductions. • Video library services. • Daily news summary.
Supports to the educational process 65 Laboratories << Back to Index Next, we make a list of the laboratories that CETYS University has available for its faculty and students. When a professor wishes to use these resources, he/she should ask the Department Director so he/she can be advised and he/she is put in contact with the corresponding laboratory responsible person. LABORATORY AVAILABLE IN THE CAMPUS: MEXICALI TIJUANA ENSE Computer ** ** Language ** ** Chemistry ** ** * Metallurgy ** Materials ** Physics ** ** * Electronics ** ** * Air conditioning ** Machinery and equipment ** Gessel Chamber Photography Biology and health sciences * ** *
Supports to the educational process 66 << Back to Index SPECIAL HALLS There are several halls distributed in different areas of CETYS University destined for certain activities that because of their nature and equipment requirements cannot be carried out in the classroom. When the professor requires using a hall that we are showing below, he/she should talk to the Department Director so he/she can be helped and can make a reservation. AVAILABLE AT THE CAMPUS: MEXICALI TIJUANA ENSENADA Audiovisual Hall ** ** ** Auditorium ** Drawing Hall ** ** ** Programming Hall ** ** ** Arts and Crafts Hall ** Graduate Hall ** Multiple use Hall ** Gymnasium ** CAT ** **
Supports to the educational process 67 << Back to Index Faculty Holistic Development There is a Faculty Holistic Development Center that has as an object to provide educational services to the faculty of the CETYS University System, and to provide the insight of the Educational Model through the development of actions that provide dialogue and thought; this way fostering the collaborative work among faculty and between Campi. The services are for the entire faculty that make up the CETYS University System; being full time or part time faculty, adjunct professors, and from the three educational levels. During the semester there will be an invitation to participate in faculty development programs and courses; besides of going to the department for supporting faculty work.
Supports to the educational process 68 << Back to Index Vocational and educational guidance We have a Student Development Center in each city, and where we centralize the student hiring and induction functions, follow up program, and support for students with academic problems, vocational guidance, student educational supports, outstanding student program, support for faculty development optimization, and help on personal problems. The Center services all levels in Tijuana and Ensenada, and in Mexicali there are two departments: one for High School and the second one for the rest of the Institution. In virtue of having faculty of CETYS University, like in any other educational Institution, in permanent contact with the students, we ask them to report to the corresponding undergraduate degree Director Department any student they detect with a problem, so we can be in a position to guide them in finding their solution.
General Organization Chart << Back to Index 69
Directory 70 << Back to Index CETYS University System Enrique C. Blancas de la Cruz Dr. Marco A. Carrillo Maza President Vice President of Academic Affairs Arturo Alvarez Soto Vice President of Administrative Affairs Miguel Salinas. Yañez Dean of College of Engineering Federico Sada De la Mora Dean of College of Business and Management Maria del Carmen Echeverria del Valle Dean of School of Social Sciences and Humanities Angel Montañez Aguilar Director of Educative Services Jorge Rocha Yañez Director of Planning and Institutional Effectiveness Hector Vargas Garcia Director of Planning and Academic Effectiveness Jessica Ibarra Ramone Director of Educative Promotion and Development Mario A. Dipp Nuñez Operational Director of Graduate Programs Samuel Diaz Hermosillo Director of Extension and Continued Education Carlos Garcia Alvarado Director of Institutional Advancement
Directory 71 << Back to Index Ensenada Campus Diana Esther Woolfolk Ruiz Director Carlos Moreno Internal Accounting and Payroll liaison Jose Ceceña Liera Director of Administration and Finances Patricia Hernandez Duarte Internal Accounting liaison Perla Josefina Leon Bañuelos Director of School Services Luis Gonzalez Parra Director of Secondary Education Francisco Gonzalez Lujano Director of Academic Promotion Efrain Leree Rosales Director of Development and Promotion Ricardo Flores V. Maintenance and Facilities Coordinator Guadalupe Vega Montiel Director of Extension, Linkage, and Graduate Programs Dr. Scott Venezia Corral Dean of School of Business and Management Margarita Rubio Aguilar Dean of School of Graphics Design Erika Ma. Peña Olachea Human Resources Coordinator Elizabeth Mendez Student Services Secretary Isis Espinoza V. Academic Promotion Secretary Martha Escareño L. Secondary Education Secretary Carlos Garcia Andrade Information Technology Coordinator Luis Peralta Sports Coordinator Hector Leon/ Patricia Corral Moreno Wendy Navarro / Luis Montiel Attention, Referencing, and Library Amanda Valenzuela Badillo Maribel Rubio V. High School Professor Director of Library and Technical Programs Director’s Assistant Carmen Vazquez Gonzalez Alumni Coordinator Marcelo Peleaz Cortes Institutional Advancement Department
Directory 72 << Back to Index Ensenada Campus Ph. D. Isaac Azuz A. Strategic Programs Dr. Arturo Villavicencio Professor, Researcher, and Dean of the School of Accounting and Management Carlos A. Gonzalez Campos Academic Director and Dean of School of Engineering Socorro Lomeli Academic Linkage Lydia Covarrubias Professor of Business and Management Luis Aguirre L. Systems Coordinator Marinne Azuela Sanchez Personalized Registration Program Oliver Quintero International Programs Dr. Carlos A. Fuentes Hernandez Electronic and Engineering Department Coordinator Monica Villa Accounts Receivable Coordinator Gustavo Gil Gonzalez Fernandez Student Development Center Coordinator Areli Azuela Continued Education Coordinator Marcela Rodriguez Higher Education Secretary Damaso Ruiz Gonzalez Academic Operation Alejandra Serrano Cashier and Attention to Suppliers Carmen Vazquez Alumni Coordinator Maria Elena Esquer Graduate Programs Administrative Assistant Yasmin Avila S. Marisela Carrillo Marketing Assistant High School Professor Isabel Valdes High School Professor Estela Reyes Language Center Coordinator Miguel Angel Ventura Student Affairs Luisa Rosas Engineering Accreditation Coordinator
Directory 73 << Back to Index Mexicali Campus Sergio Rebollar Mc. Donough Director Ma. Elena Preciado Moreno Director of Administration and Finances Norma Valle Olguin Director of Human Resources Rocio Orozco Vazquez Director of Net Worth Hector Velez Garcia Director of Accounting and Infrastructure Fidencio Medina Hernandez Jorge Barraza Avitia Sergio Jimenez Molinares Director of General Services and Facilities Director of Academic Services Director of Student Services Elba E. Santaella Martinez Director of International Affairs Marco A. Peña Luna Director de Information Technology and Telecommunications Armando Robles Reyes Director of Information Center Juan Antonio Ortiz Peraza Director of Institutional Advancement Juan Rivera Yañez Director of Alumni Relations Maria Eugenia Espino Aguilar Director Secondary Education Samuel Diaz Hermosillo Director of Extension and Continued Education Francisco Velez Torres Director of Continued Education Rosa Mendoza Gutierrez Technician Coordinator Jose Luis Arroyo Pelayo Jose Luis Sanchez Alcantar Linkage Director Director of the Language Center
Directory 74 << Back to Index Mexicali Campus Francisco J. Chavez Lopez Director of Academic Operation Dr. Helia Cantellano Gutierrez Dean of the School of Business and Management Mauro A. Chavez Lopez Dean of the School of Engineering Luis F. Oviedo Villavicencio Accounting Academic Degree Coordinator Ernesto Montaño Rodriguez Marketing Academic Degree Coordinator Saida Perez Cordova International Business Academic Degree Coordinator Maciel Garcia Fuentes Business Administration Coordinator Dania Licea Berduzco Digital Graphics Design Academic Degree Coordinator Joaquin E. Castillo Cardenas Digital Graphics Design Academic Degree Coordinator Ma. Luisa Walther Cuevas School of Law Coordinator Bernardo Valadez Rivera Mechanics Academic Degree Coordinator Cesar Barraza Montoya Industrial Engineering Academic Degree Coordinator Cristobal Capiz Gomez Mecatronic, Electronic, and Cybernetics Academic Degree Coordinator Guillermo Cheang Leon Computer Sciences Academic Degree Coordinator Patricia Saracho Becerra Psychology Academic Degree Coordinator Edgar Alonso Jimenez Soto Faculty Holistic Development Coordinator High School academic area coordinators: Jose Luis Romero Sanchez Biological Chemistry Sciences Ernesto Sanchez Valenzuela Physics Mathematics Sciences Patricia Pacho Ruiz Social Historical Department Coordinator Claudia Ceballos Bernal Educational Psychologist Patricia Vela Meza Humanities and Sciences Department Jose Mendoza Retamoza General and Bilingual High School Academic Coordinator
Directory 75 << Back to Index Tijuana Campus Dr. Adriana Mendiolea Martinez Director Francisco Martinez Gonzalez International Programs Coordinator Alejandra Gabriela Guerrero Amaro Director of Administration and Finances Fatima Rodriguez Cavazos Human Resources Coordinator Ma. Antonieta Sanchez Arias Credit and Collection Coordinator Patricia Fong Bastidas Net Worth and Purchasing Coordinator Jorge Garcta Ruiz Director of General Services and Facilities Daniel Moctezuma Canchola Director of Information Technology and Telecommunications Brizna Rodriguez Velarde Systems Coordinator Mario Alberto Hernandez Catalan Technical Support Coordinator Raul Cervantes Lomeli Network Services Coordinator Jonathan Levi Ortega Bañuelos Educative Technology Coordinator Jessica Ibarra Ramonet Director of Promotion and Development Imelda Vega Subia Academic Promotion Coordinator Angela Arroyo Public Relations and Communications Coordinator Dulce Gutierrez Caldiño Telemarketing Operations Center Coordinator Brenda Yanina Rubio Bojorquez Institutional Advancement Director Marilu Castro Lizola Productive Events Coordinator Pedro Antonio Hernandez Flores Special Projects Coordinator
Directory 76 << Back to Index Tijuana Campus Gustavo Gil Gonzalez Fernandez Director of Academic Operation Enrique Perez Santana Director of Accounting, Administration, and Business Roberto Salas Corrales Director of Engineering Jose Guadalupe Hernandez Vargas Director of School of Psychology Alfredo Estrada Caravantes Director of the School of Law Jose Luis Bonilla Esquivel Humanities Coordinator Raquel Espinoza Alvarez Language Center Coordinator Adriana Lopez Bañuelos Faculty Holistic Development Coordinator Dr. Maria Lourdes Gutierrez Guevara Psychological Guidance and Attention Center Coordinator Rosa Sumaya Tostado Taxpayer Contribution Services Coordinator Manuel Herrera Peña Director of Student Services Ivonne Valenzuela Arballo Student Life Coordinator Erick David Macip Marinez Impulsa Coordinator Francisco Trinidad Cuevas Diaz Sports Coordinator Yave Lobsang Castellanos Villanueva Cultural Affairs Coordinator Gustavo Gil Gonzalez Fernandez Student Development Center Coordinator Marco Antonio Ramirez Balbuena Statistics and Evaluation Coordinator Elizdath Peña Vela Social Service Coordinator Sergio Octavio Cardenas Flores Linkage and Extension Director Mirna Cavazos Sierra Continued Education Coordinator Raul Rodriguez Gonzalez Director of Library and Information Center Zaida Arlene Estrada Ramirez Services Coordinator
Directory << Back to Index Tijuana Campus Arturo Osbaldo Ponce Wilson High School Director Paulina Bueno International Baccalaureate Coordinator Dr. Margarita Bueno Avalos Educational Psychologist Coordinator Hajasya Maray Romero Escobar Community Development and C. A. S. ? ? ? Luis Hugo Perez Estrada Humanities Coordinator Paula Helu Fernandez English Coordinator Paulina Bueno Gutierrez Chemistry-Biological Area Coordinator Margarita Bahena Perez Social-Historical Area Coordinator Cecilia Hernandez Vazquez Physics-Mathematics Area Coordinator Eliseo Mendoza Ortiz Information Technology Coordinator Zeferino Mauricio Jimenez Graduate Programs Operational Coordinator 77
Directory 78 << Back to Index ENSENADA: Camino Microondas s/n Colonia Moderna Apartado postal 2727 Tel. (01 646) 174 -42 -20 / 4 -42 -22 Fax. (91 646) 174 -42 -44 http: //www. ens. cetys. mx MEXICALI: Calzada CETYS s/n Colonia Rivera Apartado Postal 3 -797 PO Box 2808 Calexico, Ca. 92231 PO Box 8513 Calexico, Ca. 92231 Tel. (01 686) 567 -37 -00 y 67 -37 -35 Fax. (01 686) 565 -02 -41 http: //www. mxl. cetys. mx TIJUANA: Av. CETYS Universidad s/n Fracc. El Lago C. P. 22550 Apartado Postal 4012 Tel. (01 664) 903 -1800 Fax. (01 664) 903 -1801 http: //www. tij. cetys. mx