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problems of modern youth
influence on adolescent behavior computer experts have found out steady association between excessive use of the computer and hobby for the Internet among teenagers and participation in several kinds of risky behavior, including the use of drugs, drunkenness and unprotected sex. According to the experts, modern teenagers on the average spend 4, 5 hours per day at the monitor. It has appeared that the more often schoolboys use the computer, the above there is a risk девиантного behavior, increasing to 50 percents Risky behavior of "programmers" includes smoking, drunkenness, neglect seat belts at driving or a trip on the car, a narcotism, including cannabis smoking, and preference of unprotected sex.
dreams of teenagers 1. The dream of every teenager - ipod and iphone 2. Laptop, without which it is simply impossible to do homework, but actually exploiting our children with might and main site "v. Kontakte" 3. Internet (without it is unthinkable the second paragraph must-have). 4. Many young people simply can not do without portable Playstation, DVD, Game boy. Plus cartridges and disks with new games. 5. Children can not do without your favorite shows on cable television. 6. imet the most expensive clothes to be cool among their same age
aggressiveness of teenagers Teenager gets information about aggression and of communicating with their peers. Children learn to be aggressive by observing the behavior of other children. Playing with peers gives children the opportunity to learn aggressive responses (eg, fired his fists or insults). Noisy games - in which teens pushing, catching up with each other, teasing, kicking, and trying to cause each other any harm - in fact, may be relatively "safe" way of learning aggressive behavior. However, those who are extremely aggressive and likely to be rejected by the majority in his age group. On the other hand, these aggressive teenagers seem to find friends among other aggressive peers. Of course, this creates additional problems, since the company's aggressiveness are synergies of its members.
music and teen Separation of musical tastes between generations in the family can be a joyful experience. Music as well - often an important part of the inner, individual world teenager. So often young people get pleasure from adults to prevent its musical culture, but for parents it becomes an occasion for disorder.
music and teen Parents are often concerned about the serious deterioration in the subject of some of rock music, including the best-selling albums, promoted by leading record companies, such as: - Advocacy and glamor drug and alcohol use. - Images and explicit lyrics presenting suicide as an "alternative" or "decision. " - Scenes of violence in music videos.
music and teen Activities occult, songs about Satanism and human sacrifice, the frequent staging of rituals during the concerts. - Sex, which focuses on sadism, masochism, incest, depreciation women and violence against them. Parents should help teenagers by paying attention to their shopping, listening and viewing patterns and helping them identify music that may be destructive