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PRODUCT INTRODUCTION © Planetary Power, Inc. 2013. All Rights Reserved. PRODUCT INTRODUCTION © Planetary Power, Inc. 2013. All Rights Reserved.

COMPANY VISION Replace traditional power generation systems with practical renewable distributed energy with no COMPANY VISION Replace traditional power generation systems with practical renewable distributed energy with no compromise in performance or reliability and at a lower cost than fossil-fuel generators. 1 Eliminate dependency on expensive and unreliable power sources 2 Enable ubiquitous low-cost renewable energy to fuel the global economy 3 Eliminate the environmental impacts of power generation © Planetary Power, Inc. 2013. All Rights Reserved. Planetary Power, Inc. Proprietary & Confidential

CONTEXT: Rise of Off Grid Power Rising costs driving urgent need for efficient power CONTEXT: Rise of Off Grid Power Rising costs driving urgent need for efficient power generation off the grid PORTS & LOGISTICS TELECOM OIL & GAS MINING ENTERTAINMENT © Planetary Power, Inc. 2013. All Rights Reserved. Planetary Power, Inc. Proprietary & Confidential MILITARY & DISTASTER RELIEF RURAL COMMUNITIES & ISLANDS

PROBLEM: Off Grid Energy The trillion dollar off grid energy market is experiencing a PROBLEM: Off Grid Energy The trillion dollar off grid energy market is experiencing a major shift towards hybrids & renewables. Off-grid operators face rising fuel and maintenance costs, and often difficult refueling logistics. Diesel generators are unreliable, short-lived and harmful to the environment. Traditional generators are sized to meet peak power, but then run inefficiently when not running at peak power. FUEL COST The cost of fuel in remote areas is ever-increasing. MAINTENANCE COST Diesel generators require frequent maintenance. FUEL LOGISTICS Fuel delivery to remote areas is costly and difficult. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT Exhaust emissions pollute the environment. © Planetary Power, Inc. 2013. All Rights Reserved. Planetary Power, Inc. Proprietary & Confidential Revenue for off-grid base station power will grow from $1. 6 billion in 2012 to more than $10. 5 billion in 2020 –Pike Research 390, 000 base stations will be deployed from 2012 through 2020 –Pike Research

SOLUTION: Planetary Power Hybrids For off-grid power applications that rely on expensive, inefficient and SOLUTION: Planetary Power Hybrids For off-grid power applications that rely on expensive, inefficient and dirty diesel generators, Planetary Power’s products are hybrid generators that provide clean energy and require less than half the fuel. Unlike solar panels and other renewable technologies, Planetary Power hybrid generators provide reliable power 24/7/365 in any weather condition. TM HYGEN Hybrid Generator Diesel-Renewable Hybrid uses 80% less fuel than traditional generators SUNsparq Solar+ Generator TM Clean reliable power using solar or traditional fuels in a single generator Planetary Power Delivers the Lowest Cost Off-Grid Power Available © Planetary Power, Inc. 2013. All Rights Reserved.

Hy. Gen TM Hybrid Generators NASA Mars Simulation Project Mauna Loa, Hawaii Challenges § Hy. Gen TM Hybrid Generators NASA Mars Simulation Project Mauna Loa, Hawaii Challenges § 8, 500 feet above sea level § 90 minute drive to closest refueling station on undeveloped roads § No access to the electrical grid Impact § § § © Planetary Power, Inc. 2013. All Rights Reserved. 83% reduction in fuel usage 477% increase in energy produced per gallon of fuel Over $30, 000 of total annual cost savings

Hy. Gen: Next Generation Hybrid Power TM Hy. Gen Specifications: • • 60 k. Hy. Gen: Next Generation Hybrid Power TM Hy. Gen Specifications: • • 60 k. W peak output power (≤ 2 seconds) 30 k. W surge output power (≤ 30 minutes) Continuous 20 k. W rated output power Multiple field-selectable power formats • • Silent operation for up to 20 hours per day Multiple units easily bridged together for instant microgrid Integrates with 5 k. W to over 100 k. W of PV or Wind Mobile or fixed-site configuration How Hy. Gen Works: • • • The control system operates the engine at its most efficient operating point. Surplus energy from the engine is stored in batteries for later use. When the batteries are full, the engine turns off and loads are satisfied from batteries. The engine automatically starts when the batteries are depleted. Optional solar and wind power keep the batteries charged longer reducing fuel consumption. HYBRID CONTROL SYSTEM RENEWABLE ENERGY STORAGE HIGH-EFFICIENCY GENERATOR A proprietary control system balances power demand between a high-efficiency diesel generator, renewable energy and energy storage for maximum efficiency. Integrated battery storage enables Hy. Gen to provide power even when the engine is off and to deliver high peak power to meet surge loads. © Planetary Power, Inc. 2013. All Rights Reserved. Hy. Gen integrates with solar photovoltaic panels and/or a small wind generator to take maximum advantage off all the renewable resources at a given site. Hy. Gen’s engine is always operated at its most efficient operating point resulting in the most power for the least amount of fuel.

SUNsparq TM Renewable Energy Without Compromise © Planetary Power, Inc. 2013. All Rights Reserved. SUNsparq TM Renewable Energy Without Compromise © Planetary Power, Inc. 2013. All Rights Reserved.

SUNsparq: Renewable Without Compromise TM SUNsparq Specifications: • • 60 k. W peak output SUNsparq: Renewable Without Compromise TM SUNsparq Specifications: • • 60 k. W peak output power (≤ 2 seconds) • Solar+ engine can operate on solar energy or traditional fuels 33 k. W surge output power (≤ 30 minutes) • Multiple units easily bridged together for instant microgrid Continuous 6. 5 k. W rated output power • Mobile or fixed-site configuration Multiple field-selectable power formats How SUNsparq Works: • • Two-axis tracking solar concentrator focuses the sun’s energy into a solar receiver The intense heat drives the Solar+ turbine engine that generates electricity Surplus energy is stored in batteries for later use When the sun is not available, the same engine also runs on traditional gas or liquid fuels SOLAR+ ENGINE SOLAR CONCENTRATOR SUNsparq’s Solar+ engine generates power from the sun and/or traditional fuels at up to 40% efficiency using a unique hybrid design that generates over 3 x the energy of solar panels daily The automated 2 -axis sun tracking solar concentrator collects over twice as much solar energy vs solar PV panels HYBRID CONTROL SYSTEM ENERGY STORAGE SUNsparq uses a proprietary control system to manage the use of solar energy, fuel and battery storage to minimize fuel usage while providing continuous reliable power Integrated battery storage enables SUNsparq to store surplus solar energy for use when the sun in unavailable and to provide peak power to meet surge loads © Planetary Power, Inc. 2013. All Rights Reserved.

Thank you © Planetary Power, Inc. 2013. All Rights Reserved. Thank you © Planetary Power, Inc. 2013. All Rights Reserved.