Скачать презентацию Применение рентгеновского излучения в геологии Рентгеновская спектроскопия Скачать презентацию Применение рентгеновского излучения в геологии Рентгеновская спектроскопия

Применение рентгеновского излучения_Лекция_5.pptx

  • Количество слайдов: 19

Применение рентгеновского излучения в геологии Рентгеновская спектроскопия Применение рентгеновского излучения в геологии Рентгеновская спектроскопия

Применение рентгеновского излучения в геологии Рентгеновская кристаллография Применение рентгеновского излучения в геологии Рентгеновская кристаллография

Electron probe microanalysis Electron Probe Microanalysis (EPMA) is an elemental analysis technique which uses Electron probe microanalysis Electron Probe Microanalysis (EPMA) is an elemental analysis technique which uses a focused beam of high energy electrons (5 - 30 Ke. V) to non-destructively ionize a solid specimen surface (including thin films and particles) for inducing emission of characteristic x-rays (0. 1 - 15 Ke. V). The spatial resolution of x-ray microanalysis of thick specimens is limited to a volume with dimensions of approximately 1 micrometer due to electron scattering effects.

X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) Atoms in the sample are excited by primary X-ray beam from X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) Atoms in the sample are excited by primary X-ray beam from X-ray source (tube) and emit secondary x-rays – characteristic x-rays. X-ray source X-ray detector Energy of characteristic x-rays Concentration (quantitative analysis) Number of x-rays for each element Type of elements present (qualitative analysis)

Example: X-ray spectrum from metal alloy Example: X-ray spectrum from metal alloy

Analytical characteristics of XRF • • • instrumental analytical technique with multi-element capability elemental Analytical characteristics of XRF • • • instrumental analytical technique with multi-element capability elemental analysis of solids and liquids minimal sample treatment can be operated without vacuum concentration range: ppm to % (trace, minor and major elem. ) element range: from boron to uranium (in theory)

Types of XRF instruments How can we classify XRF methods? Based on the excitation Types of XRF instruments How can we classify XRF methods? Based on the excitation • Tube excited XRF • Radio-isotope excited XRF • Secondary target, • Synchrotron, • Total reflection. . . Based on the detection • Wavelength dispersive (WD-XRF) • Energy dispersive (ED-XRF) • Filter instruments (proportional counter)

Analytical characteristics of XRF • • • instrumental analytical technique with multi-element capability elemental Analytical characteristics of XRF • • • instrumental analytical technique with multi-element capability elemental analysis of solids and liquids minimal sample treatment can be operated without vacuum concentration range: ppm to % (trace, minor and major elem. ) element range: from boron to uranium (in theory)

Summary in short: • • • 1. in XRF x-rays are used to excite Summary in short: • • • 1. in XRF x-rays are used to excite the sample 2. characteristic x-rays are measured in the form of a spectrum 3. the spectrum tells which elements are present and how much 4. element range: B – U; concentration range ppm - % 5. used in various fields 6. there are wavelength and energy-dispersive instruments

XRF Instrumentation Main functional components of XRF equipments: • sample holder • x-ray source XRF Instrumentation Main functional components of XRF equipments: • sample holder • x-ray source (excitation of the sample) • spectrometer (measures energy/wavelength and counts x-rays) • – wavelength-dispersive spectrometers WD-XRF • – energy-dispersive spectrometers ED-XRF

XRF Instrumentation Configurations: XRF Instrumentation Configurations:

XRF Instrumentation Configurations: XRF Instrumentation Configurations: