- Количество слайдов: 14
PROCABIO A European initiative to develop tailored treatment of prostate cancer by biomarkers
Objectives PROCABIO (Tailored treatment of prostate cancer by biomarkers) § Integration biomarkers in updated and improved model for indolent prostate cancer § Integration biomarkers in development of guidelines for efficient strategies for active surveillance § Delivery validated biomarker tools that are easily applicable for high throughput use in clinical and screening settings § Establishment overall acceptance of active surveillance as a treatment modality for indolent prostate cancer For more information, contact e. schenk-braat@erasmusmc. nl
PROCABIO consortium (18 partners) 11 clinical & academic partners 5 commercial partners Erasmus MC (NL) Abacus Diagnostica (FIN) Institute of Cancer Research (UK) Beckman-Coulter (FR) L’Hôpital Saint-Louis (FR) Epigenomics (GE) Lund University (SE) Gen-Probe Incorporated (USA) Milan National Cancer Institute (I) Orion Diagnostica Oy (FIN) RUNMC (NL) University of Helsinki (FIN) 2 advisory partners University of Münster (GE) EORTC (BE) University of Sheffield (UK) Europa Uomo (BE) University of Tampere (FIN) University of Turku (FIN) For more information, contact e. schenk-braat@erasmusmc. nl
PROCABIO plan for 3 years Active surveillance trial in 8 centers according to PRIAS protocol with 3 years follow-up Central biorepository of blood and urine Validation in blood, urine or tissue of proteomic and genomic biomarkers discriminating indolent and progressive PCa Biomarker implementation in treatment policies Informing stakeholders on progress and outcome active surveillance study & biomarker implementation Guidelines on active surveillance For more information, contact e. schenk-braat@erasmusmc. nl
Europe as a scaffold to integrate research for prostate cancer patients PCa patients involvement (Europa Uomo) Clinical Centres Marker industries Academic Research v. Abacus v. Beckman Coulter v. Epigenomics v. Gen-Probe v. Orion Archival Biomaterials (via P-Mark, ERSPC, Protec. T) q Malmö q Nijmegen q Munster q Rotterdam q Sheffield q Turku q Helsinki Genomic, proteomic, molecular pathology Biomarkers implementation targeted treatment üFinland üBelgium üFrance üItaly üGermany üLithuania üNetherlands üSweden üUK Prospective Biomaterials (via PRIAS-study) Marker based guidelines for PCa patients (EORTC, EAU)
PROCABIO contact details PROCABIO coordinator PROCABIO project manager Prof. dr. Chris Bangma Dr. Ellen Schenk-Braat Erasmus MC Department of Urology Room H 1096 JNI, room Be 362 T. +31 -10 -7033607 T. +31 -10 -7043674 F. +31 -10 -7035838 F. +31 -10 -7044661 h. j. vanalphen@erasmusmc. nl e. schenk-braat@erasmusmc. nl
Erasmus MC Department of Urology PI Prof. dr. Chris Bangma 50 patients
University Hospital Malmö Department of Urology PI Prof. dr. Anders Bjartell 25 patients
Institute of Cancer Research, London PI Dr. Chris Parker 100 patients
Tampere University Hospital Department of Urology PI Prof. dr. Teuvo Tammela 80 -100 patients
Milan National Cancer Institute PI Prof. dr. Riccardo Valdagni 40 patients
EAU Best paper 2007 by a resident
02 0 2 Biomarker research …early detection… 20 06 Integrating Europe for Prostate Cancer 7 2008 Prostate Cancer International study of Active Surveillance PROCABIO Prostate Cancer Biomarker research in clinical setting of Active Surveillance Patient organisations 07 20 Health care professionals Prostate Cancer Risk Calculator