Презентация period 1
- Размер: 3 Mегабайта
- Количество слайдов: 10
Описание презентации Презентация period 1 по слайдам
Ms. Reicherz’s 7 th- Grade Class World History
Our Town Fort Lee, NJ George Washington Bridge to New York City
Downtown Cliffs overlooking Hudson River Community Center homes
Our School Lewis F. Cole Middle School – our school is named after the former superintendent of schools. We have about 600 students in our school. Our school only has 7 th and 8 th grades.
Our classes Each student has a specific schedule for the day. There are 8 periods a day, each lasting 42 minutes. They have 3 minutes to pass to the next class. One period is Language Arts (reading and writing), Mathematics, Science, World History, P. E. , and a lunch period. Then half the year they have computers and the other half Spanish. They also have art, home economics, wood working, and music for one semester.
Our class I have 5 classes of about 20 -30 students each. I am having only one class of 21 students. I only teach 7 th grade (ages 12 -14) We have students of many different cultures in our class, which makes us truly American (Italian, Russian, Korean, Spanish, African American, Serbian, Irish, Chinese, Japanese, Greek). Fort Lee, NJ has a high Korean population.
Cafeteria Hallway Math Class
Students in our school play many sports outside of school — baseball, softball, football, soccer, tennis, basketball, swimming, wrestling, gymnastics, ice skating, hockey
Physical Education – they play basketball, dance, kickball, running, volleyball, archery, and gymnastics
Schedules We start school at 8: 32 am and end at 2: 42 pm We only go to school Monday – Friday ; no students in the USA go to school on the weekends We have 4 semesters – 1 st marking period is September – November; 2 nd mp is late November – mid February; 3 rd mp is late February – April; and the 4 th mp is late April – the end of June We get out of school late June and have July and August off for summer vacation