- Количество слайдов: 25
Professional School Counselors & Career Development Update Winter Professional Learning Conference Dr. Myrel Seigler, Program Manager mseigler@doe. k 12. ga. us Jackie Melendez, Program Specialist jmelende@doe. k 12. ga. us Vivian Snyder, Program Specialist vsnyder@doe. k 12. ga. us 3/19/2018 1
College & Career Ready Performance Index ü Elementary: 17 Cluster Activities & Portfolio ü Middle School: 2 career-related assessments and completion of an Individual Graduation Plan • High School: Capstone Project (coming) 3/19/2018 2
What Drives Our WORK? STATE HB 400 (BRIDGE) HB 186 HB 713 AGENCY FEDERAL Perkins Legislation College & Career Ready Counseling for ALL Students College & Career Ready Performance Index 3/19/2018 3
Federal Perkins IV • CAREER GUIDANCE AND ACADEMIC COUNSELING. —The term ‘career guidance and academic counseling’ means guidance and counseling that – (A) provides access for students (and parents, as appropriate) to information regarding career awareness and planning with respect to an individual’s occupational and academic future; and – (B) provides information with respect to career options, financial aid, and postsecondary options, including baccalaureate degree programs. 3/19/2018 4
Georgia HB 400/BRIDGE • Mandates 6 -12 system of advisement for ALL students through a systematic, comprehensive and developmental advisement process (CCRPI) • Mandates 6 -8 educational and career planning to result in an individual graduation plan prior to the end of the second semester of the 8 th grade (CCRPI) • Mandates continued annual advisement 9 -12 3/19/2018 5
Georgia HB 186 • House Bill 186 mandates that Georgia will align with the 16 Federal Career Cluster framework (CCRPI) • Develop appropriate forms and counseling guidelines for dual credit coursework; inform 811 grade students prior to April 1. • To provide for collaboration with the Department of Education to enable high school students to attain soft skills certification 3/19/2018 6
Georgia HB 713 • The State Board of Education shall prescribe a minimum course of study in career education for students in grades kindergarten through 12. Such minimum course of study shall be age appropriate and shall include, but not be limited to, career awareness, career exploration, and career oriented learning experiences. " 3/19/2018 7
New Advisement Rule ec fl e R B ts ID R E G w la 3/19/2018 8
BRIDGE Checklist/ Career Information System 3/19/2018 9
Career Clusters/Pathways • Career Clusters represent a grouping of occupations according to common knowledge and skills for the purpose of organizing educational programs and curricula • Career Pathways are coherent, articulated sequences of rigorous academic and career/technical courses, usually beginning in the 9 th grade and leads to some type of credential including a baccalaureate degree or more.
Career Development Model OCCUPATION Rep Ele resen m Sch enta ts a N ool a r an y to M rrow in d b eyo iddle g Pro to c nd Hig ess h Elementary Teacher $54, 200 2012 Average Salary/1, 810 PERKINS/ “high-skilled, high-wage, high-demand” PATHWAY Teaching as a Profession Cluster Education & Training
Career Development Process 1, 2, 3, as simple as A, B, C • Who Am I? Interest, Aptitudes, Values (CCRPI) • Where Am I Going? Investigation of the world -of-work; Exposure; Experience (Work-based Learning) CCRPI • How Am I Going to Get There? Management to formulate a plan (Individual Graduation Plan/CCRPI) 3/19/2018 12
Dual Enrollment Guidance in grades 8 -11 • Student activities at each grade level regarding dual credit opportunities as part of the TAA program These activities are located on GAcollege 411 under the “Middle and High School Educators” at the bottom of the homepage. 3/19/2018 13
Counselor-Supported TAA Middle School Scope and Sequence GAcollege 411. org 3/19/2018 14
TAA High School Scope and Sequence GAcollege 411. org 3/19/2018 15
Soft Skills/Habitudes HABITUDES-hab·i·tude (hb-td, -tyd) n. A habitual tendency or way of behaving Objective: To implement an instructional advisement pilot program during the 2012 -2013 school year in 33 high schools representing each of the 16 Regional Education Service Agencies and State Schools across the state, that will incorporate character education and the teaching of soft skills. 3/19/2018 16
Elementary Activities/Portfolio Elementary Scope & Sequence of Activities: Grade Cluster Activity 1 st Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources Transportation, Distribution & Logistics Law, Public Safety & Security 2 nd Arts, A/V Technology & Communications Health Science Education & Training 3 rd Hospitality & Tourism Human Services Energy 4 th Science, Technology, Engineering & Math (STEM) Manufacturing Business Management & Administration Architecture & Construction 5 th Finance Information Technology Marketing Government & Public Administration 5 th grade students create a portfolio: • Required during 5 th grade (2016 -17) • Capstone Project format q Career Research q Writing Component and Standards q Presentation Guidance available at http: //www. gadoe. org/Curriculu m-Instruction-and. Assessment/CTAE/Pages/Counsel or-Information-. aspx 3/19/2018 18
Assessments/IGP • Developed CCRPI guidelines for middle grade students to complete two career-related assessments including students with disabilities • Developed CCRPI guidelines for all 8 th grade students to complete an individual graduation plan in compliance with HB 400 • Revised Student Advisement policy to reflect legislation • Guidance is located at http: //www. gadoe. org/Curriculum-Instruction-and. Assessment/CTAE/Pages/Counselor-Information-. aspx 3/19/2018 19
High School CCRPI • Pathway Completers • Industry Credentials/End of Pathway Assessments • Remediation/Learning Support/Scores on AP/SAT/ACT • Dual Credit Opportunities/AP/IB 3/19/2018 20
(Capstone Project) or WBL • Major components of capstone project: – Research – Application of research to produce a “product” – Maintain a portfolio of the process – Presentation • Will move to the face of CCRPI in fall 2016 3/19/2018 21
Co ng i m t in g in pr s e h 3/19/2018 22
3/19/2018 23
CTAE Resource Network www. ctaern. org Remember your password is the first three letters of your last name followed by the last four digits of your SSN. No spaces!
Thank you for attending. If you need further assistance or have other questions, please email me at mseigler@doe. k 12. ga. us or call at 404 -657 -8324.