Презентация speaking Автосохраненный last one

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  • Размер: 1.6 Mегабайта
  • Количество слайдов: 11

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Outline I. Introduction II. Main Body a.  Why it is a problem b.  SoOutline I. Introduction II. Main Body a. Why it is a problem b. So called “Religious wars” and their real causes c. Survey, Interview III. Conclusion

Religion ≠ War Religion ≠ War

Religion = Peace Religion = Peace

Arab vs. Israel Arab vs. Israel

Terror war being led by Osama bin Laden Terror war being led by Osama bin Laden

Jihad – The Holy War    The word “war” in this context does notJihad – The Holy War The word “war” in this context does not mean violence

Survey results Survey results

Survey results Survey results

The stereotype should be broken The stereotype should be broken

References Allen, A. (2011),  “What the world thinks of God? ” Retrieved November 24, 2012References Allen, A. (2011), “What the world thinks of God? ” Retrieved November 24, 2012 from http: //www. whitedovebooks. co. uk/blog/2011/01/does-religion-cause-war/ Austin, G. , Kranock. T. , “God and war: an audit and an exploration” Buist, I. , (2000), “Is religion to blame? ” Retrieved November 25, 2012 from http: // www. nap. edu/openbook. php? record_id=11283&page=9 Cleveland, C. , ( 2010, December) “Religion in world affairs” Retrieved November 26, 2012 from http: //water. epa. gov/polwaste/vwd/index. cfm Rossano, M (2006) “Why religion does not equal war” Retrieved November 21, 2012 from http: //news. bbc. co. uk/2/hi/programmes/wtwtgod/3513709. stm