- Размер: 3.4 Mегабайта
- Количество слайдов: 10
Описание презентации Презентация presentation personal project по слайдам
“ The difference between British and American versions of the English language “ Personal Project Name Shuplyakova Ekaterina 9 «A» grade Education Centre Gamma Supervisor Drozdova Elena Valentinovna
Aim • My project is devoted to difference of the English language • The main aim is to make an additional material for English lessons (a lesson-presentation and a booklet)
The reason why I choose this project because I `m fond of the English language and our school program does not envisage the American variant, so this theme is interesting for me. And in my future life I want to l ive in the USA.
Areas of Interaction Approaches to Learning • Organization skills • Communication skills • Information skills • Presentation skills • Reflection skills • Thinking skills • Transfer skills
• Environment (language environment)
The process description • Stage 1. investigation At this stage I : — work with different souses of information (internet sites, books etc. ) — consult with project advisor -select relevant info
The process description • Stage 2. Creation At this stage I create presentation (virtual lesson) and a booklet (dictionary)
The final product
Analysis Advantages • I have created additional material for the English lessons • I have learnt many linguistic things • I tried myself in lecturing, and linguistic research Difficulties and solutions • It was not easy for me to present info in public • Time management
I would like to thank my supervisor E. V. Drozdova, my teachers M. M. Molonova, E. V. Tarasova for technical aid and moral support.