Презентация qingdynasty. short
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Qing Dynasty 1644 -1912 Libby Mulcahy, Vicki Tinnell, Josh Quinnie
Dynasty: Alineage of hereditary succession to an essentially same position, usually monarchy. Family members follow one another to the position, according to rules of their dynasty. http: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Dynasty
New Dynasty Run smooth government Corrupt or bad policy People try to overthrow. Heaven weighs in » Mandate of Heaven»
The. Manchuswerepeopleofthe. Manchuriaregion whoinvadedchinaandovertookthedynasty. The leaderofthe. Manchusbecamechinasnewemperor.
Opium. War. Between. Chinaandthe. British(1839) when. Britainrefusedtotrade. Opiumwith Chinese. Chinalostandsignedpeacetreaty.
Taiping Rebellion Asaresponsetotheopiumwar, thisrebellionbecamethelargestever ledby. Hong. Xiuquancapturedcityof. Nanjinganddeclaredhis capitol. Thisnewcapitolwasnonetobecalled, «Heavenlykingdom ofgreatpeace. «
Important Facts #1 • Manchuemperorswerntverypopularbecausetheywere non. Chineseanddescendedfromhorsemenfromthenorthand openedup. Chinatoexploitationfromthe. West. Theemperors alsomademanyimprovementsinthelivesofordinaryand expanded. Chinatoitspresentsize. http: //factsanddetails. com/china. php? itemid=57&catid=2&subcatid=2 #2 • The. Qing. Dynastywasthesecondtimeinhistorywhen. Chinaasa wholewasruledbyforeigners, whichatthistimewerethe. Manchus. http: //www. mnsu. edu/emuseum/prehistory/china/later_imperial_china/qing. html
Important. Figure: Kangxi 16611721 Hereducedgovernmentexpenses andloweredtaxes. The societygainedwealthandenjoyed peaceandprosperity. Oneofhis greatestcontributionstotheartswas theestablishmentofadditional imperialworkshopsinthe. Forbidden Cityitself. Alsoinitiatedor sponsoredalargenumberofliterary compilations, linguisticand lexicographicstudiesandother intellectualprojects http: //www. threeemperors. org. uk/in dex. php? pid=
Important Figure: Qianglong 17361796 Heskillfullydealtwiththe relationshipbetween. Manchu, Hanandotherethnicminoritiesto reinforceimperialpower. His controlwasthemostprosperous periodof. Qing. Dynasty. Hemade aseriesofmilitarycampaigns thatgotridofthe. Turkand. Mongol threatstonortheastern. China, whichwasdurngthe 1950’s, madehisempirelargerby creatingthe. New. Province, and reinforced. Chineseauthorityinthe south. http: //www. historyofchina. com/qing dynasty/qianlongemperor. htm
Why Qing Dynasty was important: Qing Dynasty was only the second to be invaded and ruled by foreigners. The «Qing» was the forigners who ruled in China, whom were very succesful and the ruler was Qianglong. They had their own certain identity and did everything against the way chinese would such as speak their own language and required them to wear Manchu clothes. The influence of the forigners made this dynasty importnat because the period of peace that followed therising of the Qing Dynasty allowed for growth in all areas. Publis works were repaired, taxes were reduces, trade grew, such as silk and tea trade with Britian, and the rising allowed a rebirth of art and learning. Also, this dynasty was importnat because the borders of China were expanded to their greatest extent ever while still under Qianglong’s power. http: //www. mnsu. edu/emuseum/prehistory/china/later_imperial_china/qing. html