Презентация Web Quest Festivals Teachers presentation 2

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Web Quest: A Time to Celebrate Lyceum № 86 Yaroslavl
Web Quest: A Time to Celebrate What is a tradition? -The passing down of the beliefs, practices, and customs from the past to the present. (The Longman Dictionary of English Language and Culture. ) http: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/T radition
Tradition The word tradition comes from the Latin traditionem , acc. of traditio which means «handing over, passing on», and is used in a number of ways in the English language: Beliefs or customs taught by one generation to the next, often orally. For example, we can speak of the tradition of sending birth announcements. A set of customs or practices. For example, we can speak of Christmas traditions. (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
Traditions are… — a way of defining who people are. — something people keep doing for a long time. — ancient. — long-standing. — great. — essential part of our life because they join different generations together.
Introduction There are many holidays and celebrations. Holidays and celebrations are special days for fun and remembering the past. In this Web Quest you will learn about Halloween, Easter, Christmas as well as other festivals all over the world.
Task You are working at a popular radio station. You have been commissioned to prepare a radio program about traditional and exotic festivals. It should be both attractive and unusual. Use this Web Quest to find interesting and important things about festivals. In your program: 1. Describe the festival (give some general information, speak about history, decorations, costumes, what happens in the festival nowadays). 2. Describe what special food is cooked.
Process Work in groups of 3 or 4. Choose one of the festivals and complete the tasks: Halloween Christmas Easter Holi Notting Hill Carnival
Final Task You are on the air now. You have only 3 minutes to present your radio program “Tell me about a Holiday”. Ask the listeners to answer the questions of created “Quiz” (Answer Sheet).
Evaluation Think about your own work in your group. Look at the chart below and answer the questions giving yourself points from 1 to 5. Criterion Comments Score(1 -5) 1 Originality Did the program engage listeners? 2 Task achievement Did the program focus on festivals and traditions? 3 Fluency Did I speak fluently? 4 Accuracy Did I speak without mistakes? 5 Participation Did I participate equally with all the rest in the program? Total score
Conclusion Now you have all learned a lot about holidays and traditions. Nice work. You should be proud of yourselves! Now you can use what you’ve learned to make comparisons between different festivals abroad and your own community. What other festivals could still be explored? Remember, learning never stops.
Resources http: //abc. ffl. msu. ru/kolesnik/index. php? option=com_kunena&Itemid=0&func=view&catid=2&id=16 http: //wiki. answers. com/Q/FAQ/2170 http: //wiki. answers. com/Q/FAQ/1824 http: //www. topics-mag. com/internatl/holidays/festivals. htm http: //lucymacdonald. typepad. com/positive_perspective_quot/christmas/ http: //www. encyclopedia. com/doc/1 G 1 -139938377. html http: //mycrocosmos. wordpress. com/2008/10/14/christian-attitudes-toward-halloween/ http: //www. pumpkin-carving. com/pumpkin_carving_basic. html http: //www. pumpkinnook. com/facts/jack. htm http: //www. fabulousliving. com/index. php? option=com_resource&controller=article&category_id=273&article=21470 http: //www. holidays. net/halloween/trick. htm http: //food. ivillage. com/holiday/halloween/0, , dk 9 n 0 x 2 n, 00. html? iv. NPA=1&sky=ggl|ivl|fd|halloween|c http: //www. Easterbunnys. net/easterbunnyhistory. htm http: //www. angelfire. com/oh 3/page 12 b/index. html http: //www. mexconnect. com/mex_/feature/easterindex. html http: //www. woodlands-junior. kent. sch. uk/customs/xmas/decorations. html http: //www. woodlands-junior. kent. sch. uk/customs/xmas/dinner. html http: //www. dreamsalivemagazine. com/christmas 2003/columns/justforkids/ http: //familyfun. go. com/christmas-recipes/christmas-dinner-recipes/ http: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Tradition http: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Holi http: //www. holifestival. org/holi-festival. html http: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Notting_Hill_Carnival http: //www. surfin-britain. de/dyn/150728. phtml? SID=Bft 6 HXIVGty. Fwi 1 n. VHo 2 Yjgvp 8 v. Od. QWP