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Privacy in Cloud Computing Through Identity Management • Purdue University Bharat Bhargava, Noopur Singh Privacy in Cloud Computing Through Identity Management • Purdue University Bharat Bhargava, Noopur Singh • U. S Airforce Asher Sinclair

Outline of this Presentation 1. Introduction 2. Identity Management Systems 3. Adoption of Microsoft’s Outline of this Presentation 1. Introduction 2. Identity Management Systems 3. Adoption of Microsoft’s Card. Space as a viable IDM for Preserving Privacy 4. Overview of Microsoft Card. Space 4. 1 Microsoft Card. Space Framework 4. 2 Security Vulnerabilities and limitations of the Card. Space 5. Improving the Security of Card. Space 5. 1 Zero-Knowledge Proofing 5. 2 Selective Disclosure and Anonymous Credential 6. Use of SAML Token in WS-Security SOAP Messages 6. 1 SAML security token (Sample) 7. Conclusion and future work 8. . References Here comes your footer

1. Introduction § The migration of web applications to Cloud computing platform has raised 1. Introduction § The migration of web applications to Cloud computing platform has raised concerns about the privacy of sensitive data belonging to the consumers of cloud services. § How can consumers verify that the provider of a service conform to the privacy laws and protect their digital identity. § The username/password security token used by most service providers to authenticate consumers, leaves the consumer vulnerable to phishing attacks. § The solution to address the above problems can an Identity Management (IDM) solution [1]. The solution should help the consumer to make a proactive choice about how and what personal information they disclose, control how their information can be used, cancel their subscription to the service, and monitor to verify that a service provider applies required privacy policies. Here comes your footer Page 3

2. Identity Management Systems 2. 1 Open. ID With Open. ID a user uses 2. Identity Management Systems 2. 1 Open. ID With Open. ID a user uses one username and one password to access many web applications. The user authenticate to an Open. ID server to get his/her Open. ID and use the token to authenticate to web applications. [2] 2. 2 PRIME (Privacy and Identity Management for Europe) PRIME, is a single application — the PRIME Console — which handles user’s personal data. It handles management and disclosure of personal data for the user. [3] 2. 3 Microsoft Windows Card. Space is an Identity-metasystem which provides a way, for managing multiple digital identities of a user. It is claims based access platform/ architecture, developed for windows XP. It uses a plug-in for Internet explorer 7 browser [4]. Here comes your footer

3. ADOPTION OF MICROSOFT’S CARDSPACE AS A VIABLE IDM FOR PRESERVING PRIVACY § In 3. ADOPTION OF MICROSOFT’S CARDSPACE AS A VIABLE IDM FOR PRESERVING PRIVACY § In this work we propose to extend the Microsoft’s Card. Space identity management tool. As Card. Space is supported by Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) and hence can prove interoperable with the existing security platforms. As compared to the Open. ID and PRIME , where one is prone to Phishing attacks , lack of standardization respectively. § Microsoft Card. Space is built on WS-Federation protocol which consists of the following standards providing a basic model for federation between Identity Providers and Relying Parties: [5] • WS-Trust. • WS-Security. Policy. • WS-Security Here comes your footer Page 5

4. Overview of Microsoft Card. Space § In Card. Space every digital identity transmitted 4. Overview of Microsoft Card. Space § In Card. Space every digital identity transmitted on the network contains some kind of security token. A security token consists of a set (one or many) claims, such as a username, a user's first name, last name, home address and even more sensitive information such as SSN, credit card numbers. These security tokens provide information in order to prove that these claims really do belong to the user who's presenting them. § In this identity system three parties are involved [Fig. 1]: ü Identity provider (Idp): It issues digital identities (as trusted third-party). For example, a credit card provider might issue digital identities (security tokens) enabling payment. Even individuals can be Idp if they use self-issued identities like signing on websites, using username and password. üRelying Parties (RP): It requires identities to provide a service to a user for example, a web site. üSubjects (service requestor): they are individuals and other entities about whom claims are made. Here comes your footer

4. 1 Microsoft Card. Space Framework Figure 1 Card. Space Model of Identity Management 4. 1 Microsoft Card. Space Framework Figure 1 Card. Space Model of Identity Management [4] Here comes your footer

4. 1 Microsoft Card. Space Framework § The Card. Space makes use of “open” 4. 1 Microsoft Card. Space Framework § The Card. Space makes use of “open” XML-based protocols, including Web services (WS-*) protocols and SOAP. The following steps describe message flows of the Card. Space framework: [6] (1)CEUA (Card. Space enabled user agent/service requestor) → RP The Card. Space enabled user agent, CEUA (Card. Space enabled browser) requests a service from the relying party, using HTTP and gets a HTTP gets Login HTML Page Request. (2) RP → CEUA: HTML Login Page + Info. Card Tags (XHTML or HTML object tags) The RP identifies itself using a public key certificate (e. g. a SSL/TLS certificate) and declares itself as a Card. Space enabled RP using XHTML or HTML object tags, i. e. a Card. Space enabled website or service provider. (3) CEUA ↔ RP: CEUA retrieves security policy via WS-Security Policy If the RP is card enabled, the CEUA obtains the RP’s security policy described using WS-Policy. This policy includes things such as what security token formats the RP will accept, exactly what claims those tokens must contain, and which Idp (identity provider) are trusted to makes such assertions, in order for this user to be granted the service. Here comes your footer Page 8

4. 1 Microsoft Card. Space Framework (4) CEUA ↔ User: User picks an Info. 4. 1 Microsoft Card. Space Framework (4) CEUA ↔ User: User picks an Info. Card In this step the User matches the RP’s security policy with an appropriate Info. Card (containing the type of security token required by the RP), which satisfies the RP’s policy. After the user selects an Infocard, the CEUA initiates a connection with the Idp that issued the Infocard. (5) CEUA ↔ Id. P : User Authentication The user performs authentication process with the Idp, either using username/password login or using self-issued Info. Card. This is done for the user to prove the ownership of the Info. Card being used. (6) CEUA ↔ Id. P: CEUA retrieves security token via WS-Trust If the authentication is successful the user requests the Idp to provide a security token which holds an assertion of the truth of the claims listed within the selected Info. Card. The CEUA obtains the security token using WS-trust. (7) CEUA → RP: CEUA presents the security token via WS-Security Finally the CEUA forwards the security token to the RP using WS-Security. (8) RP → CEUA: Welcome, you are now logged in! If the RP is able to verify the security token, the service is granted to the user. Here comes your footer Page 9

4. 2 SECURITY VULNERABILITIES AND LIMITATIONS OF THE CARDSPACE w Although Card. Space replaces 4. 2 SECURITY VULNERABILITIES AND LIMITATIONS OF THE CARDSPACE w Although Card. Space replaces Password-Based Web logins (preventing Phishing), with that of using digital security certificates/ tokens, there are certain security limitations in it’s framwork [6]: 1. User’s Judgements of RP Trustworthiness – In the Card. Space framework, the user is prompted for its consent to be authenticated to an RP using a particular Info. Card, the user makes a judgment regarding the trustworthiness of the RP (step 2). Although, Microsoft recommends that the user should only make use of a high assurance certificate such as an X. 509 certificate. Most users do not pay much attention when they are asked to approve a digital certificate, either because they do not understand the importance of the approval decision or because they know that they must approve the certificate in order to get access to a particular website. RPs without any certificates at all can be used in the Card. Space framework. Even if the RP presents a higher-assurance certificate, the user still needs to rely on an Idp who is providing that certificate to the RP and the user need to trust the Idp. Therefore, higherassurance certificates do not solve this problem completely. Here comes your footer

4. 2 SECURITY VULNERABILITIES AND LIMITATIONS OF THE CARDSPACE 2. Reliance on a Single 4. 2 SECURITY VULNERABILITIES AND LIMITATIONS OF THE CARDSPACE 2. Reliance on a Single Layer of Authentication The security of the Card. Space identity metasystem relies on the authentication of the user by the Id. P (step 5). In a case where a single Id. P and multiple RPs are involved in a single working session, which we expect to be a typical scenario, the security of the identity metasystem within that working session will rely on a single layer of authentication, that is, the authentication of the user to the Id. P. This user authentication can be achieved in a variety of ways (e. g. , using an X. 509 certificate, Kerberos v 5 ticket, self-issued token or password); however, it seems likely that, in the majority of cases, a simple username/password authentication technique will be used. If a working session is hijacked (e. g. , by compromising a self-issued token) or the password is cracked (e. g. , via guessing, brute-force, key logging, or dictionary attacks), the security of the entire system will be compromised. How do we bypass these Security Limitations? The goal is to prevent the need to reveal the actual values of the claims to any party within the Card. Space framework, this way no party will have to trust any other party to the level that it has to reveal the actual values of the claims to it. Here comes your footer Page 11

5. Improving the Security of Card. Space § To overcome the security imitation mentioned 5. Improving the Security of Card. Space § To overcome the security imitation mentioned above. We propose the use of ØZero-Knowledge Proofing (ZKP) Ø Selective Disclosure ØAnonymous Credential § The goal is to prevent the need for the user to reveal the actual values of the claims to any party within the Card. Space framework, this way no party will have to trust any other party to the level that it has to reveal the actual values of the claims to it. Here comes your footer Page 12

5. 1 Zero-Knowledge Proofing 1. Use of Zero-Knowledge Proofing (ZKP) Cryptographic technique it is 5. 1 Zero-Knowledge Proofing 1. Use of Zero-Knowledge Proofing (ZKP) Cryptographic technique it is possible to prove a claim or assertion without actually disclosing any credentials. [7] § The solution using a ZKP works as follows. For instance, a service requires a user to be over 18. The user wants to satisfy the relying party’s technical policy but tell the party nothing or as little as possible. He need not to reveal his date of birth, just needs to somehow prove being over 18. This proves something without revealing all. Figure 2 Use of ZKP during Negotiation [14] Here comes your footer

5. 1 Zero-Knowledge Proofing § ZKPs are possible with cryptography. Few popular ZKP schemes 5. 1 Zero-Knowledge Proofing § ZKPs are possible with cryptography. Few popular ZKP schemes that are available for example Fiat-Shamir proof of identity protocol: [7] 1. A trusted center chooses n=pq, and publishes n but keeps p and q secret. 2. Each prover A chooses a secret s with gcd(s, n)=1, and publishes v=s 2 mod n. 3. A proves knowledge of s to B by repeating: (a) A chooses random r and sends r 2 mod n to B. (b) B chooses random e in {0, 1}, and sends it to A. (c) A responds with a=rse mod n. (d) B checks if a 2 = ve r 2 mod n. § If A follows the protocol and knows s, then B's check will always work § Iff A does not know s, then they can only answer the question with probability 1/2. The value of n should be digitally signed by the Idp by including it within the security token for example: XML- signature within a SAML assertion. Here comes your footer

5. 2 Selective Disclosure and Anonymous Credential § In the Selective Disclosure protocol the 5. 2 Selective Disclosure and Anonymous Credential § In the Selective Disclosure protocol the data exchange is performed such that the user reveals certified data in a data minimizing (minimal/Selective disclosure of PII- Personally Identifiable Information) approach. The approach uses predicates over attributes in addition to simple (type, value) pairs. For example, one may state that their monthly income is greater than or equal to stated constant value, such as greater than (monthly income $ 4000). A set of predicates for making data minimizing statements, can be used such as =, ≠, <, ≤, >, ≥. [3] § An Anonymous Credential (pseudonymous identification) scheme allows a user to derive from a single master secret multiple cryptographic pseudonyms. Then, it authenticates herself by proving that she knows the master secret underlying a cryptographic pseudonym i. e. (Derived pseudonym predicate). The central idea is that This makes the pseudonym identities unlinkable to the real identity of the user, allowing the user to remain anonymous in a sense. [3] Here comes your footer Page 15

6. Use of SAML Token in WS-Security SOAP Messages § WS-Security allows specifying identification 6. Use of SAML Token in WS-Security SOAP Messages § WS-Security allows specifying identification and authorization data in a SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) message. WS-Security handles credentials management in two ways: (1) by Username Token, or (2) provides a place to provide binary authentication tokens such as Kerberos Tickets and X. 509 Certifications, within the SOAP message body. [5] § The idea is to use SAML (Security Assertions Markup Language) assertions in the SOAP message body of WS-Security, for handling credential management. SAML tokens carry statements that are sets of claims made by one entity about another entity. The advantages of using SAML assertions include: [8] üSAML offers a much broader & extensible set of authentication contexts. üSupport of the standard in commercially available products. Here comes your footer Page 16

6. 1 SAML security token ØSecurity Assertions Markup Language (SAML) tokens are XML representations 6. 1 SAML security token ØSecurity Assertions Markup Language (SAML) tokens are XML representations of claims. [8] C# Claim my. Claim = new Claim( Claim. Types. Given. Name, "Martin", Rights. Possess. Property); Saml. Attribute sa = new Saml. Attribute(my. Claim); The above SAML security token could be modified with ZPK, Selective Disclosure and Anonymous Credential to improve the security of Card. Space. Here comes your footer

7. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK § In this paper we proposed the use of 7. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK § In this paper we proposed the use of Microsoft’s Card. Space as the identity management system for protecting the user’s privacy, while accessing service on the cloud § We suggest the use of Zero Knowledge Proof (ZKP) cryptographic technique, Selective/Minimal disclosure and Anonymous Credentials systems, to improve the protection of Privacy in the Card. Space’s framework. § Since Card. Space is built on claims based access platform/ architecture, the ZKP can be integrated in the SAML token containing the values of the claim. With the use of ZKP in the security tokens, the user can satisfy the relying party’s technical policy but tell the party nothing or as little as possible and without disclosing the actual values of the credentials. In this way the user’s privacy is protected in the cases of hijacked passwords or vicious service providers. Here comes your footer Page 18

8. REFERENCES: [1] An Entity-centric Approach for Privacy and Identity Management in Cloud Computing 8. REFERENCES: [1] An Entity-centric Approach for Privacy and Identity Management in Cloud Computing Pelin Angin, Bharat Bhargava, Rohit Ranchal, Noopur Singh ; Lotfi Ben Othmane, Leszek T. Lilien ; Mark Linderman [2[ Open. ID Explained, http: //openidexplained. com/ [3] (2010) PRIME Framework V 3, https: //www. primeproject. eu [4] Introducing Windows Card. Space, http: //msdn. microsoft. com [5] (2011) Understanding WS-Federation http: //msdn. microsoft. com. [6] W. A. Alrodhan, C. J. Mitchell, Improving the Security of Card. Space, EURASIP Journal on Information Security Vol. 2009 [7] Zero knowledge example Fiat-Shamir proof of identity http: //pages. swcp. com/~mccurley/talks/msri 2/node 24. html [8] http: //blogs. sun. com/hubertsblog/entry/deep_dive_on_saml_2, February, 2011 Here comes your footer Page 19