Презентация Web-quest
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Oil and Gas World’s Companies WEB-QUEST The Time Has Come : Push The Button!
Designers’ Group Gareyeva Yana Lyovkina Irina Yunusova Irine
The essence of thought, as the essence of life, is growth… Introduction Dear Students, You are welcomed to participate in a fascinating net surfing through the leading oil and gas world companies. This time you have an excellent chance to challenge your knowledge and to widen your scope of mind. You are to serf the web sites studying career possibilities offered by such companies as Shell, Lukoil, Saudi Aramco, British Petroleum, Halliburton, Schlumberger, Chevron, TNK BP and Gazprom. . The Web Quest will help you to define your further career chances and it will be of great importance when applying for job in the nearest future. The supported links will help you to carry out this task. You will be able to use various internet tools and create your own project in the net. Best wishes, Your EFL Instructors
Task For accomplishing this Web Quest you are to do: 1. Register at www. yahoo. com or or www. yandex. ru and create your own e-mail box; 2. Install ICQ at www. icq. com ; ; 3. Register at www. livejournal. com and create your personal blog; 4. Follow the provided links to carry out your tasks; 5. Feel free to contact your ESL Instructors via e-mail or ICQ.
Process Task 1 Step 1 Study the general information about 8 top oil and gas companies following next links: 1. 1. Look through the Halliburton home page. Find the motto of the company. http: //www. halliburton. com/ 2. Who were the founders of the company? What country did they first find oil? http: //www. bp. com/sectiongenericarticle. do? category. Id=9014440&conten t. Id=7027520 3. What are the key elements of TNK-BP’s strategy? http: //www. tnk-bp. com/company/ 4. What is the main mission of Lukoil Oil Company? http: //www. lukoil. com/static_6_5 id_297_. html
5. 5. Where is Chevron headquartered? http: // www. chevron. com/about/company_profile // 6. What are the objectives of the Shell group? http: // www. shell. com/home/Framework? site. Id =aboutshell-en&FC 2=/aboutshell-en/html/iwgen/who_we_are/our_vi sion/zzz_lhn. html&FC 3=/aboutshell-en/html/iwgen/who_we_are/our _vision/our_vision_30102006. html 7. What are Schlumberger’s three well-established values? http: // www. slb. com/content/about/principles. asp ? ? 8. What are the top fields Saudi Aramco engaged in? http: //www. saudiaramco. com/irj/portal/anonymous 9. Who is the Chairman of Gazprom’s management Committee? http: //www. gazprom. ru/eng/articles/article 8849. shtml
Process Task 1 Step 2 Set up a blog at Live Journal ( www. livejournal. com ) and create a user profile with your contact information. Include your instructor’s blog in your “friend list”. Answer the quest list and post the results in your blog.
Process Task 2 Step 1 Choose two companies you are most interested in and write your first self-reflective essay describing your choice. Step 2 Fill in the form of the resume and post it in your blog.
Process Task 3 Step 1 Study the list of specialties your companies offer you. Describe advantages and disadvantages. What are the 5 top needed specialties? Put your reflections in your personal blog. These links will be helpful to manage the task. If you have chosen Shell, follow these links: http: //www. shell. com/home/Framework? site. Id=careers- en&FC 2=/careersen/html/iwgen/you_and_your_career/job_areas/zzz_lhn. html&FC 3=/caree rs-rs- en/html/iwgen/you_and_your_career/job_areas/job_areas_13102006. html http: //www. shell. com/home/Framework? site. Id=careers-en&FC 2=/careers- en/html/iwgen/student_graduate/zzz_lhn. html&FC 3=/careers — en/html/iwgen/student_graduate/dir_students_graduates_07082006. html If you have chosen Lukoil, follow these links : : http: //www. lukoil. com/static_6_5 id_267_. html If you have chosen Saudi Aramco, follow these links: http: //jobs. saudiaramco. com/jobs/jobs/home. Action. do
If you have chosen Halliburton, follow these links: http: //www. halliburton. com/careers/univ_intern_appr. jsp http: //www. halliburton. com/careers/profiles. jsp If you have chosen British Petroleum, follow these links: http: // www. bp. com/multipleimagesection. do? category. Id =127&content. Id=7018058 If you have chosen Schlumberger, follow these links: http : // wwwwww. . slbslb. . comcom // content // careers // needs // index. . aspasp ? ? If you have chosen Chevron, follow these links: http: //careers. chevron. com/students/ http: //careers. chevron. com/career_and_benefits/growth_opportunities. aspx http: //careers. chevron. com/disciplines/default. aspx If you have chosen Gazprom, follow these links: http : // gazpromjob. ru // resume. php If you have chosen TNK BP , , follow these links : : http: //www. tnk-bp. com/press/media/2005/7/1665/ http: //www. tnk-bp. com/career/
Task Step 2 Define your professional qualities and write about them in your personal blog.
Process Task 4 Step 1 Study the safety rules and conduct code. Put 10 do’s and don’ts in your blog If you have chosen Shell, follow these links: http: //www. shell. com If you have chosen Lukoil, follow these links: http: //www. lukoil. com/static_6_5 id_268_. html http: //www. lukoil. com/static_6_5 id_2114_. html http: //www. lukoil. com/static_6_5 id_267_. html If you have chosen Saudi Aramco, follow these links: http: //www. saudiaramco. com If you have chosen British Petroleum, follow these links: http: //www. bp. com/multipleimagesection. do? category. Id=127&content. Id=
If you have chosen Halliburton, follow these links: http: //www. halliburton. com/Default. aspx? navid=344&pageid=973 http: //www. halliburton. com/Default. aspx? navid =339&pageid=771 If you have chosen Schlumberger, follow these links: http : // wwwwww. . slbslb. . comcom If you have chosen Chevron, follow these links: http: //www. chevron. com/globalissues/healthsafety/ If you have chosen Gazprom, follow these links: http: //www. gazprom. ru/eng/articles/article 8849. shtml If you have chosen TNK BP , , follow these links: http: //www. tnk-bp. com/hsse/standards/
Process Task 5 Step 1 Write your second self-reflective essay in which you present the possibilities of future career and study. Give the reasons why this company suits you? What are your prospects? If you have chosen Shell, follow these links: http: //www. shell. com/home/Framework? site. Id=careers-en&FC 2=/careers-en/html/iwgen/you_and_your_career/why_join_shell/zzz_l hn. html&FC 3=/careersen/html/iwgen/you_and_your_career/why_join_shell/why_join_shell_ 12102006. html If you have chosen Lukoil, follow these links: http: //www. lukoil. com/static_6_5 id_29_. html http: //www. lukoil. com/static_6_5 id_2142_. html If you have chosen Saudi Aramco, follow these links: http : // jobs. . saudiaramco. . comcom // employment/ http : // wwwwww. . jobsataramco. . comcom // Home // default. . aspx If you have chosen British Petroleum, follow these links: http: //www. bp. com/sectiongenericarticle. do? category. Id=9009240&content. Id=7017266 http: //www. bp. com/sectiongenericarticle. do? category. Id=9009143&content. Id=
If you have chosen Halliburton, follow these links: http: //www. halliburton. com/ps/default. aspx? pageid=1 http: //www. halliburton. com/careers/univ_faq. jsp If you have chosen Schlumberger, follow these links: http : // wwwwww. . slbslb. . comcom // content // careers // needs // index. . aspasp ? ? http : // wwwwww. . slbslb. . comcom // content // careers // jobs // index. . aspasp ? ? If you have chosen Chevron, follow these links: http: //www. chevron. com/brands/ http: //www. chevron. com/operations // If you have chosen Gazprom, follow these links: http: //gazpromjob. ru/resume. php If you have chosen TNK BP , , follow these links: http: //www. tnk-bp. com/operations/ofs/ http: //www. tnk-bp. com/press/media/2005/7/1665/ http: //www. tnk-bp. com/career/
Evaluation The performance of this Web Quest is evaluated by 100 grades. Task 1 — 15 points; Task 2 — 15 points; Task 3 — 15 points; Task 4 — 15 points; Task 5 — 40 points. To receive an official credit for the course you are to make 80 or more points of 100.
Conclusion By completing this activity you will be able to … 1. Learn more about petrochemical and gas companies; 2. Develop your communicative skills; 3. Experience various internet technologies: e-mail, chatting and blogging; 4. Find to explore the possibilities of your future specialty and career.
Credits & References Additional links : : helpful links http : // wwwwww. . sharpened. . netnet // glossary // index. . phpphp http: //www. lingvo. ru/english/dictinfo. asp? dict. Id=95204 http: //www. alphadictionary. com/directory/Specialty_Dictionaries/Oil_, 038_Gas/ http: //www. glossary. oilfield. slb. com/Default. cfm http: //www. thefreedictionary. com/oil http: //www. pngis. net/dictionary/
Oil and Gas World’s Companies WEB-QUEST