Презентация През IF

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  • Размер: 7.4 Mегабайта
  • Количество слайдов: 22

Описание презентации Презентация През IF по слайдам

  ULFs(‘unit-length’ filaments) 4 octamers ULFs(‘unit-length’ filaments) 4 octamers

  Fe. SEM image of the inner surface of Xenopus oocyte NEs at medium (A) Fe. SEM image of the inner surface of Xenopus oocyte NEs at medium (A) and high (B) magnification Black arrows indicate the lamin filaments and their orientation. White arrows indicate putative ULFs. Individual and clusters of NPCs are also shown.

  nesprin SUN  Plectin Lamin BIF nesprin SUN Plectin Lamin BI