Скачать презентацию Professional Services Procurement Presentation to Professional Services Trilateral Скачать презентацию Professional Services Procurement Presentation to Professional Services Trilateral


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Professional Services Procurement Presentation to: Professional Services Trilateral Working Group Date: 1 March 2013 Professional Services Procurement Presentation to: Professional Services Trilateral Working Group Date: 1 March 2013

Background • Professional Services are important to departments • PWGSC created procurement instruments to: Background • Professional Services are important to departments • PWGSC created procurement instruments to: • create pools of available professionals/expertise • make the process fair, open and transparent • Issues remain for client departments and Industry • The Professional Services National Procurement Strategy is aggressively reducing red tape and addressing key issues 2

Professional Services = $3. 1 B per year (approx 20% of Go. C Procurement) Professional Services = $3. 1 B per year (approx 20% of Go. C Procurement) * Source: 2008 -09 Spend Cube excluding certain sub-commodities not covered by strategy 3

Procurement Responsibilities * Source: Public Accounts, Suppliers Report and Spend Cube 2008 -09 (estimate) Procurement Responsibilities * Source: Public Accounts, Suppliers Report and Spend Cube 2008 -09 (estimate) 4

Professional Services National Strategy Benefits for Client Departments & Suppliers Strategy Elements • Common Professional Services National Strategy Benefits for Client Departments & Suppliers Strategy Elements • Common business rules • Create a predictable environment • Single governance • Improve clarity and consistency • Single training • Make knowledge transferable • Support for statements of work and evaluation criteria • Reduce efforts and simplify the contracting process • Single e-portal • Improve usability and reduce the reporting burden 5 5

Supplier Qualification and Bidding Process Method of Supply Qualification Supplier submits bid Evaluation • Supplier Qualification and Bidding Process Method of Supply Qualification Supplier submits bid Evaluation • Security Receives SO and/or SA • Past Experience • Integrity (Code of Conduct) Individual Requirements SO SA Eligible Supplier(s) receive(s) an Availability Confirmation Form Submits CVs to Client Eligible Supplier(s) receive an RFP Submits Bid Receives Call-up Evaluation Receives Contract 6

Client Procurement Process (Decision Tree) Client determines if requirement is Professional Services or Temporary Client Procurement Process (Decision Tree) Client determines if requirement is Professional Services or Temporary Help Services • Public Servant is temporally absent • Temporary workload increase Professional Services Determines if an SO or SA exists (common website) • Client can use SO vs. SA Decision Tree • Staffing action underway for a vacant position No Custom Procurement • Client Departmental Authority • PWGSC Yes Follow SO & SA process per National Strategy Client uses common templates, and forms developed by PWGSC Contract Awarded 7

Current Process with CPSS Solicitation Bid Evaluation SO / SA Issuance Supplier Enrolment Supplier Current Process with CPSS Solicitation Bid Evaluation SO / SA Issuance Supplier Enrolment Supplier Module Data Collection CPSS (Single e-portal) Evaluation Module Maintenance Module Search Supplier Reporting Call-up / Contract Issued Financial System Note: CPSS (Centralized Professional Services System is only used for large Methods of Supply Data Collection / Evaluation Module: Currently only being used for 3 large Methods of Supply 8

Issues and impact on Clients and Industry Impact on Client Departments Issues Impact on Issues and impact on Clients and Industry Impact on Client Departments Issues Impact on Industry Lack of Standardization • • Increased sourcing cost Increased risk of errors • • Increased bidding cost Creates incentive to be subcontractors Limited access to support tools • Limited access to best practices Less likely to obtain best value • Unpredictable requirements Restrictive requirements Little focus on usability • Increased administrative effort High reporting burden • • • Increased administrative effort High reporting burden 9

Next Steps • Conduct an Options Analysis on “How best to manage our Methods Next Steps • Conduct an Options Analysis on “How best to manage our Methods of Supply” from an Organization Perspective (inc. MOS Management, Support, etc) • Change towards a more “Market Driven” / “Customer Driven” focus on our Offerings – Investigate reshaping our MOS Offerings (single vs. multiple, category definitions, evaluation criteria, etc) – Consulting Industry and Clients about what tools & support work best. – Increased collaboration with Regions (buy-in and participation) • Look at technology to assist with lower staffing levels – – Online Learning Digital Procurement (e-buy) Leveraging a platform similar to GSA Interact Revamping websites • Get Senior Management Support to have clients handle their own requirements • Improving Vendor Performance 10

NEXT STEPS: Delivering on key commitments Winter/Spring 2013 Implementation Plan • Standardized service delivery NEXT STEPS: Delivering on key commitments Winter/Spring 2013 Implementation Plan • Standardized service delivery • Support tools for clients • Automation of routine activities • Greater speed and simplicity • Improved training Renewal of Task-Based Informatics professional services Renewal of Task and solutions professional services Spring 2013 Pro. Services E-Training Fall 2013 All Professional Services categories Harmonized 2014 -15 E-buy tools 11 11