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Product Review Photo editor
Paint Shop Pro Photo X 2 This product is made by Corel System Requirements: * Windows Vista® or Windows® XP, with latest service packs installed * 512 MB RAM (768 MB recommended) * 768 MB RAM required if using Windows Vista * 1 GHz processor (2 GHz recommended) * 1. 5 GB hard disk space * 24 -bit color display, 1024 x 768 resolution * Microsoft Direct. X® 9. 0 c or higher (included in Windows Vista and XP) * DVD drive Price: 79. 99
Is it a quality product? Paint Shop Pro Photo X 2 creates amazing pictures. It has an integrated learning center. It also features makeover tools. It has features such as HDR Photo Merge, Histogram, Curves and Levels Adjustment tools to make precision edits, and artistic effects and filters to turn photos into projects that can be easily shared. It includes other features such as 1. Import pictures from your camera automatically 2. Instantly fix common problems such as red eye, color and sharpness 3. Add special effects to photos, text and projects with a few simple clicks 4. Use advanced editing tools to fine-tune images on your own 5. Print, email and share photos
What do others say? • Most people who have used this product agree that is a great tool to edit pictures. Most of them have assigned 4 or 5 stars to it. • They also like the price because it’s reasonable for a product such as this. • Consumers also like the fact that this product keeps its old and new features.
How does it compare with other similar products? It easily creates photos that give full detail in the shadows and highlights. HDR Photo Merge helps combine 2 or more photos taken at different exposures, then automatically dodges and burns to bring out the contrast, which is not as difficult to learn as Photo Shop.
What are its virtues? • Compare to the other products I have read about, this software has an online tutorial, and you can get as a free trial. I always like it when the producers give you the chance to find out for yourself what the product is like before you actually buy. I have bought a few products that way and I feel more satisfied because I know I will not be wasting my money.
Its flaws • The program can turn very slow and unstable. • I would recommend this program because the price is reasonable, and you get the same editing capacity you get with Photo Shop.
Adobe Photoshop Elements 7 System Requirements: * Operating System: Windows XP with Service Pack 2 or 3; Windows Vista * Processor: 2 GHz or faster processor * Memory: 1 GB RAM * Storage: 1. 5 GB of available hard-disk space * Video: Color monitor with 16 -bit color video card; 1024 x 768 monitor resolution at 96 dpi or less; Microsoft Direct. X 9 compatible display driver * Optical Drive: CD-ROM drive * Note: Web features require Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 or 7 or Mozilla Firefox 1. 5 through 2. x This product is made by Adobe. Price: 70. 49
Is it a quality product? • Most people who have used the old and new versions of Photo Shop are amazed by the kind of things you can do to change or improve pictures with this product. • This product is used by colleges, and it gets 5 stars.
How does it compared to other products? • This product is great software. There is a misconception about this product though. Compare to other editing products, this product requires for its users a steeper learning curve.
Its virtues • This program can help enhance pictures with the same picture quality you would get using professional programs. • I would only recommend it only if the person has the time to learn the program.
What are the flaws? Photo Shop Elements 7 can be very difficult to use in its full capacity. Usual features such as cropping, or fixing blemishes are user friendly. However, more advanced features may require a manual or instruction. It has steep learning curve. Another, flaw people find is that it handles pictures very slow.
Microsoft Picture It Digital Image Pro 7. 0 System Requirements * OS Required Microsoft Windows 98 , Microsoft Windows XP , Microsoft Windows 2000 , Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition * Min Processor Type Intel Pentium 300 MHz * Min RAM Size 64 MB * Min Hard Drive Space 205 MB * Peripheral / Interface Devices CDROM , SVGA monitor , Mouse or compatible device Price: 175. 00
Is it quality product? • This is a great product to edit pictures for people who are into the hobby, but do not have the time to meet the demands of Photoshop. • It provides 3000 photo projects, 150 filters and 5000 images, which can be used to create professional business cards, calendars, flyers and postcards.
How does it compare to other programs? • This program is not to compared with programs such as Adobe Photoshop because it does not have the technical demand need to master Photoshop. • One of the virtues of this product is its easy use. It has fix picture functions which are amazing. These functions are: • 1. contrast feature • 2. light levels • 3. fix many photos at at the same time.
One of its virtues • Its very user friendly and you get the same quality of picture you would get using Photo shop.
One of its flaws • This product is more expensive that other products that have more editing capacity. • I would recommend it for people who want to get quality pictures and do not have the time to learn difficult programs.
Sites Used for Product Review http: //www. corel. com/servlet/Satellite/us/en/Product/1184951547 051#version. Tabview=tab 0&tabview=tab 1 http: //www. amazon. com/Corel-Paint-Shop-Pro. Photo/dp/B 000 VJTL 1 Y/ref=sr_1_1? ie=UTF 8&s=software&qi d=1246238844&sr=1 -1 http: //www. amazon. com/Adobe-65026616 -Photoshop-Elements 7/dp/B 001 DMBWXS
• http: //www. amazon. com/Picture-Digital-Image-Pro 7/dp/B 0000696 IT • http: //www. cnet. com/1770 -5_10. html? query=photo+editor&tag=srch