Problem 2 of the phonological analysis.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 5
Problem 2 of the phonological analysis
• 1. Methods and problems of phonological analysis. • 1. 1. Talk about the identification of the phonemic inventory of a language as the main task of phonological analysis. • 1. 2. Point out the difference between the semantic and the distributional methods of identifying the phonemes of a language. Define the notions of phonological opposition, complementary distribution, identical position, free variation.
• 2. Feature analysis as a phonetic description of the English phonemes. • 2. 1. Talk about the principles of traditional classifications of English vowels and consonants. • 2. 2. Point out the phonologically relevant (distinctive) and irrelevant (non-distinctive) features of English vowel and consonant phonemes. Outline the problems of phonological analysis of English vowels and consonants. • ([1; p. 17– 26], [3; pp. 16– 25], [4; p. 5– 9], [5; pp. 14– 30, 36– 43], a course of lectures). • 2. 3. Compare the role of distinctive and non-distinctive features in oral communication (sense-distinction/ identification; naturalness/ unnaturalness).
• 3. Types of phonetic transcription. • 3. 1. Give a brief summary of the principles and types of symbolizing the sound form of speech. • 3. 2. Compare the degree of abstraction and the phonetic detail of the two types transcription: phonemic and phonetic.
Problem 2 of the phonological analysis.pptx