Скачать презентацию Principles of Integrated Pest Management and Safe Use Скачать презентацию Principles of Integrated Pest Management and Safe Use


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Principles of Integrated Pest Management and Safe Use of Pesticides Capacity Building Course on Principles of Integrated Pest Management and Safe Use of Pesticides Capacity Building Course on Conservation Agriculture Based Crop Management in Bangladesh. June 11 -15, 2012. RWRC, Rajshahi, Bangladesh. Dr. Timothy J. Krupnik. Cropping Systems Agronomist. CIMMYT.

Presentation Outline 1. Consequences of misuse of pesticides 2. Principles of Integrated pest management Presentation Outline 1. Consequences of misuse of pesticides 2. Principles of Integrated pest management (IPM) 3. Safe use of pesticides 4. What to do if poisoning occurs

What is a pesticide? • Control, prevention, destruction of pests. • Poison. • Target: What is a pesticide? • Control, prevention, destruction of pests. • Poison. • Target: Nervous system • When used in an integrated way, pesticides can benefit. • When not integrated, they can cause harm.

This presentation focuses on principles, not crop specific tools. Why? This presentation focuses on principles, not crop specific tools. Why?

Over use of insecticides in an agricultural ecosystem 1. Resistance 2. Resurgence 1. Replacement Over use of insecticides in an agricultural ecosystem 1. Resistance 2. Resurgence 1. Replacement 2. Residues

Pest Resistance Evolution of resistance to insecticides in an agricultural ecosystem Pest Resistance Evolution of resistance to insecticides in an agricultural ecosystem

Pest Resurgence Explosion of pests after insecticides. Caused by the loss of natural enemies. Pest Resurgence Explosion of pests after insecticides. Caused by the loss of natural enemies. Lycosidae spp. Nilaparvata lugens

Pest Resurgence Explosion of pests after insecticides. Caused by the loss of natural enemies. Pest Resurgence Explosion of pests after insecticides. Caused by the loss of natural enemies. Nilaparvata lugens Data: Settle et al. 1996 Lycosidae spp.

Replacement of primary pests with secondary pest after insecticides. Related to the loss of Replacement of primary pests with secondary pest after insecticides. Related to the loss of natural enemies.

Residues Pesticide residues easily enter the environment and can cause health concerns. Residues Pesticide residues easily enter the environment and can cause health concerns.

Integrated Pest Management A tool to provide long-term, economic suppression of pests. Builds on Integrated Pest Management A tool to provide long-term, economic suppression of pests. Builds on cultural management and ecological interactions to keep pest pressures low. Pesticides are applied to pose least possible risk as a 'last resort’ IPM is USAID policy.

Integrated Pest Management Integrated Pest Management

Biological Control of Pests • Predators, parasites and pathogens : “natural enemies”. Trichogramma spp. Biological Control of Pests • Predators, parasites and pathogens : “natural enemies”. Trichogramma spp. • Encourage habitat • “Mass release” 1. Inoculation - establishment 2. Dribble: Prevention of problems 3. Inundate: High release rate 4. Combinations: Knockdown + control

Cultural Control • “Hygienic” fields and margins • Management of vector sources • Intercropping, Cultural Control • “Hygienic” fields and margins • Management of vector sources • Intercropping, mixed cropping, diversity • Resource concentration hypothesis (Root 1973) • Natural enemies hypothesis (Various researchers) • Trap cropping (applicable in Bangladesh? ) • Escape in time (planting date) • Others?

Host Plant Resistance Selection of varieties to (1) Escape pest attack or (2) tolerate Host Plant Resistance Selection of varieties to (1) Escape pest attack or (2) tolerate pest presence 1. Escape: • Unpalatablility (tastes bad) • Leaf pubescence • Awns • Others? 2. Tolerance: • Able to withstand pest without impacting yield • Examples ?

Chemical Control If other options are not working 1. Chemical control: • Pheromones baits Chemical Control If other options are not working 1. Chemical control: • Pheromones baits Selective Broad spectrum Bt • Selective spray always best for insect pests • Spot spray targeting often better than blanket spray for insect pests 2. Pesticide choice: • Lest harmful? 1. Affordable? 2. Available? Pheromone trapping

Observation and monitoring Observation and monitoring

Number of pest organisms Economic Threshold Time (in the crop season) Number of pest organisms Economic Threshold Time (in the crop season)

Number of pest organisms Economic Threshold Pest population Time (in the crop season) Cost Number of pest organisms Economic Threshold Pest population Time (in the crop season) Cost exceeds benefit

Number of pest organisms Economic Threshold Pest population Time (in the crop season) Cost Number of pest organisms Economic Threshold Pest population Time (in the crop season) Cost exceeds benefit

Number of pest organisms Economic Threshold Economic injury level Pest population Time (in the Number of pest organisms Economic Threshold Economic injury level Pest population Time (in the crop season) Benefit exceeds cost Cost exceeds benefit

Number of pest organisms Economic Threshold Economic injury level Benefit exceeds cost Action Threshold Number of pest organisms Economic Threshold Economic injury level Benefit exceeds cost Action Threshold Pest population Time (in the crop season) Cost exceeds benefit

Number of pest organisms Economic Threshold Economic injury level Benefit exceeds cost Action Threshold Number of pest organisms Economic Threshold Economic injury level Benefit exceeds cost Action Threshold Pest population Time (in the crop season) Cost exceeds benefit

Number of pest organisms Economic Threshold Economic injury level Benefit exceeds cost Action Threshold Number of pest organisms Economic Threshold Economic injury level Benefit exceeds cost Action Threshold Pest population Time (in the crop season) Cost exceeds benefit

Basics of pesticide safety Basics of pesticide safety

Know what chemical you are using 1. Dose (Dilution, frequency and timing of use) Know what chemical you are using 1. Dose (Dilution, frequency and timing of use) 2. Application method (Spray? Granular? Bait? Other? ) 3. Buy from a trusted dealer • Check label • Check date • Damaged container? • Good seal?

Storage 1. Read label 2. Lock and don’t overstock 3. Use original container Storage 1. Read label 2. Lock and don’t overstock 3. Use original container

10 rules for preparing pesticides 1. Read instructions 2. Clean water 3. Don’t blow 10 rules for preparing pesticides 1. Read instructions 2. Clean water 3. Don’t blow nozzles 4. Special equipment 5. Don’t fully fill containers 6. Protective clothing 7. No drinking, eating 8. Time: Just before application 9. Dispose excess in ground 10. Wash hands and equipment

Using pesticides in the field 1. Appropriate clothing 2. Washing after use Using pesticides in the field 1. Appropriate clothing 2. Washing after use

Using pesticides in the field 1. Appropriate clothing 2. Washing after use Using pesticides in the field 1. Appropriate clothing 2. Washing after use

Spray technique 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Read the instructions Evaluate the field Spray technique 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Read the instructions Evaluate the field Avoid drift: Observe the wind. Discharge away Nozzle sizes matter! Weather considerations

Recognize poisoning and act Recognize poisoning and act

Recognize poisoning and act 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Maintain breathing Body position Wash Recognize poisoning and act 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Maintain breathing Body position Wash eyes Avoid inducing vomiting Don’t give patient anything

Recognize poisoning and act 1. Remove Decontaminate again Recognize poisoning and act 1. Remove Decontaminate again

Summary 1. Misuse of pesticides can have negative consequences. 1. IPM for insect pests Summary 1. Misuse of pesticides can have negative consequences. 1. IPM for insect pests relies on biological and cultural control, varietal selection, and pesticides as a last resort. 2. When used with in IPM, pesticides can offer benefits when used safely. 3. Be prepared for poisoning and know how to act.