- Количество слайдов: 19
Пробный вариант ОГЭ. Раздел «Говорение» Вариант III GOOD LUCK!
Устная часть ОГЭ (из открытого банка заданий) Тренажер создан на основе презентации. С помощью триггеров и ссылок он имитирует реальный экзамен. В нижней части каждого слайда расположен таймер обратного отсчета. Красная полоска на таймере движется вправо, сразу после ее исчезновения идет автоматический переход к следующим заданиям.
ЗАДАНИЕ 2 Телефонный опрос. Вам необходимо дать развернутые ответы на 6 вопросов. У вас есть 40 секунд на подготовку и ответ по каждому вопросу. Таймер обратного отсчета НА ВСЕ ВОПРОСЫ расположен в центре экрана
ЗАДАНИЕ 3 Монологическое высказывание на основе опций. У вас будет1. 5 минуты на подготовку. Вам необходимо отвечать не более 2 минут. Таймер обратного отсчета покажет вам время.
Be ready for the test End 1 2 3 4 5 00
Task 1. You have 1. 5 minutes to read the text silently. People have always wanted to discover new things and new worlds. We have built spaceships to go to other planets and are planning to visit other galaxies one day. Meanwhile, we know very little about our own planet. The oceans, which cover 70 percent of the planet, are an unknown world to us. The Pacific Ocean is the largest one. The lowest point on the Earth is also there. It is called Challenger Deep and it was discovered in 1875. The Pacific Ocean stretches from the Arctic Ocean to the coast of Antarctica, but most of its water is in the warm tropics, which makes it warm. A lot of fish and animals live in the Pacific Ocean. The place is still waiting for researchers to discover its secrets for us. End
START READING IN 5 SECONDS 1 2 3 4 5 End www. A 6 training. co. uk
READ ALOUD Remember you will not have more then 2 minutes for reading aloud. People have always wanted to discover new things and new worlds. We have built spaceships to go to other planets and are planning to visit other galaxies one day. Meanwhile, we know very little about our own planet. The oceans, which cover 70 percent of the planet, are an unknown world to us. The Pacific Ocean is the largest one. The lowest point on the Earth is also there. It is called Challenger Deep and it was discovered in 1875. The Pacific Ocean stretches from the Arctic Ocean to the coast of Antarctica, but most of its water is in the warm tropics, which makes it warm. A lot of fish and animals live in the Pacific Ocean. The place is still waiting for researchers to discover its secrets for us. End
Telephone survey You have to answer six questions. Give full answers to them. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question. Start listening and answering in 5 seconds End 1 2 3 4 5 www. A 6 training. co. uk
Listen and answer
Task #3 Be ready to prepare a talk in 5 seconds End 1 2 3 4 5 www. A 6 training. co. uk
Task 3. You are going to give a talk about your school. You will have to start in 1. 5 minutes. Remember to say: · what your typical school day is like; · what your favourite subject is, and why; · what you like most about your school. You have to talk continuously. End
START SPEAKING IN 5 SECONDS End 1 2 3 4 5 www. A 6 training. co. uk
Task 3. You are going to give a talk about your school. You will have to start in 1. 5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes. Remember to say: · what your typical school day is like; · what your favourite subject is, and why; · what you like most about your school. You have to talk continuously. 1: 00 1: 01 1: 02 1: 03 1: 04 1: 05 1: 06 1: 07 1: 08 1: 09 1: 10 1: 11 1: 12 1: 13 1: 14 1: 15 1: 16 1: 17 1: 18 1: 19 1: 20 1: 21 1: 22 1: 23 1: 24 1: 25 1: 26 1: 27 1: 28 1: 29 1: 30 1: 31 1: 32 1: 33 1: 34 1: 35 1: 36 1: 37 1: 38 1: 39 1: 40 1: 41 1: 42 1: 43 1: 44 1: 45 1: 46 1: 47 1: 48 1: 49 1: 50 1: 51 1: 52 1: 53 1: 54 1: 55 1: 56 1: 57 1: 58 1: 59 2: 00 0: 01 0: 02 0: 03 0: 04 0: 05 0: 06 0: 07 0: 08 0: 09 0: 10 0: 11 0: 12 0: 13 0: 14 0: 15 0: 16 0: 17 0: 18 0: 19 0: 20 0: 21 0: 22 0: 23 0: 24 0: 25 0: 26 0: 27 0: 28 0: 29 0: 30 0: 31 0: 32 0: 33 0: 34 0: 35 0: 36 0: 37 0: 38 0: 39 0: 40 0: 41 0: 42 0: 43 0: 44 0: 45 0: 46 0: 47 0: 48 0: 49 0: 50 0: 51 0: 52 0: 53 0: 54 0: 55 0: 56 0: 57 0: 58 0: 59 End www. A 6 training. co. uk
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