- Количество слайдов: 8
PRO MIS – Operational system for ANIMMC programme management What is PRO MIS ? A tool for programme management and monitoring that allows for: Øsystematic and standard data collection and storing of information on applicants and on various steps of programmes delivery Øregular preparation of technical and financial progress reports Øtracking of applicants performance in the three year after programmes implementation Øcustomizing reports Øadding as many monitoring and evaluation indicators as needed Follow-up Technical Assistance for the Small and Medium Sized Enterprises Sector
PRO MIS – Operational system for ANIMMC programme management How is PRO MIS structured? PRO MIS is an MS-ACCESS application database, that is built upon several interlinked tables. ØTable for applicants (storing several administrative and financial data on applicants) ØTable for programmes (describing implementing procedures and eligible activities) ØTable for tracking payments requests and the corresponding grant disbursement ØReports (financial & technical indicators) Follow-up Technical Assistance for the Small and Medium Sized Enterprises Sector
PRO MIS – Operational system for ANIMMC programme management Financial monitoring Indicators that track commitments, payments, and funds available. They can both present the financial situation of each applicants and the programme’s balances. Financial reports displays at any time: ØRequest of financing ØAmount of grant approved ØAmount of grants disbursed ØSavings ØStatistics on funds allocation by size, sector and region Follow-up Technical Assistance for the Small and Medium Sized Enterprises Sector
PRO MIS – Operational system for ANIMMC programme management Technical monitoring Indicators related to programmes’ activities. Technical reports display for each programme: ØNumber of beneficiary by type of eligible activity ØNumber of rejected applications and reasons for exclusion ØOutput indicators specific to each programme (an example follows) Follow-up Technical Assistance for the Small and Medium Sized Enterprises Sector
PRO MIS – Operational system for ANIMMC programme management Output Indicators for EXPORT Programme The programme aims at improving the access to external markets through financing several actions related to exporting activities. Specific indicators are: ØNumber of SMEs participating to international trade fairs in Romania and abroad ØNumber of promotional materials prepared by SMEs ØNumber of new web-sites created ØNumber of export strategies produced ØNumber of SMEs taking part to economic missions ØNumber of SMEs participating to training courses for export promotions, number of person trained, and number of training days Follow-up Technical Assistance for the Small and Medium Sized Enterprises Sector
PRO MIS – Operational system for ANIMMC programme management Core results indicators They measure the immediate effects of a programme on the beneficiaries. They refers to the overall performance of a company, and they apply across all programmes. ØTurnover ØProfit before tax ØVolume of export ØNumber of employees, new jobs created Applicants are requested to provide these information for the following three years Follow-up Technical Assistance for the Small and Medium Sized Enterprises Sector
PRO MIS – Operational system for ANIMMC programme management Programme specific result indicators - some examples They measure the immediate effects of a programme on the beneficiaries. They refers to the type of supported activity. EXPORT • Number of export contracts • Number of web-site users • SMEs expenditure for promotional activities • New markets penetrated START • Number of SMEs set up • Total volume of credits • Number of start-ups obtaining banks credits • Number of new companies run by women • Survival rate INVESTMENT • Value of total assets • Average labour productivity • Return on assets Applicants are requested to provide these information for the following three years Follow-up Technical Assistance for the Small and Medium Sized Enterprises Sector
PRO MIS – Operational system for ANIMMC programme management Source of information ANIMMC uses its own internal sources for monitoring and evaluating. Specifically, they are: ØData provided by applicants in the application form, and in forms to be filled in by grants beneficiaries for the following three years ØIMM database (balance sheets and income statements yearly provided by Mo. PF ) ØAd hoc surveys conducted through CATI (computer-assisted telephone interviews) Follow-up Technical Assistance for the Small and Medium Sized Enterprises Sector