Скачать презентацию Professional approach to professional language need in the Скачать презентацию Professional approach to professional language need in the


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Professional approach to professional language need in the Hospitality industry –feedback on the project Professional approach to professional language need in the Hospitality industry –feedback on the project results Genovaitė Dudėnienė

Hospitality Industry The hospitality industry consists of broad category of fields within the service Hospitality Industry The hospitality industry consists of broad category of fields within the service industry that includes: lodging, restaurants, event planning, theme parks, transportation, cruise line, and additional fields within the tourism industry.

 The industry is divided into sectors according to the skill-sets required for the The industry is divided into sectors according to the skill-sets required for the work involved. Sectors include accommodation, food and beverage, meeting and events, gaming, entertainment and recreation, tourism services, and visitor information.

 • The hospitality industry is major service sector in the world economy. The • The hospitality industry is major service sector in the world economy. The industry encompass an extensive variety of service industries that include food service, tourism and hotels.

 Anyone who wants to be a successful professional in the fields must have Anyone who wants to be a successful professional in the fields must have the knowledge of English up to a standard level to meet the demand of the guests.

Lithuania in Year 2011 • 371 372 foreign visitors • 699 Hotels • 5906 Lithuania in Year 2011 • 371 372 foreign visitors • 699 Hotels • 5906 Employees

Purpose of Travel • • 1 - Sightseeing 2 - Relaxation 3 - Sport Purpose of Travel • • 1 - Sightseeing 2 - Relaxation 3 - Sport 4 - Special Interest 5 - Shopping 6 - Business 7 - Governmental

 • 50% Non English Speaking Hoteliers and Restaurateurs works at Hospitality industry around • 50% Non English Speaking Hoteliers and Restaurateurs works at Hospitality industry around the world.

“Guest is always the king” People are ready to pay huge amount for a “Guest is always the king” People are ready to pay huge amount for a leisure trip and hence they also have some expectations like good facilities.

 • All hoteliers or restaurateurs have to face some difficult embrassing situations in • All hoteliers or restaurateurs have to face some difficult embrassing situations in their professional life. ….

Benefits of TOOL TIPLS Project I. For Employees II. For Managers Benefits of TOOL TIPLS Project I. For Employees II. For Managers

I. For Employees • To improve their English skills • To be more competitive I. For Employees • To improve their English skills • To be more competitive in labour sector

I. For Managers and Owners • Find more skilled staff • Be more competitive I. For Managers and Owners • Find more skilled staff • Be more competitive among their competitors

 • The sole hope of this tool is to improve the English language • The sole hope of this tool is to improve the English language skills of persons desiring to provide improved services to hotel guests, to enhance the persons employability, and just maybe increase their income stream by increasing the size of their tips !!!