The Concept of Marketing лекция 8.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 8
Product: basic element of marketing strategy Vitaliy Osadchiy, UK Certified Marketer
What is a product (service)? A product is anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use, or consumption that might satisfy a want or need. © Philip Kotler
A product has the following attributes: a) ü ü Tangible attributes: availability and delivery; performance; price; design. b) Intangible attributes: ü image; ü perceived value.
Classification of products. ü consumer goods (FMCG + B 2 C) : convenience goods ; shopping goods ; speciality goods ; unsought goods (e. g. , from TV shops) ü industrial goods : installations ; accessories ; raw materials; components ; supplies.
Product management (BCG matrix) high market growth rate STAR PROBLEM CHILD market share 0% market share 100 % CASH COW low market growth rate DOG
Product life cycle. 7 6 5 4 profit 3 sales 2 1 0 birth growth maturity decline
New products: ü new product development : а) unquestionably new product ; b) partially new product ; c) major product change ; d) minor product change (re-styling). ü new products should only be developed if а) there’s adequate demand ; b) they’re compatible with existing marketing ability ; c) they’re compatible with existing production ability. :
The Concept of Marketing лекция 8.pptx